Chapter 7

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Midoriya's POV

I sit on the bed as Recovery Girl checks over my arm. She sighs and sits back in her chair. "There's not much I can do. You'll be fine as long as Todoroki keeps looking after you," she addresses us. "I know you'll all be worried, especially you All Might." She points at the older man, making us all freeze up. I look at Todoroki, his eyes wide and disbelieving.

"Please don't freak out–"

"recovery girl! why would you call me that?" I'm interrupted by All Might questioning the nurse. He turns to Todoroki. "young todoroki. you can't tell anyone about this. you can't put it online anywhere."

"So your quirk is a boost?" He asks softly, gaining frantic nods from me and All Might. "You already knew Midoriya?"

"Well yeah, I mean he told me. But not because I'm special. I just..I saw when I was attacked by a villain before I came here. And he couldn't really keep it a secret." I panic, deciding to tell him the truth.

"Huh." He looks at the floor, contemplating it. "Okay." He sighs, "so he'll be okay?" He asks Recovery Girl.

"Just as I said, as long as you keep looking after him." As she says that Todoroki grabs my hand again, taking me off the bed. He smiles at me, nodding a goodbye at the two adults.

"Thank you for keeping calm." I grinned weakly at him. He smiles back before we walk back into the classroom, the teacher looking up at us, questioningly.

"Sorry, we were at the nurse's office."

The rest of the day went as normal, except for Todoroki clasping onto my hand the whole time, which I didn't mind. We took our shoes from our locker, slipping them on and walking out the front gates.

"You better not stay up all night like last night. I don't want you losing sleep over me," I warn him.

"You don't need to worry. I don't want you to get worse." We walk onto the train, sitting next to each other. I shuffle closer to him slowly, before placing my head on his shoulder. After a moment he places an arm around me, losing it in my hair. I hesitated at the touch, the only people who have touched my hair on purpose have been bullies. "You do know that I didn't mean to hurt you...don't you?" I curse myself, Todoroki misunderstanding my hesitation.

"No no I know that! I find your company comforting and I really appreciate you looking after me," I explain, flitting my eyes around nervously.

"Well that's the first time anyone's said that to me..I'm usually too cold for people's liking," he replies, playing with my hair absentmindedly.

"To be honest, I thought that when we first met. Especially when you cornered me in the corridor during the Sports Festival. But then I saw you for who you really were. And now...I'm really glad you're here." I snuggle closer to him, closing my eyes, feeling his hand run through my curls. I feel my cheeks heat up at his touch, a shiver running through me.

At the same time, Todoroki's hand starts to heat up, my hair becoming loose at the change in temperature. I draw in a breath to speak, but before I can open my mouth we both lurch to the side, the train coming to a sudden stop. I stand up quickly, playing with my hair nervously.

"It's our stop! We should get off." I start walking towards the door, Todoroki close behind me. He grabs my hand, my whole body stiffening up at the touch. We both keep walking, passing the station gates, tapping our passes and trotting down the stairs to the exit. I catch a glimpse of myself in the polished wall; my curls are a mess.

I glance up at Todoroki, his stride now matching mine. I take in a deep breath. "I think we should train again." He suddenly looks down at me, worry creeping into his eyes. "I'm feeling better. I think.." I knew he was still regulating my temperature as we spoke, my body not feeling the random fevers.

"I don't think we should do that. You need more rest, not exercise." He grips my hand harder, reassuring himself of my weakened state.

"But what if there's an attack? What if I'm cornered?"

"I'll be there to protect you." His words shut me up, my heart started to beat faster. "I care deeply for you Midoriya. I won't let anyone harm you." He throws me a soft smile, his cheeks taking on a slight pinkish hue.

"Oh.." My throat dries as my stomach does flips. He cares deeply for me? How much? I watch as his expression turns into worry. He looks away.

"I'm sorry. I didn't take your feelings into account." His grip on my hand loosens. I hold his hand tighter.

"Don't be. I umm... I actually... Really... Li-" I'm interrupted by my mum waving at me from a short distance. I smile apologetically at Todoroki before racing off to meet her, my face burning.

"Izuku! I'm so glad you're alright! The school called and said you went to the nurses office. I'm glad you're okay!" She rambles, bringing me into a warm embrace.

"Thanks mum, I do need to go inside though, Todoroki promised me he'd help me with my math." I peel myself from the hug, ushering Todoroki closer.

"I thought you were good at math?" She tilts her head. I shift my eyes, suddenly very nervous.

"I still need some practice though...anyway!" I walk through the open door, Todoroki trailing behind me, both of us tripping up the stairs. I close my door softly, sighing out.

"So why did you want me to help you, if you were already good at it?" I turn to my friends confused gaze.

"I did it so I would be able to spend more time with you. I wasn't expecting that we would literally be inseparable," I explain, my voice going soft. He smiles at me and sits down on the bed, patting the spot next to him.

I sit down next to him, looking up at him, tilting my head slightly. "I am glad we're spending time together, even with how it happened," he paused, sighing out, "I actually want to tell you something. Something I'm guessing you wanted to tell me before" He fiddles with his hands, making small chunks of ice and melting them to steam a moment later. I gulp, slightly shaking.

I clear my throat, "what is it?" I look at my feet as he takes my hands in his, squeezing them comfortingly.

"I really like you Midoriya. And I umm, want to take you out for lunch this Saturday after school. If you don't mind," he blurts out, his voice becoming uncertain. Tears start to prick my eyes.

"Like a date?" I ask breathlessly. He nods. "I want to go. I seriously like's kind of weird," I laugh slightly, my eyes going wide as Todoroki leans in, smiling. I give a little shriek as his lips meet mine, his eyes closing. I feel my face and hands heat up, probably from my friend's–well more than friend's–left hand. We break apart, my breaths ragged and deep.

"Wow," I manage. "What should we do now? Maybe you can teach me that math, or we can train, or take a walk, or—" I'm cut off by Todoroki laughing, a soft, kind of adorable, sort of laugh. I blink at the sound, relishing it.

"Let's go to the beach. I want to impress my boyfriend with some new moves." He winks.

A/N: what do you think about the next chapter being in Todoroki's POV?

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