Waiting for Jason

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"Wow. She did not just go there with you." April said.

"Yeah she did and she always want to push people buttons until there's nothing to push anymore. " I said. The bell ringed and I was our last our with is biology. Everything went well in there and the bell ringed for dismissal.

" Amethyst make sure you pick me up! The I'll call you. " April said. I nodded my head. I called Jason.

"Hello" Jason said.

"Hey Jason can you pick me up?" I asked.

"Okay I'm coming. " Jason said. We hanged up, I was waiting outside the bench from school playing flappy bird.

"So who's Jason. " A similar voice said. I got scared and I threw my phone up in the air and catched it.

"Oh my gosh you scared the crap out of me" I said heavily breathing.

"Didn't answer my question" Xavier said. I glared at him.

"It's Jason the serial killer ." I said. Xavier just glared.

"Mind if I sit....wait I don't cared if you mind. " Xavier said. I rolled my eyes. Minutes later I heard a flick. I looked next to me and I see Xavier smoking. I grabbed the cigarette and threw it on the floor stomping it.

"Hey do you know how much those cost!" Xavier screamed.

" I don't care do you want to have hole in your throat!... and plus I have asthma." I said.

"Like you would give a crap if I have a hole in my throat " Xavier said.

" Hey even though you're a pain in the ass, I do care enough for you and for everyone else to not have anything bad happen to them. " I said.

"But you won't care enough to text back ? " Xavier said. I had my eye wide open. I hope April is having a better time.


I'm soooo sorry it took that long for me to update. I just been busy with things. At least next update is going to be April's POV. Thanks for the 60+ readers I'm so happy that you take your time to see bad grammar... Lol. Anyway if you want to Holla at a bitch kik me @twinkling_star13 .... Corny right anyway please vote, follow, and be patient with me plz. Peace ✌

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