The End

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'Naughty boy' she pulled him in and planted a
soft kiss on his lips. The result was a sweet
inferno that enveloped them both.

So many thoughts ran through her mind as she
drove into Ife's compound. She didn't want to
lose him; she even planned to get him to a
She rushed out of the car, almost fell but
steadied herself as she hurried towards the
house. She noticed the house was unusually
She rang the doorbell twice but there was no
answer. She released a deep breath, pushed the
door and stepped into the house.
'Ife?' She saw him by the cellar. Why would he
be drinking wine when he was ill?
'Welcome darling' he smiled and sauntered
towards her. His movement seemed purposeful.
'How are you feeling now? Why are you
drinking?' Questions rushed out of her mouth.
'I'll explain later' he reached for her hands.
'What is it, something is bothering you, I can
tell' she noticed he was gloomy. Was he going to
break her heart the second time?
'I am sorry I ever broke your heart' he started.
He was broken and deeply sorry for what he
had done to hurt her in the past 'I am sorry
about the recording. I was so stupid' tears
sprang up in his eyes.
'Ife, I have forgiven you, I swear by my late
mother's grave. I love you regardless' her jaws
clenched, he seemed to be hurting.
'After I lost you the first time, I realized how
stupid I had been. I had lost a good woman. I
did unspeakable things just to gain your
attention' he smiled as he recalled acting up to
get her jealous.

'Yes, you tried to get me jealous. I remember
your "Fiancee" and your wedding card' she
laughed. Before now, she had felt hurt but she
easily laughed about it now.
'Yes, I was desperate for you. You changed me
Narissa. I was selfish, irresponsible and
arrogant but you changed me. You made me a
better person and I love you so much. You are
simply amazing. You are the most beautiful,
intelligent and sexy woman I have ever met.
You have everything all wrapped together...' he
stuttered. He had forgotten the last paragraph
of his speech.
'Are you okay?' She noticed the confusion that
crossed his features.
'Just get the long sermon over with and give my
daughter the ring' her father stepped out from
behind the cellar.
'Dad?' Her eyes widened, then Edna followed
and finally, Ife's dad.
'Will you marry me Narissa? Please be my bride,
be the mother of my children. Be my queen' he
went on his knees and fetched a gold ring from
his pocket.
'Oh my God' tears glistened in her eyes.
She had yearned for his love all along. He had
hurt her but she still wanted him. Ife was all
she needed in a man and she loved him more
than anything. In him, she saw her future, past
and present. He had shown her great love by
coming to save her from Ekene.
'I am sorry...' she exhaled.
His heart raced at the mention of the three
letter word, was she going to reject him?
'Honey don't say "no", you look perfect
together. I have already planned a big
wedding' Edna held her breath.
She scanned her face, her father's and then
Ife's dad.
A smile split her beautiful face as she accepted
the ring 'I will marry you Ife Martins.'
'I love you' he pressed himself into her.
Excitement burnt in him as he held her.
'I love you too darling' she replied.
He released her and pressed a kiss on her lips;
they kissed each other slowly and gently. It was
a long and passionate kiss.
'I think you both should save it for your
wedding night' Edna cleared her throat.
'I think she is right' their fathers chorused.
The lovers were too engrossed in their kiss to
hear them. They sealed their love and
happiness with a vow that lay in their kiss.
His heart had found her. Her heart had found
him. They were ingrained together, soul mates
and so would they remain till the end of time.
And so Love conquered revenge and gave birth
to new lovebirds.

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