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{14 years later,present time}

Zonnique ;

Sadly school was back and I was totally dreading it,I walked into my bathroom doing my daily hygiene then got into the shower and done allat. I wrapped my towel around my body walking back into my room and blasting out 'I luv dis shit' August Alsina ft TJ I pranced around my room singing while lotioning myself. After doing so I put on my blacked laced bra and a fresh pair of sponge bob boxers. I put my hair into a messy bun and dressed simply in black high waisted skinnys,HBA jersey,adding a leather jacket on top and put on my timberlands. I grabbed my bookbag and phone heading downstairs to the kitchen where I saw my breakfast I smiled to myself and sat at the island and began to eat.

"You gon walk right in,and not say good morning?" My mother spoke,I finshed the food in my mouth before replying to her. "Sorry ma' but the food was just calling my name and I didn't have time to" I giggled smiling at her,"but good morning ma' how are you this cold ass winter morning?" She raised her eyebrow at me before speaking "I'm great babygirl but no cursing in my house young lady." I nodded before finishing off my breakfast. "Well school awaits so,see you later mother." I took my plate to the sink,I grabbed my keys from the hook and began walking towards the front door.

"Oh nique I forgot to mention,your also driving the new kid on the block to school since y'a go to the same school and all." I stopped in my tracks and snapped my head towards her. "Why I'm I only finding out about this?" I rolled my eyes,"his mother can't drop him of and he doesn't have his own car yet. Plus I think you'll enjoy it." I groaned opening the front door to see him standing there,I looked him up and down before walking off to my car. I unlocked my car getting in and rolled my window down. "You gon stand there or get in?" I asked with slight attitude. He started walking towards me hella slow,I rolled my eyes as he finally got in I turned the engine on shifted gear than backed out our drive way and headed off to school. As I approched I red light,I put on my seatbelt and hooked my phone up to the car and went to the playlist 'Car ride' since we wasn't heading straight to school I decided to pick up my best friend Jess from her house. I honked the horn when I arrived outside her house,a few seconds later her front door flew open and there she stood waving off to her mother I suppose. She walked to the car and peered in and saw the boy she gave me a confused look as I motioned to her I will inform her later. 20 minutes later we arrived to school and parted ways.

When I walked into home room I saw the usually people together and what not. I sat at my table taking out my notebook and began doodling while listening to 'Creep' TLC I bopped my head to the music and found myself doodling a name I haven't come across in a while. Just as the bell went,the same boy I rode with walked into the class and walked to our teacher Ms.Smith and handed her a piece of paper. I put my stuff away put kept my note book and kept writing in my notebook. I drew hearts and all sorts around the name.

As the teacher began telling us about the new student I traced the name in my book with my fingers and whispered to myself "Chresanto August." As I said that,the teacher also said it my head shot up towards her and my attention then landed upon Chresanto. Never in a million years would I imagine that I would be seeing again. The teacher assigned his seat which was infront of me and next to the school's hoe Ashleigh Cunnigham.

Chresanto ;

I kissed my baby sister goodbye and gave her a huge hug,she clung onto me and wouldn't let me go. I laughed silently as she whispered in my ear "don't leave me chressy,stay!" She let me go and gave me her puppy dog eyes. "I wish I could stay kay,but I have to go school." She pouted and turned away from me. "I love you." I said,she didn't reply. I walked closer to her picking her up and spinning her around "I said I love youuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu!" She giggled and smiled as I put her down. "Love you too chressy." I smiled and walked out the front door,I had to ride to school with a girl I barely knew today and I was dreading it. I walked to her house and was about to knock on the front door when it swung open we stared at each other before she walked over to her car and got in. I was still standing by her door for some unknown reason but then made my way to her car and got in. We picked up another girl then finally got to school,I made my way to the main desk to get my timetable and locker combanation. I then ran to my homeroom seeing I was already late,as I walked in all heads turned to face me I even saw the girl I rode with today. I gave the teacher my late slip as she introduced me to the class. She gave me my seat and I sat down preparing for a long day.

Since it was a new term a lot of clubs and such were open so I decided to put myself up for the football team,as I was walking up to the sign up sheets the mysterious girl was thereagain signing up for something. I walked closer and noticed she was signing up for the cheer squad,I read over her name as she wrote it out 'Zonnique Pullins' I've heard that name somewhere but couldn't really pin point it out. I signed up for football and stepped away from the sign up sheets to bump into the Zonnique girl.

"I'm sorry,I didn't mean to do that." I said,she nodded and smiled "its alright Chres." I knitted my eyebrows in confusion. How the heck did she know my nickname. "Urm .. How do you know my nickname?" I asked fully concerned. She shook her head laughing. "You don't remember me do you?" I stared at her for a while then shook my head no. "Zonnique .. Zonnique Pullins." I shook my head once more not knowing who she was. She then pulled out a necklace from around her neck that was ingraved with 'NiqNiq + Chres = BFF' examined it then looked up at her gasping. "Oh my fucking gosh. Zonnique?!" I semi-yelled. She nodded with tears in her eyes while smiling wide. I wrapped my arms around her hugging her tightly while she sobbed into my jacket. I couldn't believe after 14 years I'd finally see my best friend.

So,I updated and all.

How was it?

Boring or nah?

I really didn't know what to write so yeah...

Still needing a cover and ain't nobody helping me :(((

But yeah ; vote,comment,share...♡

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