Chapter Twenty

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'What? What fight?' Iman rose to her feet as
they both rushed to the scene.

Ekene drank in silence not minding the fact
that he had pissed off his friend; he wasn't
bothered. He would still pay Narissa back for
the way she spoke to him by releasing the voice
note online.
His phone buzzed as he was prepared to pour
himself another glass; it was strange. Asa had
not called him since he threw her out of his
'Excuse me' he rose to his feet and moved away
from his friend.
'Already excused' Ife's eyes darkened as he
watched the betrayer that he called a friend.
He had hurt Narissa enough by saying those
hurtful words to her; leaking the voice note
would be more damaging to both their careers.
His eyes strayed to a piece of art close to his
cellar that resembled a club.
'Hello Asamma, has Obinna abandoned you
already? I guess you're starving over there,
should I send you some money?' He taunted.
'This is not the time to joke Ekene, I am in
serious trouble' she sounded very afraid.
'What trouble and where is that thick skull
called Obinna?' He became serious.
'The police...' She was about to speak when the
line went dead.
'What the fuck!' He rolled his eyes then swirled
towards the cellar but his friend wasn't there.
'Where the hell are you? I am leaving, my
sister is in trouble' he called sharply but there
was no answer.
'Here I am' Ife resurfaced and launched the
club at his head. With a sharp cry, he collapsed
to the floor.
'Fool' he towered above his body.

'Give me back my phone, you don't know what
happened' Asa struggled with the security man
that collected her phone. She had wanted to
call Obinna but his number was switched off.
Heads turned in their direction but she wasn't
moved; she had given her brother's ex the
beating she deserved.
'What happened?' Iman and Narissa rushed to
the scene.
'She attacked me, I was out here making videos
and someone launched me a slap from behind.
What was I supposed to do? Let her go that
easily?' Asa explained to them both.
'Excuse me sir, there's a misunderstanding
here, I am sure this does not require the police'
Iman stepped forward.
'Too late for that, here is the girl that has been
threatening my life' Nkoli returned with two
skinny men in uniform, they were accompanied
by a black van.
'You have to follow us to the station' they
stated their purpose.
'Please sirs...'Iman tried to beg them but they
wouldn't listen.
'It's okay, tell Obinna to come pick me. I
already called Ekene but my phone was seized
before I could tell him what was happening.
Here, have yours, please save my videos' she
winked at Iman and Narissa and followed the
'Young lady, why are you doing this? You know
very well Asa never attacked you. I can swear
she doesn't have any violent streak in her'
Iman turned sharply to the lady in question.
'Fools' Nkoli had recognized the celebrity but
she wasn't in any mood for niceties. She hissed
angrily and walked away.
After Ekene had dumped her, she had vowed to
pay him back. Seeing Asa there at Rosydew
making videos of herself, looking so happy
infuriated her greatly. No one in their family,
especially Ekene, had the right to be happy
after dumping her.
'What do we do now?' Narissa wondered.
'I'll have to call Obinna' Iman replied coolly.
Narissa's phone rang, it shook against her
purse. She took it out to see the caller.
Her father.
'Why won't he stop calling?' Narissa rolled her
eyes. She had ignored her father's call for a
week now.
'Why should he? He is your father Narissa. I
cannot tell you what to do with him but maybe
you should hear him out. Maybe you should
listen to what he has to say; he may be sorry
for trying to match make you with that
bastard' Iman advised.
'So I should take the call'? Narissa raised a
'If you have really gotten over Ife, that won't
be a problem. In fact, do more than the call,
go see your father, hear him out' Iman
'Okay, let me head there now, see you later' she
pecked her friend lightly and left for her car.
'Bye honey. Good luck with Edna too' Iman
'I hear you! I totally get you' Narissa laughed
and slid into her car.
'Now I have to call you' Iman exhaled. She felt
bad this happened on her watch, what if Obinna
felt disappointed in her?

Obinna had been shopping for a proper gift for
Iman; he owed her so much and he needed to
show her gratitude.
'What would you like sir?' A young girl trudged
towards him as he stepped into the jewelry
'A beautiful necklace or earring' Obinna
'Eye colour is important for choosing things like
this' she returned with samples of golden
necklaces and earrings.
'Oh? Is that?' Obinna wore a soft smile.
'Her eyes are golden brown, can you give me
something that would compliment that?' Obinna
'Alright. I'll be back' the sales girl disappeared
once again.
He noticed his phone vibrated in his pocket.
'Iman' he pulled it out and smiled, he couldn't
wait to tell her everything about his day.
She narrated the events that had taken place
at Rosydew and how Asa had been arrested by
the police.
'What? I'll be there in a minute, we'll go there
together' he dropped the phone.
'Here it is sir' she showed him a fine gold
necklace with a precious stone the color of
Iman's eyes.
'Alright, hurry with it' he waited impatiently
for the necklace.
He wondered who Asa had fought with and why
the person would involve the police. He knew
his sister very well, she wasn't a troublesome
person; she was loving, sweet, kind and
'Thanks' he paid for the necklace and left for
his car.
So many thoughts plagued him. He felt Ekene
was behind this; Ekene could do many things
just to get back at him.
He prayed silently in his heart for wisdom to
handle the situation wisely.
'There you are! I have been so worried' Iman
flung her arms around him.
'Darling' he whispered and hugged her tightly.
'We have to leave now, the longer she stays in
there, the worse this thing could get' Iman
pulled away from him. She felt an odd tingling
in her skin as he hugged her.
'True' Obinna led her to his car.
'Wow, this is lovely. I wish we weren't having a
situation, we would drink to this' Iman touched
the black car admiringly.
'We will still celebrate love. I will celebrate you'
he kissed her and pulled open the car door.
His words were so beautiful, he made her feel
like a queen. She stole a glance at him as they
arrived the police station, what if he was being
so nice because she helped him with the job?
Was Narissa right? Did Obinna have another
'I am sorry this happened on my watch, I am
so sorry Obinna' she apologized.
He simply stared at her and laughed 'Sorry?
You did nothing wrong, dear'. He took her
hands in his and they both walked into the
'Good afternoon gentlemen, I am here to get
my sister' Obinna wore a frown.

To Be Continued....

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