Chapter 6

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Midoriya POV

I could remember stumbling through the streets towards my house, being supported by Todoroki. I remember my mom whispering frantically over me, being silenced by my friend. What I don't remember is ending up in the same bed as Todoroki. My tired eyes open to his own mismatched eyes staring at me. His eyes open wider as I smile at him weakly. I could slightly feel his hands gripping my injured arm lightly, however, because of our positions, he cradled me in his arms as we lay on the bed.

As I felt his left hand become a little hotter I perk up. "Wh-what are you doing?" I whisper at him. He smiles at me.

"I'm regulating your temperature so you don't get worse. You don't need to worry." I frown at him best I can.

"But that means you won't get any sleep. You need sleep.." I trail off, my face feeling heavy. He pulls me closer to his chest, resting his forehead against my own.

"I told you. You don't need to worry." I start to drift off, closing my eyes. My breath hitches when I feel his lips against my forehead. As soon as he finishes the light kiss I snuggle into him, grinning to myself.

I wake up to my alarm, slowly coming back into my weakened body. My eyes flutter open to see Todoroki dozing next to me, his hands still clasped around my own. I nudge him awake.

" need to get up if you want to catch the bus," I stifle a chuckle as I see him start, jumping slightly. He looks into my eyes nervously, opening his mouth to say something. I shake my head slightly. "I'm okay. You don't need to worry," I repeated his words from last night. Suddenly we both blushed, remembering last night. The kiss. I shake it off, but the butterflies in my stomach persisted. I gulp.

"I should get up." He seems reluctant but I nod anyway. Untangling himself from me, he stands up beside the bed. I try to follow his example but as soon as I sat up vertigo hits me, forcing me to stare into a swirling void. Seeing me pause Todoroki quickly reaches over to grab my numb hand, cooling it down with his right palm. The dizziness stops, and I stand up with his help. "Be more careful. We never should've trained together. You still don't have total control over your quirk." He bites his lip, avoiding my eyes.

"No. Don't blame yourself, I'm the one that suggested it. I'm also the one that didn't dodge," I try to joke, getting a small smile from him. "Thank you for looking after me—" he cuts me off.

"And I will until you're better. It's my ice that did this to you." He nods to himself. I laugh softly, looking down at myself. I freeze up, seeing my bare chest and legs. I gesture, speechless. He turns away from me. "I had to see if you had any other injuries." I move to put on clothes, checking to see if he's watching me over my shoulder.

"Could you help me put this on?" I pass him my shirt, gesturing to my injured arm. He nods, lifting my arm up and slipping it into the sleeve. I turn to him, letting him do up the buttons. He finishes by tying the tie for my uniform. I smile apologetically at him before he goes through his bag, looking for his own clothes.

We go slowly down the stairs, Todoroki holding my hand, to see my mother already up. "Mom?" I ask her, her face brightening at my words. She rushes towards me.

"Are you okay? You don't need to go to the hospital do you? I was so scared when you came home yesterday. You're lucky your boyfriend was taking care of you." My face heats up, glancing up at Todoroki, seeing his face do the same. I clear my throat as he squeezes my hand.

"He's not my boyfriend mom," I say awkwardly, wanting to change the subject. "So what's for breakfast?"

"I made you boys' favourites. Izuku talks so much about you Todoroki I practically know everything about you." She smirks at me before taking a seat at the table. I grin apologetically, leading him to the table. I eye up the katsudon before saying "itadakimasu!" The others soon follow suit.

We finally get out the door at 7:15, a little later than usual because of my injury. Todoroki hoists both our bags, holding my hand. We jog towards the station together. We hop onto the train and settle down before I speak up.

"We should go see Recovery Girl when we get to school," I suggest, earning a fervent nod.

"I'm sure Aizawa-sensei would allow it."

We sit down at our desks as the other students file in. Hanta strides over towards us.

"Just because I lost in the battle doesn't mean you can take my seat." He gestures to the table Todoroki is taking up next to me. I watch as he just stares up at the other boy, fire and ice in his eyes. I see Hanta's eyes drift over to our clasped hands, smiling awkwardly. "You know what. You can sit here for now." He walks over to Todoroki's old desk, talking to the people there.

"You didn't have to do this during school as well. You already did it all night." I lean over to him, worry in my eyes. He quickly waves off my worry.

"I want to." He reassures me by squeezing my hand, sending butterflies to my stomach. Why am I so flustered around him?

As the door opens we stand up, watching Aizawa-sensei crawl out of his sleeping bag and walk over to the podium.

"Good morning class. As I'm sure you've noticed I haven't been replying to emails recently. That's because of a recent relationship development that you all don't need to worry—" he is quickly cut off by a swarm of questions from the entire class. I look worriedly between everyone, not understanding any of their jumbled sentences.

"I SAID you don't need to worry about it." He lashes out his fabric coils to cover some of the louder student's mouths. Suddenly the door slams open, Present Mic rushing in.

"HEY BABE, DO YOU HAVE ANY EXTRA PENS? A BUNCH OF STUDENTS FORGOT THEIRS FOR THEIR TEST." As he turns to the class, he freezes, the students staring at him, their mouths open. He glances up at his, now known, boyfriend, flinching. Aizawa activates his quirk, disabling Mic's own quirk. "I'm sorry. I didn't know they didn't know." He shrugs apologetically.

"One second class." He then glares at Mic, gesturing for him to go outside. Once the door shuts the class erupts, Todoroki and I the only ones staying silent. Through the commotion Todoroki squeezes my hand, our eyes meeting. I look away quickly but that doesn't stop the blush from reaching my ears.

"So they're dating huh?" I try and break the silence between us.

"I expected it. They've been friends since high school."

"They do balance each other out," I respond as the door slides open again, Aizawa-sensei waving a regretful looking Mic away.

"NOT EVEN A HUG OR A K–" Mic starts before Aizawa-sensei slams the door shut.

"I'm sorry for that disturbance class," he apologises as he walks back to the front of the room. "No questions." He warns the class before they can speak.

After taking the roll and everyone's phones he walks back out, leaving us to fend for ourselves before the next teacher comes around. After a moment Yaoyorozu comes over to our tables, waving her usual friend group away. She leans onto the table, he gaze going between us. I gulp, Yaoyorozu smiling.

"I heard you're staying over at Midoriya's house, huh Shoto," she addresses my friend, obviously noticing our clasped hands. He nods, turning his head to the side. "And I can see that you've gotten close. Taken my advice?" Todoroki starts, his hand heating up against mine. I look between them before jumping up, dragging the taller boy with me.

"We have to go to Recovery Girl!" I speak out awkwardly, breaking Yaoyorozu's determination. Todoroki smiles to her, following me out the door. As we walk down the hallway I suddenly feel dizzy again, leaning onto the nearby wall. Todoroki holds up his free hand in worry. "I'm sorry, I just..I think we should walk more slowly."  Before we can set off again towards the nurse, footsteps approach us. All Might stands in front of us, in his true form because of his limited quirk usage. I look up at him, glancing worriedly at Todoroki.

"uhh..." He shrugs at me, "let me take him from here todoroki. i can take him to the nurse."

"Do I know you?" Todoroki doesn't let go of me, squinting his eyes. All Might ignores the question, turning to me. I can see he's panicking, trying to make up his mind. If I tell Todoroki would he tell anyone else? He'd find out sooner or later and he can't leave my side right now.. My mind feels tired, either from the injury or the situation I'm not sure. "Well whoever you are I have to take him," Todoroki says, starting to walk again.

"ill come with you then."

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