Study Day!

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April POV

As I was dreaming about unicorns and rainbows I felt a nudge on my arm. I turned around on the couch and hope they got the memo that someone (aka me) was sleeping.

"Omg look a HUGE red velvet cake on the table! " Someone yelled.

"I'm up, I'm up!" I shouted rubbing my eyes. I looked around and I see Amethyst smiling, not a Red velvet cake. I glared at her tiredly.

"How dare you use dessert against me." I said yawning. Amethyst just smiled like a little creep she is.

"Its study day!" She said. Uhhhhhh I hate study day it's so boring.

"No I hate study day."I said pouting.

"Come on how are we going to go to college?"She asked.

"Amethyst do you even want to be a psychologist?" I asked. The only reason I ask was because I have a friend in psychology class with her. She tells me that Amyth looks bored and lifeless in there.

"Yes" She said Looking down. Sure.......

Amethyst POV

"Am Am, look me in the eyes and tell you want to be a psychologist." April said. Oh no she called me am am that's when I know when she's serious.

" Answer the question" Jason said. It shocked me that he came out of nowhere. He walked and sat next to April. I looked at them both eyes asking for answers. I hate being pressured.

" Find I just study by myself." I said ignoring their question. I went upstairs and locked the door. I screamed loudly of frustration. Do I want to be a psychologist? I mean my mom is one and she wanted me to become one too. She payed extra classes and what about the scholarship! But, I don't think I want to be a psychologist. Blah I need to study. All this stuff can wait.

{Hours Of Studying }

As I finish studying and doing my homework. I looked at the time and it was 9:30 pm. It's almost time to go. I grabbed my black hoodie with paint all over it and put on some black boots. I went out of my room to see it was dark. I guess they slept early tonight. I went downstairs and I hear noises. 'hmm I wonder who it is.' I thought. I went to the living room to see April watching Ponyo. Aww that's my favorite anime movie! She haven't noticed I'm there so I went to open the front door.

" Going somewhere?" April said. I rolled eyes.

"You know where I'm going. " I said. I could tell by the minute and thirty seconds that she figured it out.

"I'm coming too, i haven't been there in a while." said excitedly. I nodded my head and out the door we went.

OMG tell me what you think about my story I love opinions. Well not all but i wouldn't mind a comment. Please vote and share so I'll update more. Peace. Love. Rubbergloves.

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