Chlidish Teenagers

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We sit there silent and I had my head down with my hair covered up my face. I didn't want him to see me. 

"Ladies and gentleman please welcome Xavier and Max." Ms. Jackson said. I heard  girls signing dramatically and I rolled my eyes.

"One of you boys can sit behind Amethyst and one sit behind April. Can both of you guys put your hands up?"Ms.Jackson asked. I put my hand up but my head down. April had a smirk on her face like nothing happen and put her hand up. Max sat behind her and Xavier sat behind me. I was so scared.

"Hey" I heard a voice say. I yelp and behind me to see Xavier smiling at me. What do I say? What do I do! Oh I can't do the stuttering thing when I'm nervous. Just stay cool.

"Ugh um...... hey.....uh.....w-welcome t-to -" I was cut off by Xavier.

"Wow you wasn't this frightened when I seen you in bed with me." Xavier said. Oh no he just didn't.

"Excuse me?" I said.

"Listen I know your one of the girls that was desperate because you was all lonely but I was what can you say keep what we had  a secret, between you and me."Xavier said. He just know how to piss a girl off!

"What! Okay first of all-" I was cut off........again.

"Amethyst is there something you need to say to the class" Ms. Jackson said.

"Umm nope." I said.

"Then shut up! " Ms.Jackson yelled. Yeah she can be a bitch when she's mad. But this happens every month sooooo you know what's going on.

"Sorry " I said gritting my teeth. I tried my hardest to not curse her out and leave but I like to keep my grades up. I heard someone trying not to laugh and I just ignored it. They are not worth my time . I did my classwork and homework just in time before the bell rang. I turned it in and went to the rest of my classes until lunch.


"He did not just say that to you." April said shockingly. "Max said the same to me." She said. I told her what happen in math.

"Really what you do? " I asked.

"I was pretending to scratch my head and put the middle finger at him. After that I ignored have Eric tried to talk to you" April asked. I ate my hamburger and nodded my head. I looked at Eric's table to see. Gina on his Lap looking at me. I closed my eyes trying not to cry.

"He tried in math,science, and Spanish.....mostly every class he's in with me. I ignore him because I know he's lying and look Gina is on his lap like they're gfs and bfs." I said.

"God I do wish we know what's on her mind to always try to get under your skin" April said. I don't know either, see Gina and I use to be bffs with us. In middle school she started to be distance from us and she use to bully April and I, but mostly me. I never understood what was her purpose.

"I don't know but luckily we have a couple of months until graduation and I'll be happy to leave to California with you." I said.

"Glad to hear it." April said smiling. Yeah that's right me and April got accepted in UCLA and I want to be a Psychologist, while April want a major in mathematics....that girl is a childish, crazy, and a genius that I love. We'll be living in an apartment together unless something happens. I look to the corner of my eye and to see two people that I don't want to see.Xavier and Max.

"Hello ladies." Max said wiggling his eyebrows. at us.

"Goodbye ass face." April said waving her hands at them. They looked at each other and smirked. They sat down and started eating.

"Umm that means you should got to another table, we don't want you two to sit here." I said.

"Well we want to sit here." Xavier said.

"You need to leave" I said.

"No "


"No "




"No "








"Would y'all shut the hell up don't No one want to here that shit!"April yelled.

"He started it." I said in a childish tone.

"No I didn't you di- " Xavier was cut off.

"I don't give a fuck about who started it just shut up!" April said. We was silent for a couple of seconds. I was eating my fries until I seen a hand trying to grab some.

"Ummm Xavier I wouldn't -" April was cut off when I grab Xavier hand and twist it hearing a crack. He curse under his breath

"Don't ever I mean EVER touch my food." I said in a threatening tone. I hate when someone takes food from me. Xavier tried to get out of the grip to twist my hand but I grip on his hand harder.

"What the.... you are pretty strong for a girl. " Xavier said he came close to my ear.  "I kinda like that in a girl." he whispered.

My cheeks became red and next thing I know Xavier was out of my tight grip and got some of my fries. That bastard.

"Hey you tricked me" I said.

"Never take your eyes off your opponent. " Xavier said.

"Just don't take my food from me again. " I said.

"Now that I thought about it..... your the only girl i know that eat like that and isn't fat." Xavier said.

"Hey I'm gonna eat some food if I was fat or not. I don't need to be complaining that I am because if I was I would change myself for me." I said.

"There you go preach for the food addicts out there" Max said.I rolled my eyes.

"Oh shit Ameth I'm going to be at your house late because I have a math competition to go to. Can you pick me up from school?" April said.

"Okay I will I have to call Jason anyway. " I said shrugging. I eat my food so did the others.

"Amethyst can I talk to you for a minute?" Someone asked. I looked up to see Eric.

"Oh hell to the fuck No after what you did to her you should be glad I didn't put you 6 feet under. Come near her again and I'll -" April was cut off.

"Sure." I said. April looked at me like I had lose my mind. Maybe I did but I just need to get stuff off my chest. I got up and followed Eric. We went to an empty class room.  After I shut the door I slapped Eric.... HARD.


"I know what I did was wrong and I'm sor- " He was cut off by me.

"The fuck your not sorry I just seen you with Gina on your lap and you know that she hates me she was using you to get under my skin and guess what she did. For the first time she did and you allowed it by fucking her. That's why I'm done with you" I said. Before I left I turned around.

"Have a nice life" I said. And the thing is I didn't ask why he did it because I know he didn't care about me but I did for him. I felt my eyes getting blurry from my tears. I went to the bathroom to go clean up.

"Aww is someone sad that I took your man." A voice said. The queen of sluts it's Gina.


So how you like the chapter? I am so sorry I didn't get a chance to write for a while I'll update the chapter a lot but never published it I'm now at my family reunion in Alabama. So here you go.How you think Amethyst handle Eric?

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