Chapter 11

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Deku POV

I run towards my partner as fast as possible, digging up grass and dirt as I jump off the ground. I'm vaguely aware of Kacchan and Kirishima following behind me, their quirks already activated. I grab my boyfriend around the waist, bouncing off with him to gather distance between us and Endeavor. As soon as we land on the grass, the growing flames lighting up the area, I scan him with my eyes. I gasp, noticing the furiously hot burn marks, swelled up from his continued movement. I look up into his eyes.

"I should have come sooner... I didn't want you to be injured when I got here- oh my god. I'm so sorry Shoto—" I start as he cuts me off with a kiss, messy and strained, and somewhat tasting like iron. He pulls back before coughing, a dark substance covering his palm. My breath catches in my throat; blood. "You...have internal bleeding—" he interrupts me with a raised hand.

"He kicked me in the hurts like hell," he chuckles, going somewhat limp in my arms. I growl at his father, his footsteps growing closer. My body becomes a shield for my boyfriend as I start to walk away briskly, not wanting to hurt his injuries further. "I...I still want to fight." I shake my head at his request. I watch out of the corner of my eye as Kacchan and Kirishima run up to us, both their faces showing some amount of worry; Kacchan usually not showing any other emotion than anger. I haul Shoto onto the grass before spinning back around, smiling to myself as I hear the sirens creep closer towards the house.

Kacchan, Kirishima and I walk together, our bodies a barrier between Endeavor and his son. I hear Kacchan growl through his teeth, his hands already dripping with sweat, the air starting to smell like burnt caramel.

Endeavor laughs, the sound grating against our ears. "WHAT DO YOU THINK YOU CAN DO? LET ME TEACH THAT BASTARD," he points in the general direction of Shoto, "A LESSON." He growls, his flaming hair gaining blue roots. I grimace at the slur, steeling my stance. My friends do the same, Kirishima's skin starting to harden.

Endeavor roars in challenge as Kacchan runs forward, propelled by small explosions. He ducks under the man's outstretched arm, flipping around and aiming an explosion into his spine. Simultaneously, Kirishima kicks Endeavor's leg, his jagged skin spouting blood from the contact. I clench my fists, taking the split second of action to generate energy. As Kacchan aims for his next attack, the pro hero concentrated on his glistening palms, I jump towards the fray. I twist, aiming the sole of my foot right for his nose. I hear the cracking of bone, following by a cry of pain. I use the moment of contact, repelling myself onto the ground again.

He clutches his face, looking at me, only to be pounded again from the back by another explosion. I watch the two boys work in harmony, breaking down Endeavor's armor. I take a glance at Shoto only to gasp; he's not where we left him. I whip my head around, only to see a winding trial of frost. I follow it with my eyes, distracted until I feel a unnatural warmth next to my face. My eyes widen and I bounce back on all fours. Endeavor's hand, white hot, narrowly misses my eye, catching my shoulder instead. I roar, being flung in a circle by the limb. I feel my skin blistering and breaking, blood splattering across the ground. He releases me, my ruined shoulder colliding with the dirt and grass.

My left arm hangs limp at my side, the pain threatening to blur my vision. I wipe away my tears with my working arm, watching in fear as the silhouette, lit up in his own flames, of Endeavor almost sprints towards me. I cover my face with my hands, silently wishing All Might was here. After a moment I open my eyes again, seeing Endeavor frozen in place, his boots literally frozen to the ground. I turn my head, seeing a limping Shoto raise his hand at me, tears glinting in his eyes. I nod at him, trying to roll onto my good side.

I sway when I get to my feet, Kacchan and Kirishima's movements blurred by my watering eyes. My shoulder burns, the pain still doused by the natural pain killers. I dare not look at my mess of a limb. It feels as if it's been ripped off; it might as well have been, given my lack of movement. I'm distracted, thankfully, from the injury, as Endeavor yells, his hand now covered with blue flames. His alighted fist roughly holds Shoto by his left arm; he had obviously gotten too close to his beast of a father. I open my mouth in shock at the new flames, impressed for a moment by my partner's power. I rip my eyes away from the light as Kacchan's fists connect with Endeavor's knees, probably shattering them, Kirishima similarly punching the man's calves. I grimace as he falls onto his legs, the fire trucks now at the house. I sit down onto my knees, Shoto running, well more tripping, over to my side.

I smile weakly into his worried face, the pain almost become too intense for me to handle. Tears hit his ruined hands, his breath hitching in a sob.

"I'm...I'm so sorry Izuku. I never meant for this. Your arm.." He falters, burying his face in his hands. I sway my head to face him, my vision clouded with pain.

"I'll..I'll be okay. I love you," I manage to say. His sobs become louder, Kirishima looking over at us worriedly but not moving. I try to place my good arm over him, only managing in draping it across his shoulder. "You'll..come back.." I cough, blood now staining my hand, "to my house...we can...make you soba..." He stares into my eyes, sharing my pain.

"Oh Jesus, Izuku...I love you too." We crouch together, firemen and his siblings, finally showing their faces, starting to surround us. We're going to be alright.

—1 month later—

We stare up into the ceiling fan, the hospital room somewhat cold against our injuries. I look over at my boyfriend, his face neutral.

"Do you think my father's going to be okay?" He looks over at me. I frown at him.

"Since we won the court case I'm guessing we didn't damage him too badly. He did already have domestic violence on his record," I reply, joining our hands together across the small gap between our beds. He chuckles, looking back at the ceiling. I do the same.

"How're your injuries feeling?"

"Horrible." We laugh, our pain mostly shared between us. He sighs out.

"I fucking love you Deku," he says, my face turning red at the mention of my nickname. I turn my face away, embarrassed.

"You know I get flustered when you call me that, Hand-Crusher," I use his most hated pet name, gaining an endearing glare from my partner. I laugh, the motion hurting my shoulder.

"I'm glad I met you. If I hadn't pushed myself to go against my father...well..I guess I could be dead." He smiles at me. "I appreciate you. I really do. I can't even express it." He raises his free hand up, exasperated. I chuckle liltingly at his attempt, clutching his hand tighter. We sit in a moment of comfortable silence before Shoto speaks up again.

"Izuku...umm...I know...well it won't be right away...but... Will you marry me?" At my startled glance, he grins, hope in his eyes. I smile, my breath hitching in my lungs and my pulse quickening. I nod, both of our faces brightening. He leans over, our lips meeting, both of us smiling like idiots.

God I love this boy.

A/N: I'm actually getting emotional.. This journey is finally over
This was so much fun and it was amazing meeting you guys in the comments and just seeing all your contributions
I absolutely love this fandom and I'll probably be doing another bnha fic, if not a sequel (but I first have three other things to finish)
Thank you for much for sticking with me! I seriously appreciate every single one of you <333
I love you guys. See you in the next fic <33

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