Beat Down!

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I didn't say anything because I'm one second to whoop her ass.... but I'm trying not to do it because I have three exams I have to do tomorrow and I don't want to be suspended because bitches over here won't leave me alone.

"Aww is somebody to sad to talk." Gina said. Her minions was laughing under there breath. I tried to walk out the door but Gina push me. Lucky I caught my balance.

"You know it's rude to not talk to people that talks to you." Gina said.

"Get out of my way!" I yelled. Gina pushed me again.

"Who's gonna make me cause I know it's not you." Gina said. closed my eyes and try not to hurt her. I'm not a violent person but I can be when I wanna be.

"Girls stay outside the door and keep watch." Gina said. They do what she says and they are outside the door.

"What do you want" I asked. Gina just smirked.

" You know...... I always wanted to know for years how to get under your skin. Everything I throw at you, you just throw it back harder. " Gina said.

"Hey all I do is ignore the bitches out there that's hating." I said, shrugging my shoulders. All Gina did was laugh.

"Please what I got to hate about.... OH I know your cheating boyfriend....or how about your nerdy brother..... nope I think it's your runaway father. " Gina said. After she said that I punched her repeatedly , after she was on the ground I was about to punch her again and I was lifted up still holding on to Gina.

" Let go she's not worth it." April said. After I let go I looked at Gina and her nose is bleeding. Her minions ran to her and was cleaning her up while glaring at me. I went to the sink and cleaned my hands and went out the door with April.

" Guess I'm late for class" I said. April just laugh.

" How you going to punch the shit out of someone and think about class...... we have free hour anyway. " April said. Oh yeah Hehe.

"So wanna go to the tree and talk about it." April said. There's this tree where April and I go to. We usually talk about things and stuff. We went to the tree.

" Soo......tell me all about it." April said.

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