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'my love for you was bulletproof, but you're the one who shot me'

I leaned my head on Michael’s shoulder as he played on his phone. “So you’re dating Luke now or something?” “I don’t know. He said he loved me but he didn’t ask me to be his boyfriend or anything like that,” I shrugged. “That’s pretty weird. I mean he was like obsessed with you. I really thought he was going to ask you to be his boyfriend,” Michael pouted. “Why are you pouting,” I laughed. “Because, I wanted to see my best mate have a boyfriend. I never saw you hold someone’s hand or kiss someone.” I grabbed Michael’s hand and I kissed his cheek, “Now you’ve seen both.” Michael laughed, “You know what I mean.”

Michael entwined our fingers and he leaned his head on mine. “Yeah I know.” “I’m really gay aren’t I,” Michael asked as he looked at our hands. I lifted Michael’s hand to my lips and I kissed his hand, “Yes.” Michael laughed loudly, “I know. I’m horrible aren’t I?” I shook my head, “Of course not.” “But you’ve been out of the closet sense you were like 10! Why am I noticing this when I’m freaking 17?”

 “Because you’re special,” I laughed. “I’m being serious. No one just changes over night Cal,” Michael sighed. “Well, why do you think you’re gay?” “Because I so badly want to kiss you right now,” Michael said with no pauses. “What,” I laughed. “Don’t be like Ashton and hate me. I promise you I will get over it.” “And if not,” I raised my eyebrow. “Don’t hate me.” “I would never,” I smiled, “You’re my best mate Michael. And if this Luke thing doesn’t work out I will date you.” “Ewe! Don’t say that,” Michael laughed. I rolled my eyes and smiled, “So you really want to kiss me right now?” Michael nodded, “So badly.”

I leaned into Michael and whispered softly, “Sorry. You can’t have me.” I moved away from Michael and I started to laugh again. “You’re an ass. You’re not helping with this stupid crush thing.” I gasped, “Stupid?” “You know what I mean,” Michael rolled his eyes as he let my hand go. “A million ways to die. Darling it’s cold outside,” I sang quietly as I searched through my bag for my phone. “Is that your favorite song right now or something,” Michael asked. “No. I just have it stuck in my head,” I shrugged.

“Can we skip next class,” Michael asked. “If you want to,” I shrugged. “Cool.” “You’re just another set of bones to rest. So let’s just say goodnight. I hope you had a really good time,” I kept singing as I found my phone. “You need to hush before I smack you,” Michael sighed. “Rude,” I pouted and unlocked my phone. “Now I have another song in my head,” I smirked. Michael face palmed himself.

 I laughed softly, “But it’s your favorite song.” “Sing it. Just don’t be too loud,” Michael rolled his eyes. I nodded and I started to hum the beat quietly. “Oh! That’s my song,” Michael gasped. “I’ll sing along cause I don’t any other song,” Michael and I both sang. “I’ll sing along. But I’m barely hanging on.” “Now there’s nothing to do! But scream at the drunken moon,” Michael sang by himself. I smiled to myself.

“And goddamn it, I can barely say your name. So I’ll try to write it. And fill the pen with blood from the sink.” “I never understood that line,” I said softly. “I think the blood is from cutting himself from being sad and the pen is a suicide note.” “Damn Mikey,” I said a bit shocked.

“It’s pretty obvious.” “How so,” I asked. “The line, by the time you’re hearing this I’ll already be gone, says it all.” “I thought that line meant he was leaving the girl for being an ass,” I pouted. “You were wrong my love.” “Damn it,” I kept pouting. “Made of poison set me free,” Michael yelled. “Mother, Father I love you so. But I’m the killer who burnt your home,” I yelled.

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