Chapter 10

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Todoroki POV (wowee) also warning for domestic violence

I rest my head on the window, feeling trapped in the backseat of the car. I won't let the tears that were threatening to spill show in front of my father. My damned father, gripping the steering wheel with white knuckles and a flushed face. To combat the deafening silence I sing to a song in my head, my thoughts rudely interrupted by my father sighing loudly.

"What is it?" I ask, digging my nails into my palm. He glares at me sideways before speaking.

"Why did you run away again? You know what the consequences are,' he growls coldly. I stay silent, my father rolling his eyes in the rear view mirror. "Get out of the car." I rip my head off the window, startled.

"Oh." I breathe out as I look out the glass. We're home. My sister was already outside, running towards the car. I open the door, walking towards the house, not bothering to wait for my father.

I ignore my sister as she holds out her arms, aiming for an embrace. I open the door with a bang, leaving a icy handprint on the handle. As I stomp towards the training room; also nicknamed the torture room by my mother, my steps leave footprints of blackened and frozen tatami. Before slamming open the sliding door, I swallow my anger and my pride.

My father similarly slides open the door, simmering with rage. I look up from my place on the floor, my legs crossed in a calm facade.

--domestic violence warning--

"Let's get this over with. You little bastard." I don't flinch at the swear. I've heard worse. Before I can stand up I feel his hand slap both sides of my head, the right side of my head stinging more. He growls as I falter to the ground, holding my head.

"Get up Shoto." As I struggle again he kicks me in the chest, my breath escaping my crushed lungs. Tears sting my eyes as I wheeze. I now know that Midoriya was going easy on me. I chuckle to myself, my legs swaying as I back away, keeping my eyes closed to ward off permanent damage. Suddenly I see a flickering light; fire. I feel myself smile, showing my teeth. I point in the general direction of his flames.

"What can you do that hasn't already been done?!" I shout at him, trying to provoke him. He laughs. I feel my body cooling down, ice covering the floor in front of me. I was going to fight.

I open my eyes again, feeling more confident, knowing if I was going to die tonight it wouldn't be pathetic. At my father's side kick, I roll in the opposite direction, punching him with a ragged blade of ice in the back. He roars and I skate away across the tatami. I fire up my left hand, literally. My mind flits back to Izuku...Izuku? When had I started calling him that. I'm interrupted from my thoughts as my father runs at me, red jets of flames sprouting from each clenched fist. I create a small ridge of ice between me and him and as I run to his side, his knees hitting ice as he trips over the short wall. He yells at me as I aim at his arm, the scent of burning hair starting to waft in the small room. He spins around as soon as he regains his footing, launching for my head with red hot hands. I side step him, easily dodging him in his enraged blindness.

"COME BACK HERE!" I answer his demand with another blade of ice, aimed at his foot from the ground. He yells in pain, blood starting to melt my ice. As I watch, distracted by the satisfaction of making my devil of a father bleed, he blasts a line of flames towards me. I try to jump, but to no avail. The flames burn through my pants, my phone clattering to the floor, broken. I scream in pain, the burns bringing back blistering memories of the boiling water. I instinctively cover my left eye with my hand.

He grins at me, not caring that the wall to the outside was burned through, the flames licking up to the ceiling. I cough, scrambling towards the outside air. Endeavor follows me threatenly, all emotion he felt towards me gone. As I try to stand up his crushes my right foot with his boot, smiling at my pain. I grab his ankle with my left hand, blasting, surprisingly, blue flames. I scramble out of the house through the ruined wall as he roars in pain, both of us now limping. As I finally stand we stare each other down, each trying to recover from our injuries. We grin at each other sadistically.

"You little bitch–" my father's remark at me is cut off as sirens sound in the air, suspiciously close to my house.

"SHOTO!" I hear a voice yell my name. I turn, keeping one eye on my father. I see Izuku running towards me, blue lighting already covering his body. My grin turns into a smile, tears running down my face in relief. Thank god I have a boyfriend.

A/N: second last chapter (probably) this has been really fun, writing this, seeing everyone excited for it. I hope the ending is satisfying even if it is predictable haha

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