The Unknown

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Amethyst POV

After driving 20 minutes to our destination. April and I went in to see dancers, skaters, and people spray painting.  There was a DJ playing remixes (awesome ones might I add). I love listening to them. But this is the place they called the unknown.

"Well you know where I'm at. " April said. Out of nowhere she pulls out her skateboard and ran.

"Okay see you later." I said knowing that she can't hear me. I went to find an empty space in the room. I looked at it to figure out what to make. After 5 minutes of thinking I figured it out what to do. I went into my bag and pulled out a red spray paint can,shook it, and begin.

April POV

After I quickly left amyth, I took out my skate board and started to ride it. I did flips and rolled on ramps. After that I heard people shouting. I went over there to see what's happening. I push people to see Max and Xavier dancing. It shock me so much that my jaw was to the fucking ground. The DJ was playing dubstep music and they was dancing to it,really well. After they was done Max looked at me and came walking my way.

"Umm your jaw is open..." He said.

"That was fucking awesome!" I yelled. Max just gave me a surprised look.

"Really! Oh um yeah I learned from people.. Yeah it was a living, collecting money, and yep awesome." I just stared at him. Wtf...

"Soooo you ramble now..... I like it, its cute!” I exclaimed. Oh fuck I said cute. I could feel my cheeks turning red. Max put an eyebrow up... how he do that?

"You know most people say I'm handsome not cute." He said. I rolled my eyes. Ruin the moment. I walked away and started riding my skateboard. Boys will be boys.

Amethyst POV

As I was almost done with my drawing I heard a noise.

"Boo!" Someone yelled. I rolled my eyes.

"Please if you are going to scare me do something better." I said. I turn around to see the oh so charming Xavier.

"So you seen my dance moves? I know pretty good right?" He said.

"...when did you dance?" I asked.

"I did just a couple of.. Whoa you did this!?!" He exclaimed. He went over to my drawing. It was a boy listening to music on his headphones. There are music notes coming from it and red ombre colors making it look like a sun set.

"Yep I did and I'm about to finish." I said. I grabbed a black can shook it , test the spray on the ground, put my scarf up and sprayed. I wrote my signature and I'm done.

"Yeah its cool or whatever." Xavier stated. I rolled my eyes. Wow .

"So you going to show me some dance moves or what." I said. I put the spray can in my bag and looked at Xavier. He gave me a shock look like it wasn't coming.

"And you know what we can have a dance competition." I smirked. Yeah I dance. Jason taught me how to dance since I was 10.

"Hahahaha like you can beat me." He said.

"Wanna bet?"I asked. This is going to be good.

"Yep if you beat me I'll let you make me do something embarrassing and if I win I'll do the same thing." He said.

"Deal" I said. He spit on his hand and stuck it out. I smiled and spit on my hand. I shook his hand. Xavier face was surprised that I spit on my hand.

"Let the dancing begin." I said.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 29, 2014 ⏰

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