Pillow Fight!!!!!

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Amethyst POV

After I got home I took a shower and then April. I had on space leggings with a black crop top and April had donuts leggings with A white crop top. Jason, April and I was watching RED 2 with popcorn . This is an awesome movie. I like the first one too. After the movie was over, Jason decided to ask a question.

"So who was the two guys you was hanging around? " Jason asked. Me and April looked at each other..

"They're just friends we just meet "April said. Jason didn't look convinced.

"Is it true Amethyst?" Jason said. Oh nononono......okay Am Am just look in your brother in eyes and say yes.

"Oh heck to the no! You don't believe me? " April asked. This girl always turn ghetto unexpected. Jason looked at April with wide eyes.

"No I was just-" Jason was cut off.

"Just nothing!" April said.

"Look if you just listen I-"Jason was cut off again.

"I don't have to listen to-"April was cut off by a pillow.... uh oh. I got up got some more popcorn and watch what happen next. April grabbed the pillow and start attacking Jason. After I finished my popcorn, I grabbed another pillow and swung it at April.

April looked shock.

"Traitor!" April yelled in a wannabe German accent. I shrugged my shoulders and swung again.

"It look fun.. now get ready to die " I said in a german accent. I was about to swing but April swung first. Then out of No where Jason swung on me.

"I will kill you all" he said joking. We hit each other for a half an hour. The doorbell buzzed. Yes buzzed....don't ask.

"I'll get it!" Jason said. He went to the door and as nosey I am I came to see who was at the door. It was a little girl in a girl scout uniform. COOKIES!! I thought. I ran to the door and push Jason with force. I looked down at the little girl with a genuine smile while she looked at me like I was crazy. Before she could say anything I gave her 14 dollars.

"Two lemon cookies please" I said. She gave me the boxes. I jump up and down.

"Thank you sweet pea, for the delicious desert you gave me." I said. She still looked at me strange, but nod her head and left. I closed the door. I went up stairs and put the cookies under my bed. Yes I would admit that it's a guilty pleasure that I love these. I would get boxes and boxes. I just love them! I went down stairs to see April sleeping on the couch. What happen to her? I shrug my shoulders. I heard Jason in the kitchen. I went in there and see him with a peanut butter and jelly banana sandwich. I still don't understand how he can eat peanut butter or a banana without chocolate.

"Why are you staring at me."Jason said.

"Day dreaming"I said. He nod his head. I grabbed a Popsicle from my freezer. I awkwardly ate my Popsicle as my sensitive teeth can't take the coldness. I don't know how but we was just awkward. So I had to say something.

"Eww awkwardness"I said. Jason laughed.

"I know"Jason said taking a bite of the sandwich. I just gave him a really look.

"The fudge Jason when someone talks about awkwardness you make a conversation!" I yelled sarcastically.

"Shut the fuck up!!!"April yelled. She is a cranky mess.

"Sorry I'm just mad that I'm missing a test Friday." Jason said. That's three days for know, which make that test day..... I haven't study.

"Oh pickles" I said.

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