Chapter Nine

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You don't have to be afraid, I want you to
touch me Obinna, maybe this could take away
your pain' she rose to her feet.

'I..I don't know what to say' he stuttered as
she begun to undress.
'Say nothing, just kiss me' she pulled him up
and pressed his lean body against hers.
Iman swiftly fought with his buttons; she had
this craving, this desire for him to touch her.
Obinna caressed her slender neck, he couldn't
remember the last time he had made love to
Nkoli; she had always complained about money,
he hoped he was doing the right thing.
He took her lips in his and sucked them gently,
then lifted her so carefully, like she was glass
and dropped her on the bed.
'Make love to me Obinna' she rubbed his head
gently. He didn't say a word, he simply stared
at her and continued with kissing her lips. His
hands traveled all over her body; he could
sense her need, it was raw and pure, no
Then he plunged his shaft into her and rode
her like a warrior would ride a stallion into
'Baby...' she moaned and writhed against him,
till her world came shattering down as she
reached the point of no return, the ultimate
point where all lovers meet.
Obinna pressed a soft kiss on her forehead. As
he made love to her, he opened up himself and
released all the hurt, the suffering, and
humiliation that he endured while with Nkoli.
He gave up the bitterness that had grown inside
him. Iman had helped him, she was his
Iman was quiet for a while, no man had ever
made her feel this way; this man was so good in
bed. If she were in good terms with Narissa,
they'd talk about that all day.
'What?' Obinna noticed she was smiling.
'Nothing' a shy smile played on her lips.
'Tell me' he sat up and watched her.
'You're very good in bed' she rose to her feet
and hurried into her clothes.
'Thank you' he laughed. He felt better after
the sex, his spirits had been lifted up and
depression had fled.
'I have to go now' Iman announced.
Obinna was silent, he had really enjoyed her
'Alright. About your friend, I think you should
make up with her, life is too short to carry
heavy weights of anger and hurt on our
shoulders. Promise me you'll make up with her?'
'Okay, I'll try' Iman shrugged. She had
expected Narissa to call her earlier and
apologize for the mean things she had said to
her but no call came through. She decided to be
the bigger person, she loved Narissa like a sister
and wasn't ready to lose her friendship.
'Goodnight' he embraced her.
'Night, take good care of you, Obinna' she
whispered to him.
'You too' he sighed as she walked through the

The night had given birth to morning and the
morning had given birth to a bright yellow sun;
it was a beautiful Saturday.
'Is that all you do? Gape at a celebrity who
doesn't know you exist?' Ekene sauntered into
the living room.
'I have done my chores; as you can see the
house is sparkling, I deserve this' Asa rolled
her eyes and focused her attention on the
"Breakfast daily" show.
'Really?' Ekene joined her in watching the
beautiful hostess. His heart thudded against his
chest in an odd rhythm, he yearned to have
this woman to himself, he yearned to make her
'How about your girlfriend Nkoli? You said she'd
visit soon' Asa asked.
'Of course, she's on her way here. I can't think
of a better way to spend my Saturday' he
'So you're really doing this? Sleeping with the
same woman that slept with your elder brother?
Have you read the part in the bible where this
is considered a taboo?' Asa turned off the
television and focused on him. She had not
slept well the night before, so many things ran
through her mind, how could Ekene be that
'How dare you!' He launched her a slap.
'Ekene! Did you just slap me? Obinna has never
laid a finger on me' she cried.
'That's because he is weak and stupid; my
relationship with Nkoli is none of your business,
you better stay out of it' he warned.
'Ekene! You know I am speaking the truth, I
will never support your actions' she replied.
'Then my lovely sister, prepare yourself for
more slaps' he moved near her and planted a
kiss on her head.
'You have nothing to worry about Asa, I don't
plan on falling in love. Being with Nkoli is a way
to get back at Obinna for the way he insulted
me, you have nothing to worry about, I swear'
he explained to her.
'Are you sure about that?' Asa wiped her face.
'Yes, love. In fact, there's this woman I have
fallen in love with and I will do anything to win
her love. You are going to like her very much' he
'Really? Do you have a picture?' Asa was eager
to see this mystery woman.
'Not yet, soon. I am sorry for slapping you, just
don't get on my nerves' he pulled her close and
hugged her.
'Whatever' she mouthed the words.
'I heard that' he released her and left the
door, the doorbell was ringing.

Nkolika had no regrets or second thoughts after
she had broken up with Obinna; as far as she
was concerned, he was an enormous failure and
there was no hope of redemption for him.
Seeing Ekene at Rosydew had surprised her; he
was totally changed, refined, like the rich men
she saw on television.
He was a man that knew what he wanted and
was not afraid to go for it. Ekene had told her
bluntly that he had been a secret admirer and
would love for them to date.
She had pressed a shaky hand to her chest to
be sure of this, she was overjoyed by his
proposition. What woman in her right senses
would reject Ekene in his glory?
She needed a man that would quench her
material thirst, take her places, buy her all
that she wanted and not some ugly broke ass.
'Here you are, you look lovely' he opened the
door and ran his eyes over her body.
'I am glad you like it' she smiled and stared
deeply into his eyes, he was so handsome in the
black shirt and blue denim that he wore.
'Come on in, sweetheart' Ekene led her into the
'Wow, is this really your house?' Her eyes glowed
as she took in the richly embellished sitting
'Of course darling, everything here belongs to
me' Ekene caressed her head.
'I am so happy to be your girlfriend, I love you
so much Ekene' she hugged him tightly.
'Asa, be a good girl and fetch some drinks
from the fridge' he turned to his sister but she
wasn't there; she had left her room.
'Asa is staying with you?' Nkoli's countenance
dropped. She never really had a good rapport
with Asa, what the hell was she doing here?'
She belonged with her loser older brother,
'Yes, have a seat love, let me get you a drink'
he left for the cellar.
'Wow, I have made it in this life. As long as I
live, I will never let you go Ekenedichukwu, I
will hold you so tightly to me' she muttered to
'Here darling' he returned with two glasses and
a bottle of red wine.
'Is that Caviel Special?' she was a waitress in
the most exotic hotel and she knew just how
much such a wine would cost.

To be continued....

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