The Best Show Ever!

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April POV

"Hey what's up guys" I said. I could tell that Amyth wanted me to talk so she didn't have to.

"Amethyst was answering my question. " Xavier said. He looked at Amyth. "So mind telling me "

" Umm see...Umm...what had happen was-"

" We....are the crystal gems, will always save the day, and if you think we can't will always find a way, that's why the people if this world believe in Garnett, Amethyst, and Pearl... And STEVEN!" I sang. Everyone looked at me like I'm crazy. Amethyst just smiled like it was a good commotion to make.

"Hey name one person that doesn't like the intro of Steven Universe." I said. Xavier raised his hand and I gasped.

"Have you even watch the show?" I asked.

"No, but the way you sang the intro I don't wanna watch it. " He said.

"Are you saying that I sound terrible?" I asked.

"No it just sounds kidy. " Xavier said. I stayed silent.

"It's a fun show to watch." Max said. I was about to say something but I seen Jason in his car driving up the schools parking lot.

"Well look Jason is here"Amyth said.

Amethyst POV

In a blink of an eye I seen April in the passenger seat sticking her tongue at me.

"Well I got to go bye. " I said. I went into the back seat and played more flappy bird.

Xavier POV

"Hey do you know who Jason is?" I asked.

"Nope I don't know him...why you ask." Max said.

"He seems fishy like something is weird about him. " I said.

"Is someone jealous?" he said. No I couldn't be jealous, i just ...I don't know. But I know I'm not jealous.

"Nope just wanted to know " I said." You ready to go? "

"Yeah I got to go to a epic party tonight " Max said. He always party and whatever I don't know how he does it.

"How do you do it?" I ask.

"Do what? " Max said.

"Party and get drunk. " I said. Max arch one eyebrow up.

"You know I don't always drunk when I'm at a party... I do other things. " Max said. Yeah have sex with women. He went to the passenger seat. I went in the car and drove off.

Thank you so much for over 100 reads. Sorry for the short story... Don't kill me.

P.s. Max secretly rode the school bus with April without her knowing Hehehe.

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