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I'd just like to say to all of my followers on here, I literally cannot thank each and every one of you guys enough! I love you all so, SO much! You guys put up with my cringey ass stories all the time and for that you guys are the real MVP's.

If you do plan on reading this, here's a few things you should know.

This story I'm writing, is based of my true story.

There's one chapter in particular that I will be writing and it has do to with alot of things about my father.

Now, if you know me very very well, then I've probably told you all about it-if not, that's ok-I'm trusting you too.

Bottom line, this story is not going to be like the others I write.

This one is going to be based off my life.

It's going to be reflecting my life, only a different looking girl, another city, and add in Roy Kupkus from My Two Dads cause he makes me happy AF.

Now don't worry, there will be happy moments so it's not going to be one big, dark pit of sadness, haha.

But just know that I trust you guys with this and I love you all so much!

So why don't we get into it?

(A/N: Also, if you know what My Two Dads are, and you've seen it and gotten to know Roys personality (Aaryn I'm talking to you), I am going to try and match Roy's personality from the show to here

  So sorry if it sucks, but I like challenges- the challenge writing about a character who I've never even seen from the show I'm writing about- BUT WHAT THE HELL?



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