Chapter 5

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Midoriya POV

I wave to my mom as we stride out the door, phones in hand. I grab Todoroki by the hand when we close the door and start to lead him.

"I'll take you to somewhere I usually train. Hardly anyone is out and about at this time." I smile back at him, him nodding in response. We run down the street, trying to outpace each other. I raise my hand to stop when we reach a convenient store. "I forgot to grab water, I'll just be a second." I race through the doors, fishing through my pockets for extra money. I grab two one litre water bottles from the fridge, walking over to the counter.

"That'll be 300 yen." The shopkeeper smiles at me as I place the coins on the tray. I run out to see Todoroki looking through his phone, raising his head to greet me.

"Thank you Midoriya," he smiles quickly as he takes his bottle from my hands. He freezes the cap and explains once I frown at him. "So we can tell which one is mine."

I motion for him to follow me after we both place our belongings into our pockets again. We're soon greeted with the smell of salt and sand, the beach. I gesture with my arm at the view, grinning up at him.

"This is nice." He scans the horizon, searching for any people. "And it's completely deserted." I leave him as he seemingly admires the view to take off my shirt, the evening having a warm breeze. I relax my muscles, stretching. As I'm reaching my arms up Todoroki looks back at me, freezing in place.

"What is it?" I tilt my head.

"You're...not wearing a shirt," he mumbles, eyes wide. He quickly turns his gaze away from me, his cheeks turning a shade of red.

"It''s because the night is nice right now and I get all hot when I train. Sorry it's habit I guess–" I cut off my rambling, seeing him smile.

"It's okay. I was just–nevermind." He shakes his head. I furrow my brow before slipping off my shoes and racing onto the sand. "Don't push yourself too hard like you did in the sports festival," he warns me, taking off his own shoes. I smile at his concern, knowing how worried he was for me when I ruined my arm.

"You aren't going to go easy on me though, are you?" I jest, nudging him with my elbow, earning a relaxed chuckle. "That's a yes isn't it?"

I run to the waves, opposite Todoroki. I watch as he tests out both sides of his quirk, icing underneath his foot then melting it in a roar of flames. I crouch, gathering my power. All Might told me that I could try to reach 10% if I concentrate. I see the blue sparks start to cover my body, brighter and more intense than before. I can feel my body heave with the effort but finally I stand up, determined.

Todoroki holds up a hand, counting down from three with his fingers. As soon as he closes his fist his ice swarms towards me, I only barely able to jump out of the way. As soon as I'm in the air I drop down onto his ice, shattering it and creating a path between me and him. I start sprinting towards him, dodging his fire attacks with advice turns. I notice that my body is easier to control, my movements seemingly more fluid.

I follow Todoroki with my eyes as he creates an ice slide, surfing around me. I spin around, leaping and using his ice to my advantage, ricocheting towards him. I manage to clip his left shoulder before he can burst it into flames, the clothes ripping and a bruise forming. I scrape across the ground, trying to gain purchase on the sand.

"Not hurting yourself anymore huh?" He shouts as he jumps, aiming his right arm at me. I smile back at him before sprinting across the ground towards him. As I get close Todoroki unleashes a mountain of ice, encasing one of my arms. I looked up with wide eyes as he charges with his fire before I throw a punch, cracking the ice on impact. I free my numb arm, leaving it dangling at my side. I bare my teeth at him as I leap up to meet him in the air, twisting around to kick his stomach. I lock eyes with him for a moment, his blue iris glowing from the light of the flames. I feel my face flush before I make contact with him, my kick causing him to fall back, the fire singeing my hair.

I hear him cough up saliva as he crashes into the sand, my momentum causing me to land a few meters away from him. As I stand up, I try to move the fingers on my left hand, the cold still infecting it. It felt like my bones were broken all over again, except without the pain. I suddenly forget about the absence of feeling in that arm when I see Todoroki place his left hand on the ground. With a shout he conjures a ring of red flames, surrounding us both.

"What're you going to do now?" He asks me, grinning wildly. I smirk back at him, leaping towards him. I see his eyes go wide as I slam into him, the flames dying down from his broken concentration. I stand above him, the embers highlighting my slick abs. Before he can stand up I groan, pain suddenly piercing my left arm. The power rushes out of me as I fall to my knees.

"Shit," I mumble. Todoroki sits up and reaches to touch my arm. I see him gulp for a second, his eyes roving over my body, before he shuffles towards me.

"Let me see." He gestures with his hand for me to turn my side towards him. I inhale sharply through my teeth as he touches me. His hands feel too hot, his prods too intense. "I need to get you home." I nod to his words as my vision blurs.

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