I Woke Up With A Hottie Next To Me

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Amethyst POV

I woke up with a huge headache and something heavy on me...... wait something heavy on me. I turned around and there was that hot guy I seen at the club. Oh no no no no no no no no this can't happen! I have to get out of here.  His leg was on me so I poke it. He didn't move so I move it next to him. I look around his room and it was full of boxes. I guess he just moved here. I seen my clothes..... and undergarments and put them on. I tiptoed with my pumps in my hand.  I went downstairs and seen the door I was almost ther-

"So you fucked his brains out" A similar voice said. I almost screamed.

"April you scared the living shit out of me!" I said.

"OK let's go before they wake up" April said. We went out the door and they was right across from my house.

"Looks like we will be seeing them more often " April said.

"No no no no no no this isn't happening! This isn't a cliche book this is real life! One night stands you only seen them for one night! We might see them hundreds of time!" I said. I was panicking.

"It's alright they probably won't remember us." April said. That made me relax. Yes we was drunk,drunk means you don't remember anything. We are safe. Well walked to my house and I open the door. Then I notice something.

"April how come you was there too?" I asked.

"I guess they're brothers they do kinda look alike " April shrug. She took out four aspirins and two bottles of water.

"thank you "I said. April nod.

"Sooo I'm gonna take a shower I feel dirty" I said. I went upstairs and look in the mirror. I looked terrible,  all my make up is smug on my face. I took a make up cleanser and cleaned my face. I took a shower and put on shorts and a tank top. April took her shower and borrow some of my clothes. I looked though my phone and my mom called me. Shit she is gonna curse me out! I called her.

"Amethyst where the hell were you! " my mom screamed.  That made my headache hurt more and i tried to ignore the pain.

"I was with April.... I called you remember. " I said. My mom mumbled and Oh Yeah.

"Oh sorry sweet, Well I will see you next week" My mom said. Oh Yeah my mom on a work trip and I get to be here alone.

"Oh and Jason coming so don't think your there by yourself" My mom said.  She hung up and I was there speechless.  Why my brother, I thought he was at college getting grades. Yes I love my bro to death but I wanted Amethyst time. Well won't be having any of that. My phone buzzed and it was a text. I look at it and it's from smexy  as ever. I didnt put that in there? I look at the text.

'Why leave so early Amethyst? '

Who the fudge is this. What if... nope it can't be him I am not that stupid..... right?

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