The New Kids

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'Oh I'm a gummy bear, Yes I'm a gummy bear ohh I'm a Yummy, tummy, Funny, Lucky Gummy Bear!'

I turned my alarm clock off and groan. I turned around and snuggle under the cover. I really don't want to go to school today.

"YOU HEARD YOUR ALARM CLOCK! GET YOUR ASS UP!" I heard. I screamed and punch the voice that shouted at me. Then I heard girly laughter.

"Oww, keep your gorilla hands to yourself." I heard. I turned around and I seen my big brother rubbing his right cheek and April laughing on the floor.

"When did you get here?" I said yawning/stretching.

"Well I came here at nine and you where still asleep and April was awoke so I took her to her house to get some clothes to stay for a while and I sleep in the other guess room." Jason said.

"Yeah we have to get ready for school Amethyst." April said. Oh no Eric and Gina. I don't won't to see them

"I don't wanna go to school " I whined.

"Oh come on Ameth, I'll drop ya off." Jason said. Damn it. I got up, brush my teeth, took a shower, straighten my hair, and I went to get some clothes. I got a baby blue tank top and blue jeans. I put on a hoodie and black converse and I was ready to go. Jason was already to go. He was just waiting for April and I.

"Shoot gun!" April and I yelled. We looked at each other and smirked. April was about to run and then I triped her. I started running and I felt a tug on my right leg and I fell. This is about to be trip war.

"Oh no you don't bitch!" I yelled. I did the same thing April did and she fell. I quickly got up, jumped over April and went to the passenger seat. Jason was laughing like a seal that's high.

"hahahahah Oh my fucking God you did not just did that for a seat." Jason said between laughs. I look at April and she got up, dust herself off and went to the back set.

"I got you bitch!" Was all she said. I laughed at her anger.

"Is you mad or naw?" I asked. April was trying not to smile and gave me the middle finger. Jason turns on the car and starts driving.

"Hey Jason, why you're not in college? " I asked.

"Well I'm kinda got suspended." He said. Now Jason was always a goody two shoes and I hated about him. He always follow the rules and when I don't I get the 'Why can't you be like your brother' lecture. When he doesn't follow the rules he gets a warning and when I do I get a 'do more of that and then we will get you this or that'. But that was when we was little so I'm kinda over it.(Not!)

"Oh my God hold on!"April shouted. She took out her phone and put it in Jason face. I guess she's recording him.

"Now tell me what did the lame goody two shoes do...... Oh I know, you stole pen from the principal offices and you wouldn't give it back." April said. I rolled my eyes. Always making corny jokes.

"Actually I got into a fight." Jason said. I looked at him and gave him a straight face. Then I started busted out laughing. Yeah he got in a fight.-_-

"Oh you mean like those 'you got the answer wrong' fights?" I asked.

"Um no like the ones you punch the other guy and he punch back until someone breaks you up type of fight." Jason said. Yeah right.

"Fine don't tell us." April said.

"I'm telling the..... whatever don't believe. " Jason said. We was at the school and I really don't want to go. April and I went to out the car. When I walked to the school. I tripped off a shoe.....April's shoe. I landed with a umph. Lucky no one seen me or I would've been embarrassed.

"Real funny April." I said when I got up.

"Hey when I say I got you, I got you."April said. I rolled my eyes and I went to my locker. I open my locker and one of my friends came up to me.

"Hey Jamie " I said. Jamie was a nice girl but loves to gossip. Lucky she doesn't spread rumors. I don't know her Well but I heard that she can become backstabber. Did I mention that shes a little of a slut. Like Gina.

"Amethyst is it true that you caught Eric cheating on Gina? "She asked. Wow blunt much.

"Umm......" I was cut off.

"Because if that's true then that's so funny you think yall would last. " She laughed and smirked. I got mad.I glared at her. I seen people look at us.

"I'm sorry I'm not the gullible one that have sex with every man and thinks that means he my boyfriend!"I shouted. She gasped and didn't say anything. That bitch better not. I smirked cause I got her red handed.

"You just a minion of Gina's and that's all your ever be." I said. Jamie walk up to me like in a fighting stand.

"Bitch put a hand on me and you'll be dead." I said.

"Don't touch her Jamie,she's not worth it."I heard someone say. I look behind Jamie and it was Gina.

"Oh look the slut queen itself" I said. Gina was about to say something but the bell rung.

"Well we don't want to be late for class do we Now." I said. I bump pass her and went to Math. Now I love math and all but it's just to much in the morning. I went to math class and seat in the near the window to the right. Even though the bell rung people was still coming in the classroom and guess who came in here. Eric.

He looked at me with regretful eyes. I glared at him and looked at the window. Lucky April came in here just in time to sit next to me because I don't want hear anything from him.

"Class take a seat, we have a two new students today and we like for you to give them a huge welcome. " Ms.Jackson said. The door open and my mouth was to the floor when I seen who was the new students. The boy I slept with and the one April did. I looked at her and she at me.

"Aww shit" we murmured.


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