Worst Comebacks Ever

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April POV

I went to the math competition with all of my team mates. They treat me like I'm dumb because I'm not like them. No, I don't calculate everything I eat, and no I don't collect weird things like gum. I'm just here to do what I do best and that's math. But, I don't want that to be my personality.

I think something that you do special helps your personality to shine bright and helps you to become a better person for yourself not others. I think that what my teammates need to know that math or anything else don't make you as a person,you make it.......Aww look at me so inspirational.

Anyways are team won by me. Not to be cocky or anything (maybe a little cocky ) but I got the answer to the question that no one figured out. Guess the answer it was five. Yes it was the number to let us go to the fuckin finals!! Now my team wants to treat me like royalty.

"Oh you got mud on your boots let me lick it off"

"Oh you ran out of gum I can give some of mine, but can you give it back to me please"

Okay the first one was a little over dramatic but you know what I mean. I don't want to be treated like a queen( I love how I accidentally rhyme).I was already to go but I had to go to the bathroom. As I was walking to the restroom guess who I seen. Max. Okay this dude is a stalker.

"Hello April" Max said as he smirked. I rolled my eyes.

"How did you get here?" I asked.

"Bitch I caught the bus" He said. I smirked.

"Nobody's suppose to be here." I sang.

"Bitch I came to fuck. " he sang. We both laughed laugh for a pretty good five seconds until I realized why I came here....to pee.

"Umm now that we had a musical I have to go" I said. I went to the bathroom and I did my business. After I washed my hands and I was about to go to the school bus. I went in and put my legs on the second seat.

"Mind if I join you" I look up to see Max. I shrug my shoulders and I put my feet down.

"So how does it feel to win a nerd competition " Max said. I rolled my eyes.

"Good because it's better than what you have succeeded in life " I said.

"Oooo burn!" He snapped his fingers. I laughed. Then I stopped to rethink.

"Why are you here, you didn't come on the ride to get here? " I asked.

"I wasn't lying when I said I took the bus. " he said. I'm still confused.

"Why you come here...to the competition? " I asked again. He chuckled.

"You know curiosity killed the cat."

"But a cat has nine lives " I said.

"Even though you're wrong good try for a comeback " he said.

"Hey I could make good comebacks. " I said. I can be really corny but I can have a funny ones.

" Sure....... I bet you can make good pickup lines too. " He said sarcastically.

" Hey feel this shirt " I said. He had a confuse face but he felt my sleeve.

"It's soft " he said.

" That's because it's girlfriend material" I said. He straight face me.

"Lets hear a comeback to a competitor " he said.

"Did you get hit by a door because you just got slammed" I said. Then I laugh at my joke. Max was still straight facing me.

"Oh come on let's hear your comebacks." I said. He nod.

"If your going to be two face at least make one of them pretty. " he said.

"Fail. " I said.

" Just like your dads condom" he said. Soo He wants to play dirty.

"Well you-" I was cut off by the bus driver.

"GET OF THE BUS" The driver said. Wow bitchy much. I walk out of the bus with Max and I see Amyth with wide eyes looking at Xavier. She looked at me with a look of help.

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