Chapter 2

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Midoriya POV

The classroom fills quickly with my classmates, Dark Shadow taking up an extra desk to help Tokoyami with his homework, multiple students also crowding around him for the answers. Kacchan is hanging around Kirishima along with Kaminari, looks like they both have a thing for Kiri. Iida and Uraraka are talking next to my desk, discussing the Hero Killer experience quietly. The rest of my classmates are milling around, preparing for the day of learning. I look over towards Todoroki, his mood had improved since I told him that he could stay at my house for as long as he needed to. He lifts his head up, catching my gaze. I turn my head instantly, feeling my cheeks heat up. I touch my cheeks, confused at the heat.

My confusion is quickly diminished as Aizawa-sensei enters the room, everyone rushing to their desks as he unzips his sleeping bag.

"Good morning class. I'm just here to take the roll, then All Might will take over," he takes out the slip of paper and a pen. My face lights up at the mention of All Might, even though I've seen him almost everyday since I became his successor. He was always different in class than when he was teaching me. I call out as Aizawa-sensei calls my name, then prepare to train using the air chair technique. Aizawa-sensei waves at us before shutting the door behind him. The class erupted again, everyone except me and few other students getting out if their seats to talk with their friends.

A few minutes of rough housing later and the door slides open, All Might walking in. I smile up at him, every time I see him I'm relieved to see that he's okay.

"Good Morning Class!" He says as he reaches the desk. "Today We Are Going To Be Doing Battle Training! Everyone Put On Your Costumes And Meet Me Outside!" With that All Might walks back out, the costume lockers sliding open. Everyone grabs their case before sprinting towards the change rooms.

I am one of the first ones to entrance of the school, where All Might is standing. I walk over to him. After looking around for anyone I grab his attention.

"All Might, Todoroki is going to be staying at my house, so it may seem suspicious if you visit regularly. He already speculates that we have a connection," I explain. He nods.

"Thank You For Telling Me Young Midoriya." He smiles as the other students start to run towards us. "I'll Take It Into Consideration." I step a distance away from him as Uraraka, Iida, and Todoroki all run up to me. Uraraka turns to me, determination in her eyes.

"After my internship I feel like I've gotten stronger! I wonder how we will be battling!" She punches the air, smiling at me. I smile back, wondering the same thing. Iida uses extravagant arm motions to explain how to board the bus in an orderly fashion, except most of the time it's not needed.

It's not long before we board the bus, Iida looking disappointed at his ignored instructions as usual. Todoroki sits down next to me, he's gotten closer since I said that he could stay with me. As the bus moves to leave the school premises All Might looks back at us.

"You Will Be Put Into Groups Of Two, Much Like The Last Battle Training Class."

"How will these groups be decided?" Iida asks, his hand straight up in the air, the other students smiling at his formality.

"I Have Taken The Liberty In Choosing Your Groups For You, Basing It Off Gathered Information," he replies, holding up cards containing the partners. He flips through them.

"Midoriya, Todoroki, You Will Be Fighting," he flips through them again, "Bakugou and Sero." I smile at Todoroki, his face brightening slightly at the pairings. I turn to Kacchan who's talking to his partner.

"Tape, we lose and I'll kill you," he growls at Sero. Sero laughs.

"Whatever you say." All Might keeps reading off the pairing until we get to the venue. From the window it resembles the venue of the mock urban battles. I fiddle with the edge of my gloves as we pull up to the front.

Filing out of the bus, we gather into our assigned groups, everyone talking about the type of battle and strategy. I shuffle to Todoroki's side, him looking at the venue.

"What type of battle do you think it will be?" I ask him. He thinks for a moment.

"We have already done open area battle, with the USJ incident. We have done inside battle. It may be alley way battles," he replies. My eyes widen.

"Doesn't that mean that we may have an advantage over the other students? Fighting the Hero Killer in an alley way?" I lower my voice as I mention the incident that the police force had covered up. He nods, smiling slightly.

"This means we already have a tactic. I use my ice to cover the ground and my flames as a screen while you use the alley walls to build up momentum and hit them," he explains to me, watching me. I nod, agreeing with his strategy.

"However we also have to take into consideration that they attack differently than Stain. Kacchan will probably use his costume to blast a giant attack. I might have to pull you up. Hanta could use his tape to swing from the walls and capture us. You can use long range and short range attacks while I can only use short range attacks," I stop mumbling as I see Todoroki staring at me with soft eyes. I tilt my head. He looks away quickly.

"Yes," he rubs the back of his neck. I open my mouth to say something but Kacchan runs over to us, interrupting our conversation.

"Oi Half and Half, you better use your flames on me," Todoroki visibly cowers, "and Deku," he sneers, "you better use all your power on me, just like in the tournament." He walks off, us looking at our hands. I couldn't use 100% on him. It'll kill him. I look over at Todoroki, he's staring at his left hand.

"I don't know if I can use my flames, not after the tournament with Bakugou," he says softly. I frown.

"You can use your flames if I'm there though. And I will be there." He looks at me, smiling. We are interrupted from our 'moment' by All Might.

"Discussion Time Is Over. Listen Up. We Will Be Fighting In An Urban Alleyway." I hear sighs of relief and a cheer. "Now The First Teams To Fight Will Be Midoriya's Team And Bakugou's Team. I look determinedly at Kacchan.

We will have the upper hand.

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