Revenge Card 8

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What if her kissing him means she has feelings
for him and you seeing them at that point was
mere coincidence?

‘No, she kissed Jason to get me jealous’ he
‘I see you like your theory, we should use it
then’ Lavvy suggested.
‘What do we do next?’ He waited patiently.
‘You never told me about Methocorp media
assessment sessions. Our company is interested,
this may be in your favor as our boss wants
Narissa to “beg” you to key us in’ Lavvy said.
‘Really? Well, I wasn’t in charge of picking the
media companies; maybe I would’ve included
yours’ Ife brightened as he saw that ray of
‘All good. Everything depends on Narissa now.
Will she choose to beg you or will she prefer
losing her job?’ Lavvy rose to her feet, she had
the perfect plan.
‘What? Why would she lose her job? I can easily
put your company on the list, I don’t care
about due process, let me help her Lavender’ he
joined her on his feet.
‘No! You’ll ruin my plans, you’ll make it worse
for you’ she gestured with her hands.
‘What plans?’ He arched a brow.
‘Using your theory, Narissa still has feelings for
you and we can only find that out if you have
a girlfriend, a set up of course. You don’t have
to make it real’ Lavvy suggested.
‘A girlfriend? Are you insane? I want to get
closer to Narissa not push her farther away, I
don’t like this. I pay you good money to think’
he hissed. What kind of plan was that?
‘Stay calm Gorgeous. If Jason is Narissa’s
“boyfriend”, then you need a “girlfriend”. Her
reaction to your relationship status would tell
us which card to play’ Lavvy smiled proudly,
confident that her plans would work out.
‘Fine, I don’t have any girls in mind’ Ife sank
into his swivel chair reluctantly.
‘Find one and call me when you do. Make sure
she is ten times way hotter or as hot as Narissa
herself. Girls see their ex’s new girlfriends as
rivals’ Lavvy advised as she moved towards the
‘I have never met any woman as pretty as
Narissa’ was all the could say. He hoped Lavvy’s
plan worked out.

She stared at the back of the man she had
fallen in love with; Obinna’s back faced her
while he stared out the window, he was taking a
phone call.
She had never believed she could find love so
sweet; love seemed to find people when they
were at their lowest point in life when they had
given up hope; Love came for her when all hope
was gone.
A happy smile flickered on her lush lips as she
fetched her phone; she had promised her best
friend a date, she missed spending time with
Narissa, maybe it was time to see her again.
As she texted her friend, she thought about all
Narissa had been through in the last few
months. If only she had taken her advice and
stayed the hell away from Ife, she would never
have gotten her heart broken by him.
‘Ekene has gotten a job’ Obinna announced
and joined her in the bed.
‘Wow, that’s good for him’ Iman replied. She
had come to know about Ekene’s shady deals
and his nastiness to Obinna in the past but
somehow, he’d changed and decided to pursue
legitimate business.
‘I still think he is being proud, I forgave him
and offered to find a job suitable for his
qualification’ Obinna sighed.
Ekene had betrayed him when he had an affair
with Nkolika his ex but he’d forgiven him; he’d
forgiven him all his crimes. Ekene was still his
brother, still his blood.
‘What do you expect him to do? He isn’t proud;
he is just ashamed, with the way he hurt you in
the past. I’m sure he is even more ashamed
that you forgave him. Just let it go darling’
Iman planted a swift kiss on his head.
‘Thanks, baby, you always have a way of
making me feel better’ Obinna sighed. Iman
had been God send to his family; she helped
him get a job, a well-paying job that afforded
him the chance to take care of his siblings.
‘So when last did you hear from Asa?’ She
inquired about his younger sister.
‘Um, that girl has grown wings. Since she gained
admission into the University, she seldom calls
me’ he laughed as he thought of his baby sister.
‘Well, Jungle don mature’ Iman winked.
‘You don’t look happy, what is it?’ He noticed
things easily; she couldn’t mask her pain from
‘It’s my friend Narissa; I am just so worried
about her. I feel guilty too; since I moved in
with you, I hardly check up on her. I am the
only friend she has, I wonder how she’s coped
alone all these months’ she was quite worried.
‘I’ve seen Narissa on T.V many times, she is a
strong woman; don’t be so worried. Just call her
and maybe sit out’ Obinna suggested.
‘I already did but I’ll miss you my love’ she
snuggled next to him.
‘One day without me won’t kill you baby, you
need to see your friend’ he kissed her.
‘Thanks baby, thanks for your show of concern’
she sighed and buried her face in his chest.

A true smile played on her lips as she slid out
of bed; the first thing that woke her was her
buzzing phone; Iman had texted her, they were
to meet that morning.
‘How I miss you!’ Narissa sighed and pulled the
curtains to let the mild sun into her dark room.
She realized she had really missed Iman.
Before she got serious with Obinna, they used to
hang out, watch movies, play games and spend
a lot of time together; but all that changed
once she moved in with her boyfriend.
‘Here we go’ she opened her wardrobe and
selected what she would wear for the date. It
was simple, a pair of jeans and a green top.
She rushed to the bathroom and turned on the
As the water dropped on her curls, her thoughts
began to sprout like new weeds. They centered
around Ife, her work, and her boss. She
remembered the threat issued by her boss, what
if the woman really meant to sack her? Was
there a better Media company to host her show?
Wouldn’t that mean the death of her career?
She thought about Ife and how satisfied he
would be to see her beg for a contract.
‘Why does she have to humiliate me like this?’
She sighed and stepped out with her towel. Her
boss was the major cause of her worries.
She dressed quickly and left for the bar where
she was to meet Iman; she couldn’t wait to tell
her friend about this whole thing. Surely, Iman
would have an answer to her questions.
The drive to Rosydew was all too familiar. She
had come to love the place; it was classy, clean
and served a variety of cuisines.
She banged the car door loud enough for people
to turn in her direction; she was in a bad
‘Bastard’ she clicked her tongue as she neared
the bar, her problems had all begun here, right
there at Rosydew; they started when she laid
her eyes on Ife Martins.
She consoled herself that she had courage. Yes,
she really was a brave heart. How many women
could still visit the place they had hung out
with their Ex frequently? How many women
could go to that same bar and order a
Margarita without flinching at the onslaught of
sweet old memories?

To Be Continued….

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