Chapter 9

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A/N: also sorry if it annoys you if I use " instead of ' for speech, i have to keep the continuity up :') I'll use the correct one for my next fan fictions

Deku's POV (I really don't have to put these here since they're all from his pov)

I look up, my eyes blurred with tears, at the two approaching boys. Kirishima comes to my side first, crouching down to my level.

"What the hell just happened?" He asks, placing his hand on my shoulder. I wipe my palm across my eyes, looking away.

"I have to save him from his father. He could get really hurt," I choke, placing my head in my hands. Kirishima pats my back, probably gesturing for his partner to help cheer me up.

"Does this mean we'll get to beat up that human candle?" I hear Kacchan growl through a smile, his footsteps growing closer. Kirishima must have persuaded him. I sigh.

"Why do you care?" I ask, standing up with Kirishima's help. I turn to him, tilting my head. He grins at me, putting me on edge; like always. He doesn't reply, leaving me to make my own conclusions*. I open my mouth, closing it again after seeing Kirishima's worried glance. He whispers in my ear.

"I've tried forcing him to answer before. I'd advise against it." He gives me a thumbs up, smiling. I laugh weakly, giving Kacchan a sideways glance, cautious. Kirishima moves back to stand beside his partner again, crossing his arms against his chest. I wipe my eyes again, looking at my friends determinedly.

"We need a plan."

We step back into the cafe, our original booth cleared of both drinks and people. We slide in, Kacchan and Kirishima sitting opposite me. I drum my fingers on the table to combat the silence, each of us hesitant to start the conversation. I open my mouth to speak, closing it again, looking to the side. I hear Kacchan growl.

"One of you needs to speak! How're you going to save him?" He crosses his arms, frowning to the side. I sigh.

"We'll have to sneak him out carefully if we want to avoid confrontation.." At my friends determined gazes I steel my own, 'but it will most likely lead to a fight. Endeavor fights fire with fire. If he doesn't want to burn down his house he'll show some constraint. We should too, we don't want to be fined for property damage.' Kirishima nods along with my rambling.

'But for Kacchan to fully utilize his quirk, we'll definitely have to take the fight outside. I've seen what he's done to criminals. Some have even been burnt to a crisp." We shudder, remembering when the news captured that horrific moment. 'Maybe his siblings will help?' He suggests. I shrug.

'They may not want to fight with their father. I'm sure they've all seen the damage he can inflict.' Suddenly an idea pops into my head, startling me. I motion for them gather around.

'Sounds stupid. But I think it'll work.' Kacchan says, praising me for once. I grin, whipping out my phone.

Midoriya: What's Endevour's address?

All Might: 145-1005, Kashiwagi, Noto-cho Hosu-gun, Musutafu. Why?

Midoriya: No reason. Thank you!

I shove it back into my pocket. This was going to be a stressful night.

A/N: * if you don't remember Kacchan eavesdropped on Midoriya and Todoroki in the sports festival, so he knows all about his past and father (if I remember correctly anyway)

Also!! I'm currently writing a original story based in the Monster Hunter World universe. I will most likely write the majority of it before posting it anywhere (here and AO3). The blurb:

When Xeno'jiva is slain the player goes home joyous, unbeknownst to their changing body; the shining light of the elder dragon preserved in another entity...

I am very excited to publish it and I hope you are too! If you want to be notified when it is posted make sure to follow me <33

Also 10k reads!! Thank you to everyone who has stuck by me <33

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