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Short chappie :3

Zonnique //

I woke up to the sound of murmurs around me,i tiredly opened my eyes looking around my surroundings. I was in some sort of basement with 3 other figures. I tried making them out but it was no use. I looked over to my left and saw who I thought could be Chres knocked out with a busted lip and black eye. My vision cleared and I made out the one figures as Mr.Daniels. one of the figures turned around and started making there way towards me.

"Well well well,looks like sleeping beauty as finally awoken." said the voice,i knitted my eyebrows as the figure was masked but I could recognize his voice.

"NIGGA TAKE THAT FUCKING MASK OFF,YOU AINT SCARING SHIT!" shouted Mr.Daniels. the figure kissed his teeth revealing his face...

"S-Simon? What the fuck I'm I doing here?! Take me home! let me go!!" I yelled trying to break free from the cuffs I was in but it was no use.

" Sweet sweet Zonnique,im afraid that's not going to happen baby." he touched my check softly,making me turn away.

"Don't fucking touch me bitch." I spat coldly,he laughed in my face raising his hand and slapping me across the face.

"Don't fucking disrespect me BITCH." my eyes filled with tears,as my lips began trembling but I kept my tears in.

Groans was heard from my left and Chres was starting to wake up,he looked around him landing his eyes on me.

"Zonnique I'm so sorry,Madison was forcing me to bring you in since she picked up my phone... it was either that or my life." he spoke sadly.

{a/n ; y'all be saying that Chres should of just gave up his life? Damn y'all cold.}

"I don't forgive you as off right now but that might change." I said softly. "If your asses make it out off here alive,WHICH YOU WONT!" Simon shouted in my ear before laughing again.

"Simon nigga,shut the fuck up. let us just get on with killing this bitch." Mr.Daniels rolled his eyes. "what ever richard,damn." Simon mumbled walking over to his side.

"Little Nique,long time no see huh?" Richard smirked.

"I don't remember us meeting nigga." I rolled my eyes.

"Let me jog your memory.

We was in the basement of my house like wait you 18?"

I merely nodded.

" it was 16/17 years ago? But anyway some men had there way with you once again you laid there crying and I came and helped you. we some what became friends and we promised each other that we would never hurt each other and look after each other. your family members come and save you,then you got my parents taken away and killed! You promised me that you wouldn't hurt me Zonnique but you fucking did. I'm now 21 and I've waiting to get my revenge on you ever since." he smirked,holding a sharpened knife in his hand walking towards me.

"Don't fucking touch her! You sick bastards." Chres shouted,jolting forward a little. Simon and Richard both looked at each other laughing shaking there heads.

- so I updated it's short wuteva.

- sorry for mistakes.

- vote,comment and share lovelies💕

- love yah💄

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