Revenge Card 15

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If I told you, it would cease to be a plan’
Narissa rose to her feet and walked towards
her room.

After Mfon left, Ife returned to his father’s
house. He couldn’t stay in that empty house all
alone. Falling in love with Narissa had opened
his eyes to many things; one of which was the
fact that he had been living an empty life.
‘You look better today, what’s with the face?’
His father joined him in the living room.
‘Hey dad, I am happy for no reason. Let’s just
say it’s a No-Stress day’ he beamed.
‘Really?’ His father asked.
‘Yes,’ he replied coolly. His father was quite the
observer; seeing Narissa look so vulnerable
thrilled him; she was in love with him and that
was hope enough they could get back together.
‘Are you in love with someone?’ The old man
suddenly asked after moments of silence.
‘Dad?’ His eyes widened in shock.
‘Yea, you have that faraway look going’ his
father added.
‘I am not in love’ he lied.
‘You’re such a terrible liar, just like your
mother’ the old man grinned.
‘Can I ask a question?’ Ife rubbed his hands
‘Sure’ the man replied.
‘How do you win a woman’s love after hurting
‘Buy her a thousand flowers and soak them in
your tears’ the old man’s face brightened.
‘That’s not possible; I am not Kanye’ Ife rolled
his eyes.
‘It simply means, a woman that you hurt
cannot be won back easily; some may choose to
stay “hurt” forever. You do your part and leave
the rest to her. If she really wants you, then
forgiveness won’t be a big deal; except of
course you slept with her sister or her best
friend’ the man explained.
‘No, I did none of those’ Ife replied.
‘Oh, so you admit it now, you do like someone’
his father teased.
‘Excuse me father, I’ll love to take this. It’s
important’ Ife moved away, he didn’t want to
discuss Narissa with his father just yet. If the
old man knew the pain he’d caused her, it
could change the way he saw him. His father
would be extremely disappointed in him.
‘Alright then, remember to buy a thousand
flowers…’ his words trailed Ife as he walked
towards his room.

‘…and soak them with tears’ Ife murmured
and shut his door.
Lavender had just sent him a text, indicating
her readiness to chat.
Lavvy: Hi, how did it go? Hope you brought her
down to her knees?
Ife: Sure mama, you were right. I think Narissa
still loves me.
Lavvy: Think? You need be sure so I know what
next to tell you.
Ife: Okay. She is in love with me.
Lavvy: Good. You have to get her even more
jealous. Give me details of your office
Ife: she came in gorgeously dressed. Asked me
to give your media company a contract; then
my “fiancée” walks in and I introduce them
Lavvy: Fiancee?
Ife: I told Narissa we were getting married,
did I cross a line? Did I take it too far?
Lavvy: No. You’re a genius. This is great news!
Ife: You think? What do I do next?
Lavvy: Did you grant her request?
Ife: No. But I plan to. How can I refuse her
Lavvy: Good. Now, print wedding cards and
send one to our office.
Ife: Wow, the game is getting bloody. What if I
deliver it myself?
Lavvy: Her house would be the perfect venue.
You’ll see beyond the exterior. Once you do this,
she’ll have no option but to surrender totally to
Ife: Good. Good. I love this! Okay, I am going
to pay you double. Thanks, Lavender, you’ve
been so nice.
Lavvy: I’ll do anything for you darling.
Ife: Hmm, goodnight.
Lavender’s last words confused him a bit; did
she have a crush on him? That sentence did not
sit well.
‘Well well, we are going to be together soon
Narissa’ he sent her a text telling her he had
granted her company the media assessment
contract for Methocorp but it didn’t come free,
it came with a price.

The drive to her father’s house was quick, she
rode at the highest speed; her speedometer had
rung many times but she wouldn’t go slow for
anything. She had come up with a perfect plan
that would hurt Ife as much and that plan
resided where she was headed.
She brought the car to a stop and stepped down
with blue roses; Edna loved roses and would be
happy to get some from her.
‘Narissa! I am glad you came’ Edna rushed
towards her as she stepped into the garden.
‘Edna, how are you?’ Narissa hugged her
‘Where is my father?’ She scanned everywhere.
‘Oh, the old man went for a meeting in the
church, he will be back within the hour. Can you
wait that long?’ Edna asked.
‘Sure. Where is Ekene?’ Narissa asked.
‘In the boy’s quarters’ Edna replied with a
‘Okay, I need to speak with him urgently, I’ll
be right back’ Narissa swirled and started
towards Ekene’s room.
‘Wait Narissa’ Edna’s voice brought her to a
halt; it was heavily laden with concern.
‘Edna? Is there a problem?’
‘Ekene told us that he was your ex’s best friend’
Edna started.
‘I guess you all know Ife Martins is my ex then.
Don’t worry Edna, I have gotten over him; I
have never felt better. See you soon’ she forced
a smile and walked off.
‘Take care’ Edna waved. She had not spent so
much time with Narissa but she knew Narissa
was good at wearing masks. She prayed
everything worked out well for her because she
still looked like a woman in love.
Narissa took a deep breath and rammed her
fingers into the door. She knew Edna was
concerned about her but there was no need to
worry, she was a big girl and big girls could
take care of themselves.
‘Ekene, open up, it’s me Narissa’ she increased
her ramming.
‘Narissa?’ Ekene was stunned.
‘Can I come in? I have a confession to make’
she wore a bright smile.
‘Confession?’ Ekene asked as he offered her a
seat on his bed.
‘Yes, I like you Ekene. I am sorry for putting
you off like that’ she said to him.
‘You like me? Does that mean you have forgiven
me for the way I spoke to you?’ He held his
‘Yes. It’s of no consequence to me. I really like
you dear and I’ll love for us to be friends’ she
‘I can’t believe this; you’re everything I have
ever dreamt of’ he stuttered, this seemed too
good to be true.
‘Yes dear’ she smiled.
‘Dear?’ He was still surprised.
A beautiful woman like Narissa didn’t just show
up in your house without having something in
mind; she needed something from him. He
wasn’t a fool, she wore a mask.
‘Are you horny?’ Ekene asked her.
His question pricked her ass like a needle and
she shifted uncomfortably in his bed. Why
would he ask her that?
‘I knew you wouldn’t answer it. You want
something from me Narissa, you don’t just
forgive a guy who called you names and wants
to be friends with him at the same time. Tell
me, what do you want?’ He repeated.

‘Nothing. I just want to be friends with you; no
more, no less’ she swallowed.
‘Funny. How is your ex Ife and when last did
you hear from him?’ Ekene asked. He had not
forgotten what Ife had done to him, maybe he
deserved some of it but taking all of his money
and freezing his accounts was too much for
‘I am not here to talk about Ife!’ She snapped
angrily at him.
‘Wow, slow down tiger. Just tell me what you
want and I promise not to ask you any more
questions’ he took a deep breath, he had not
expected her reaction.
‘I… am sorry for snapping at you that way. I
am sorry I came here. I need to go now’ she
suddenly felt weak. She lost her courage for
‘Wait Narissa, are you sure you’re okay? You
can talk to me, you know’ he held her back.
‘I am fine. Sorry for bothering you’ she pulled
her hands away from his and rushed out of his
‘Goodbye Narissa’ his voice was a whisper. He
stared at her as she walked away; she seemed
like a traveler who was lost in a maze. Why had
Narissa come to him? He needed to find out.
He realized he had not thought about his best
friend Ife in a long time; he decided to look
him up later on the internet.
For now, his mind dwelt on Narissa and the
things that troubled her.

To Be Continued….

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