Revenge Card 21

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She watched as her friend disappeared. She
prayed Narissa found peace.

He glued his screen to his phone as he checked
out her pictures; he was supposed to forget her,
he had hurt her enough, but he found it
difficult to do so. How easy was it to forget
someone you had come to love?
‘Still thinking of your boo?’ His father strolled
into the living room.
‘Something like that. I am scared of asking for
forgiveness, she’ll never take me back. She will
never reconsider, maybe I should just forget
her’ he dropped the phone and rested his head
in his hands.
‘The problem is that you cannot forgive
yourself. You are scared of what a bleak future
it would be without her. I’ve been there before
son and I know this, uncertainty is a very dark
place. Light only comes by trying, by facing
your greatest fear’ the old man replied.
‘So what do I do?’ Ife looked into his eyes.
‘You face your fear. Go find that young woman
and do whatever it takes to get her back. Roll
on the floor, cry blood, just be sincere in
whatever you do’ he explained further.
‘What if that doesn’t work out? What if she still
rejects me?’ Ife asked.
‘Maybe you should start with facing your fear.
That’s Step 1, when you’re done, we can move
on to the next.’
‘Uhm, someone is at the door, let me get it’ the
old man trudged towards the door.
‘I am going to face my fear’ he muttered to
‘Ife? This visitor is for you’ he heard his father
‘Visitor?’ He rose to his feet and marched
towards the door, he wasn’t expecting anyone.
For one split second, he entertained the
possibility of Narissa coming to see him.
Fantasy! Fantasy! He chuckled. Fantasy was
short-term madness.
‘Lavender? What are you doing here and how
did you get my address?’ His eyes went wide as
he stood facing his ex-relationship advisor.
‘I’ll have to leave you two now, I am in my
room if you need me’ his father patted him on
the back and walked away.
‘Hello darling’ she smiled seductively.
‘Darling? Are you crazy? What do you want?’
His voice was stern.

‘You should, at least, invite me in. I am not a
vampire, I don’t bite’ she winked.
‘No way in hell I am letting you into this house.
State your purpose and be gone’ he replied
‘I can’t believe this, you’re such an ingrate! Do
you know the things I have done? The things I
have endured to make sure your plans for
Narissa worked’ her face colored. She was
angry, she was mad.
‘I paid you dammit! I paid you money. Is
there something else you want?’ He wondered
why she kept acting like she had done him a
‘I want your love Ife, can’t you see? Narissa
isn’t the woman for you. It’s me you should
love’ she fell on her knees.
‘You’re crazy. You hear that? Now get the hell
out of my house before I call security’ he yelled
at her.
‘Call security? I got raped times without
number just to make sure your plans worked. I
sacrificed’ she licked her lips nervously.
‘Got raped? Well, I don’t know anything about
that. Just get out of my house and don’t ever
come back’ he was irritated by her.
‘Really? Is that how you’re going to end this?
You used me and you’re now dumping me?’ She
stared at him looking for something, something
concrete, something that wasn’t there.
Something he couldn’t give.
‘Yes. Go, Lavender, you’re not needed or
welcome here’ he sighed and shut the door.
‘Goodbye Ife’ she swallowed and swirled
‘Shit! This is all my fault. I should never have
gone to that demented girl for help’ he fell to
the floor.
His whole life was now a mess; he needed to
find Narissa and beg for her forgiveness.
He fetched his car keys and rushed towards his
car, uncertainty was darkness and he was
prepared to see the light.

She had been busy in the kitchen preparing
lunch when the doorbell rang; Narissa had been
out longer than she’d expected.
‘Finally’ she sighed then hurried towards the
‘You’re back baby, how did it go?’ She pulled
open the door, her mouth gaped in surprise.
‘Ife, welcome’ she almost smiled.
‘Please, I’ll like to see Narissa; please forgive
me, I am really sorry for what happened the
other day’ he apologized.
‘Hey, come on in. She’s out but she will soon be
back, I hope you’ll wait for her’ she ushered
him in.
‘I will wait for her’ he replied and followed her
‘How is she?’ he asked as he settled into a seat.
‘Managing, how are you?’ Iman asked.
‘Managing’ he nodded.
‘Good. You both are trending online. People
think you’re amazing for each other’ Iman
‘Really? I haven’t had time to visit Twitter or
Instagram, it’s a real gossip mill’ he rolled his
‘Oh, do you really love Narissa with all your
heart?’ Iman asked.
‘Yes. I do. I realize I have been a fool. I just
wish she’ll hear me out. I wish she would give
me another chance’ he was really sorry for the
way he treated her.
‘But I heard you were getting married’ Iman
chipped in.
‘That, that was another stupid move by me. I
assure you, I am not getting married. I only
did that to…’ he stuttered.
‘Get her jealous?’ Iman raised her brows.
‘Yes. But everything backfired’ he replied.
Iman offered him some juice. They talked some
more and she even revealed she had never
liked him for her friend, but she now thought
‘I believe everyone deserves a second chance,
just don’t mess yours up’ she said.
‘I won’t dare. I love Narissa so much, her kind
of woman is rare’ he replied.
‘Yea’ Iman nodded.
‘Excuse me’ he took out his buzzing phone from
his pocket.
‘Are you okay?’ Iman noticed the frown and
confusion that washed his features.
‘I just received a text from Narissa’ he looked
‘A text? What does it say?’ Iman rolled her
eyes, she had not expected that.
‘That we should meet up at Daisywheel hospital,
she has forgiven me and is willing to take me
back’ he read the text aloud.
‘Oh, she is actually at the hospital right now
with her boss. Someone was murdered in their
office. Some guy who was found mutilated in
the ladies bathroom’ Iman filled him in.
‘What was he doing in the ladies bathroom?’ He
‘Same question I asked. I hate to judge but I
feel he was a rapist and that’s why his penis
was chopped off’ Iman rose to her feet, she
still had something on fire.
‘Rapist?’ The words rang in his ears as he
suddenly remembered Lavender’s words. A sick
feeling crept up his spine.
‘I guess I have to go now. I hope she accepts
me back’ he drank hurriedly from the glass
and dropped it.
‘Good luck. Just be sincere’ Iman advised and
led him towards the door.
‘Excuse me’ she pulled out her phone, it cried
The number seemed strange, she had not seen
it before but she took the call anyway.
‘Hello, Iman Abdullahi on the line? Who am I
speaking with?’
‘Sorry to disturb you but Narissa listed you as
next of kin on some of her documents. I know
you guys are good friends, that’s why I am
calling you’ the woman replied.
‘I forced and threatened Narissa to do the
interview with Ife Martins. She has not shown
up in the office for some days now and I am
worried about her. I have tried her number
severally but it is out of reach. Please, may I
speak with her now?’

To Be Continued….

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