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'i smile because i think of you and i blush'

I walked into the band room and I quickly threw my bag down. Michael jumped when my bed dropped.

“Oh my fucking god,” I growled. Michael looked at me in shock.

“Why didn’t you tell me,” I about screamed. “Tell you w-what,” Michael stuttered. “That you and Jade took it to the next fucking level. I am your best mate Michael! It wasn’t even the next level! You skipped about 5 million levels Michael! How dare you? Why didn’t you tell me? Is it because you hate me,” I rambled on like an idiot.

“I was going to tell you,” Michael sighed.

“When? You are 17 for fucks sake! I thought you wanted to take it to that level when you were fucking 30, or at least married!” “Things changed Cal. I was going to tell you,” Michael said and got up, “But I knew you would act this way. And who told you anyways?” “Jade did. She’s like telling the whole school. She’s saying that you broke up with her too.”

“What,” Michael screamed.

“So you didn’t break up with her?”

“I’m going to now,” Michael growled and walked out of the band room. I followed him. Jade was standing by her locker talking to some girls. Michael tapped her shoulder, “Can I talk to you?” “Leave her alone. All you did was break her heart you freak,” some blond chick said and crossed her arms.

“Excuse me? How the hell is he the freak? He’s not the one wearing those tall ass heels to make him taller. And he’s not the one trying to look all slutty every day for he can just get S.T.Ds again. Yes, people still remember that. So why don’t you march your little whore ass right back to the shit hole you came out of.”

She gasped and stomped her foot. She looked to the girl next to her, “You said people would forget!” The girl just grabbed her arm and they walked away.

“Why are you telling people we broke up,” Michael growled.

“Baby, I didn’t say that,” Jade said and leaned about her whole body onto Michael. Michael grabbed her arms and walked a bit away from her.

“If you wanted to break up you should have just told me.”

I sighed, “Mikey, she was using you.”

“At least he understands it. But don’t take it personal love. You weren’t going to get a girlfriend anyways, so I gave us both a favor,” Jade smirked.

“You knew about this the whole time,” Michael turned to me with tears in his eyes.

“No! Of course not!”

“I hate both of you,” Michael growled and ran away.

“He’s got some major problems,” Jade giggled. “Why would you do that? How in the world do you get humor from breaking guy’s hearts?” “It’s what I do love,” Jade shrugged, “If I didn’t take his virginity no one else would. Unless you two got drunk and got horny. But I don’t know.” “He loved you Jade,” I sighed and ran my fingers through my hair. Jade shrugged again, “Whatever. Well I’m going to go. Talk to yeah later Calum.” She smiled to me before walking away.

“Jade,” I called out to her.

She turned around on her heel and looked at me.

“Fuck you,” I growled. She rolled her eyes and walked away.

I walked down the hall till I found the bathrooms. I walked into the boys’ bathroom and heard Michael crying. I sighed and knocked on the stall door. “G-Go away,” Michael sniffled. “Open the door.”  I heard Michael unlock the stall door so I opened it. He hugged me quickly and cried into my neck. I wrapped my arms around him and nuzzled my head into his neck, “It’s okay love.” “Why can’t I find anyone to love me,” Michael sighed. “You will.” “Why can’t I find someone like you,” Michael sniffled loudly.

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