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'what you became; some things never change'

I walked over to the windows that were in the living room and I quickly moved the blinds. My mum groaned quietly. “Wake up mother,” I said, “You passed out on the couch last night.” My mum just nodded and tried to go back to sleep. I ripped the blanket off of my mum, “I’m going to school.” “Why the hell do I have to be up? I don’t have to be up,” my mum sighed and rubbed her eyes. I handed her a pill and a glass of water, “For your hangover.” I grabbed my bag that was by the couch and my car keys. “Bye mum,” I said as I headed towards the door. My mum threw her pillow at me, “I hate you.” “Love you too,” I said as I walked out of the door.

 I jumped into my car and started it. My car used to be my grandpa’s before he died. My mum got all his money and I got this old car. It always breaks down but whatever. I put one of my Black Veil Brides CD into my car and turned it up pretty loudly. My car was a convertible so the top was down on it. It’s pretty hot in Australia so I don’t have a reason to keep it down. I threw my bag into the back and drove to school. I usually pick up Michael but he said he was getting a ride from Sara. If that Sara chick takes my best friend away from me I honestly won’t think she’s nice anymore. I stopped at a stop sign and waited for some cars to go.

 “Aye Calum,” someone yelled from behind me. I looked behind me and Ashton was running up to my car. “Uh I’m trying to drive, what do you want,” I sighed. Ashton jumped into my car, “I need a ride.” “Did I say you can just come into my freaking car,” I growled. “I understand you hate me but Jenna is going to kill me if I don’t go to school today. So stop complaining and just fucking drive,” Ashton rolled his eyes and he got out his phone. “No! Why can’t one of your stupid friends drive you?” “Because they’re all being stupid. Drive, Cal.” “I’ll drive when you get out of my damn car!” “Well that isn’t happening,” Ashton looked at me.

 “I hate you,” I mumbled and started to drive again. “You listen to horrible music,” Ashton laughed harshly and turned off my radio. “Do not touch my fucking radio Ashton.” “We used to be best friends, what happened,” Ashton chuckled. He thinks this is the funniest thing ever. He’s such an ass. “You thought I was gay for you,” I said rudely. “Right,” Ashton said, “You probably still are. I mean, look at me.” “You look like a piece of shit Ashton.”

 “That’s a lie. You like me Cal,” Ashton smirked. “I rather kill myself than date you. Just because I’m bisexual doesn’t mean I have the gayest crush on you! Not everyone likes you Ashton! People just like you because they’re horny little 15 year olds and clearly you’re a slut that will let them have their way!” “Are you about done,” Ashton laughed. “No! Next time you touch my freaking radio I will break your damn finger,” I growled.

I pulled into the school parking lot and parked my car. Ashton ejected my CD and read it, “I have no idea who they are.” “I don’t expect you to,” I said as I tried to take my CD out of Ashton’s hand. He broke it and smirked, “Oops.” Ashton laughed loudly and got his bag, “Bye fag.” I got out of my car and pushed Ashton, “Why would you do that?” “Break your dumb ass CD? Because it’s dumb,” Ashton laughed. I pushed Ashton to the ground, “You know what Ashton? You’re an ass! You keep making fun of me for no fucking reason! I understand that you hate gays or some shit but there is a fucking world outside of High School! And that world has gays and you know you could get fired at a job for hating on gays! Yes, at High School you may think everyone likes you but it’s clear that out of High School you are going to be one of those dumb ass people who have no job and is doing nothing with their life!”

Ashton got up and grabbed me by the shirt, “You want me to stop calling you a fag that bad don’t you?” “No! I want you to stop being a fucking ass,” I growled and pushed him off of me. “Everyone hates you Calum! Just stop trying,” Ashton laughed. “I hate all of you too so it doesn’t fucking matter!” Ashton pushed past me as he walked into the school. He repeated ‘Bye fag’ before he left. I ran my fingers through my hair and sighed.

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