Chapter 3

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Midoriya POV

"Are The Teams Ready?" All Might calls out. I set my jaw, glancing at Todoroki. He nods at me. I let One For All rush through my body, focusing of 5% Full Cowling. The blue energy escapes at my fingertips, lighting the floor sporadically. Kacchan widens his eyes at this, growling.

"GO!" I instantly jump onto the walls, Todoroki laying down ice underneath me. Hanta jumps out of the way, sticking his tape to the wall. Bakugou jumps and uses his explosions to propel himself towards Todoroki. As I ricochet I see the glow of Todoroki's flames. As I flip, I catch him smiling up at me before unleashing an attack on Kacchan. He flips out of the way at the last moment.

I look around and see Hanta watching the action on the ground. A mistake. I jump off the wall, my fist colliding with his stomach. I fall to the ground, Hanta falling just under me. At this Kacchan yells at him, taking his eyes off of Todoroki. At that Todoroki uses his ice to plant Kacchan's legs to the ground, using his flames to heat up his fist, running to hit him.

I jump off Hanta, pushing him into the ground. As I jump off I feel his tape wrap around my wrist. I twist and grab the tape. I hear the yell from Hanta as I slam him across the wall then to the ground before he can react by cutting it off. I turn my head and see Kacchan place out his arm, his costume glowing.

"Hanta Is Out!"

"TODOROKI!" I yell as I jump off the wall, slamming into Kacchan's back. I jump off his back, hitting him again. While Kacchan is dazed, Todoroki charges, punching him, sending him flying across the floor. I skid on the ground, meeting Todoroki. We both watch as Kacchan slowly gets up, shaking. He sets out both his arms, his costume heating up. Using his teeth he pulls out both of the clips on his arms. At that moment I grab Todoroki by the hand, feeling my legs cramp as I use more power than I can control. I grab onto a nearby pipe, Todoroki dangling from my hand. With his foot he makes an ice ledge, allowing me to jump off.

The explosion happens underneath me as I propel myself towards Kacchan. Using 5% Full Cowling I punch Kacchan in the stomach, twisting around instantly and kicking him in the back. Out of the corner of my eye I see Todoroki race towards us, ice surfing. He kicks Kacchan in the head, making him fall to the ground. As I hit the ground I roll, letting the power escape. I sigh, getting up from my crouching position and heading over to Todoroki. He grabs my hand and looks at it. The glove had burnt off, I hadn't even noticed that the explosion had hit my hand. I felt his left hand heat up against mine.

"Thank you," he says quietly. I smile back at him.

"Midoriya And Todoroki Win!" I hear All Might's voice echo through the stage. A gate opens and two carrier robots pick up the now unconscious Kacchan and Hanta, taking them to Recovery Girl. I walk through the gate with Todoroki at my side. We are greeted by my peers in the observation room, Uraraka running up to us.

"That was amazing Deku! I can't believe you beat Kacchan!" She makes excited gestures. I laugh nervously, rubbing the back of my neck.

"No no! It was because Todoroki was there that I could beat Kacchan. I couldn't have done it on my own I mean he's so much more powerful than me," she cuts off my rambling by pulling my and Todoroki's arms towards All Might. He looks down at me.

"Good Work Midoriya, Todoroki. You Showed Control Of Your Quirks And Communicated Well. I Think We Can All Learn Something From This," All Might motions to the whole class. Todoroki and I move to sit down but All Might grabs my shoulder. "I Just Need To Discuss Things Over With Midoriya. The Next Team Prepare To Fight," he pushes me towards the door, Todoroki looking at me, suspicious.

As soon as we got outside the door, All Might turns into his true form, breathing heavily. I put my hands up, worryingly.

" did you handle one for all?" He looks at me, his blue irises glowing.

"Well I used One For All at 5% but I think when I jumped with Todoroki I had to use more. My legs cramped when I did that but I don't think I did any permanent damage," I explained. He nodded.

"i think you should try to concentrate on using 10%. you seem ready enough-" he coughs, wiping away blood. "you will need to progress quickly if you are going to fight All For One." I swallow nervously at the thought of All For One. Noticing my discomfort All Might put his hand on my head. "just focus on progressing son," at the last word he covers his mouth, his eyes wide.

"Did you just call me son?" I tilt my head, eyes wide, stifling a laugh.

"i am so sorry," he covers his face with his hands. I laugh. "we should go back inside." He points to the door. He goes back into his muscle form, smiling to cover up his embarrassment from calling me son. The other students look at us. I try to hide my laugh until I get to Todoroki.

"What happened?" He asks, noticing my red face. I wave it off.

"Nothing, nothing. What did you do while I was gone?" He motions to Momo.

"I was talking. She gave me some good advice," he looks away as he says 'advice'.

Todoroki POV

"Shoto!" Momo runs up to me, bouncing excitedly. I look over in her direction, giving an inquiring look. "You held hands! That was so cute! You should ask him out," she finished her sentence with a smile, raising her eyebrows. I chuckle, dying inside.

"Momo..." she's been like this ever since kindergarten. Trying to set me up with everyone imaginable. "Thanks for the 'advice'," I make quotation marks with my hands, ignoring the heat in my cheeks.

End of Flashback

Midoriya POV

"Really? That's good," I say, confusion in my eyes at the redness in his face. He coughs awkwardly, being interrupted by the voice of All Might.

"Next Team Get Ready!" After a pause he yells out, "GO!"

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