That One Night Stand

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Hey guys I'm writing another book because..... I just want to so enjoy!


"Amethyst you can't be here eating ice cream,watching romantic movies, and crying like a little bitch! No, your going to get your ass up ,get dress, and go to the club!" My best friend, April, says. I guess she irritated because I've been sad and Moody all-day and to be honest I would be irritated too. I'm just sad that Eric cheated on me with the school slut, Gina. That bitch better watch out because she's my next target.

"I really don't feel like going to the club" I said. I really don't I just wanna lay around about how Eric made me feel like a piece of trash.

"You are not gonna let Eric win this! This is what he expect you to do and then when he finds you at your lowest he's going to pick you up and drop you back down. Do you want that to happen to you because Amethyst? I'm trying to look out for you and I can't do that if you don't try with me" April pleased. She's right, ever since we were little we have been looking out for each other. All day I been given her misery by being sad and depress and I haven't even try to be happy.

"You know what fuck Eric let go to the club!" I said.

"Thank you! Now lets me get you in a dress that would be perfect for you." April said. Oh God not again.


Xavier POV

"Hey bro what's up" My brother, Max said.

"Nothing just putting my boxes in my room" I said.We just move in with our mother to our new house and I'm almost finish in putting boxes away.

"Hey you wanna go out tonight?" He said. God he goes out every night and gets drunk.  Well I haven't been drunk in a while so might as well.

"Sure its been a while." I said.

"OK after I get done with my boxes we can go." He said.

"OK" I said. I put the last box besides my bed and went to the clothes box and got some blue jeans with a black button down t shirt.

"Alright let's go, Xavier! " Max said.

"Coming!"I said.


Amethyst POV

"OK so are we're ready? " I asked. She did my hair,did my makeup,and picked out my dress and I did the same thing with hers.

"OMG Amethyst you made me look hot! " April said. She's wearing a black short dress that showed her curves with matching pumps and purse. Her hair is in curls and I put her bangs in a French braid. I put eyeliner, mascara, blush, and I gave her a Smokey eyes. 

"Girl you did the same thing to me" I said. I wore a navy blue skater dress with black heels with a navy purse. My hair has loose curls and my make up is blue eye shadow,eyeliner,and mascara. Well April and I do look hot, so we are ready to party!

" OK let's go get our drink on!"I said. Might as well get drunk and forget about what happens.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~5 Hours Later ~~~~~~

"Pshhh pshhh Amethyst you see those two guys over there" April whispered. I laughed.

"Why are you whispering? We are not spies on a mission......I'm drunk " I said. I took another shot and know I'm fully relax and have no cares in the world!

"Oh oh oh let try to be spies.......mission one will be to talk to them, mission two will be to Flirt." April said pushing my shoulders. "Mission three is to fuck the brains out of them and.......ummmmm what was I talking about?"April said. I laugh so hard I was about about to pee my pants.... dress. After 10 minutes of laughter I giggled for 5 more minutes.

"You was talking about fucking up some brains" I said. I looked for the two boys April was pointing out a while ago and DAYUM they are so hot.

"OMG they still there looking hotter than ever"April said.

"April I think we have drunk goggles" I said. No one can be that hot. I mean come on really.

"Well we will see when we in their beds "April said with a wink. I rolled my eyes and got up from my chair.

"Whatever do you, I'm about to dance my ass off" I said.

"What ass?" April ask.

"Ha-ha so funny, have fun fucking brains " I said and went to the dance floor. I didn't know what the song was but my hips just went with the rhythm.


Xavier POV

I'm so bored I'm about to go to sleep.My brother was dancing with some blonde and now making out. I was on my phone until I looked up and a girl that  caught my eye. She was moving her hips so good,even though I could tell she was drunk it was pretty good and I wanted to talk to her. She seem interesting.


Amethyst POV

I was getting tired so I went to sit at the spot where April and I was sitting but I didn't see her there. I look around and I found her making out with one of those guys she seen. I wonder what happen to the other one. Then I seen him coming towards me. My eyes widen but I tried to act natural.

"Hey " He said.

"Hi " I said.

"So what's a pretty lady like you doing here ?" He asked.

"Ummm being tired dancing my ass off" I said. He laughed.

"Are you so tired that you don't want to dance with me?" He asked.

"Oh what the hell let's go" I said. I grab he arm and I started grinding on him. Then somehow we was in a make out section. We let go so our lungs can breathe.

"Wanna finish this at my house? " He asked.

"Sure" I said quickly. We left the club and that's all I could remember.


Hey guys how you like my new book! Don't forget to comment, vote, and follow me. There will be more T.O.N.S to read when I update. BYE!


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