Revenge Card 14

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Now he had his answers, Narissa was in love with
him; he needed to speak with Lavender, she
was his play guide.

Her hands were glued to the steering as she
arrived home; her body went still like she had
seen a ghost. Had that really happened? Had
she been humiliated by Ife, again?
Tears rolled down her cheeks as she
remembered his words: “I am disappointed in
She pulled down her mirror and scanned the
dress she wore; he was right, she did seem
‘He is getting married to her’ she murmured
and broke down. How could Ife get married so
quickly after ending their relationship?
‘My Queen is back, Oya come and gist me, how
did it go?’ Iman rushed outside to meet her
‘Narissa? Oh my God, what happened? Why are
you crying?’ Iman felt hurt seeing her friend
this way.
Narissa blinked away the tears, how could she
tell Iman about what Ife had done to her?
‘Talk to me baby, please what happened?’
Iman hovered over her.
‘I don’t know where to start’ Narissa broke
She had walked into Ife’s office fully dressed
with confidence but she was returning with a
bruised ego. He treated her like a nobody,
humiliated her and turned down her request.
‘It didn’t work out. My company isn’t getting
the job’ she returned flatly.
‘What! How is that possible? You looked hot and
everything, why did he turn you down?’ Iman
folded her arms across her chest in shock.
‘Tell me, Iman, why did you pick this dress?’
Narissa stared at her teary-eyed.
‘Uhmm, what has the dress got to do with this?
The dress was everything you needed; it was
perfect for the occasion Rissa’
‘No it wasn’t! It made me look like a whore’ she
stepped out of the car and banged the door.

‘No, why would you say something like that?’
Iman was taken aback.
‘Ife told me so. He made me feel so stupid. I
hate him so much’ she groaned.
‘Ife? Tell me, Rissa, do your tears have a thing
to do with losing the job or with Ife Martins?’
Iman asked she needed to be clear about
‘Why would you ask me that?’ Narissa wiped her
face, maybe it was the time she faced the
‘Oh no, you’re still in love with him’ Iman
regarded her thoughtfully and found the
answer to her question.
‘He is getting married’ Narissa held a sob.
‘Oh my God! I am so sorry, tell me everything’
Iman took her hands gently and caressed it as
she cried.
‘The reason I was in low spirits at Rosydew
yesterday was that of Ife; he’d walked in with
his fiancé and kissed her right there in my
presence. He introduced me to her today; she
even invited me for the wedding. Can you
imagine that? Why is he so mean? Breaking my
heart wasn’t enough for him, he wants me dead
too’ Narissa sobbed.
‘That’weird, why would he do all that?’ Iman
wondered. No sane man introduced the women
he slept with to each other; maybe Ife wasn’t
sane. What if he had a purpose for doing that?
‘Narissa, when Ife kissed his fiancée at the
bar, did he see you?’ Iman asked.
‘I guess. What does that have to do with
anything?’ Narissa was lost.
‘I think Ife is trying to get you jealous and he
is being very immature about it’ Iman shrugged.
‘Jealous? I doubt it, he likes to show off’
Narissa wiped her face and stared at her
friend. Why would Ife want her jealous? He was
getting married for heaven’s sake.
She drew a breath and thought about what took
place in his office. She recalled his eyes had
roamed all over the body, wasn’t that desire?
What was his game?
‘He is in love with you’ Iman laughed. How
could Narissa be so blind? She was the
relationship expert.
‘In love with me? He broke my heart, Iman.
Last I remember, breaking someone else’s heart
isn’t a show of love. Humor me’ she sighed.
‘You told me yourself that the dude confessed
it, he begged you, Rissa, have you forgotten?
Maybe this is just his crazy way of gaining your
attention, and I’ll say he has already
succeeded’ Iman countered.
‘You’re not seeing the real picture here. Ife is
getting married to that lady.’ Narissa blurted
out. What the hell was Iman saying?
‘Yea right. Have you seen pictures or the
wedding invite? You’re not simple-minded.
Think Narissa, think’ Iman urged her.
‘Okay, let’s assume he is playing a game with
me, what am I supposed to do?’ She rolled her
eyes, feeling a little relief.
‘Now be honest with me, do you still love him?’
Iman inquired, she needed to know what
exactly she was dealing with.
‘If I didn’t, I wouldn’t feel this hurt. I guess I
have been lying to myself all this while. Maybe I
should take a break from this country. Change
of environment heals heartbreak’ she felt it
was better to stay far away from Ife Martins.
‘Running is the solution of cowards. Even if you
travel to the ends of the world, your heart will
still dwell on the one you love. You are in love
with him Narissa but you have to take a
decision. You have just two options here’ Iman

‘What are they?’ Narissa asked.
‘When you fall in love with a person, you either
love them in secret after which the love fades
off or you ask yourself if they are worthy of
your love, then you fight to keep them. Do you
want to love Ife in secret and let the feelings
fade off; or are you willing to accept him like
the brute that he is?’ Iman’s eyes were on her.
‘I want to kill the feelings. I want to hurt him
just once, I want him to feel this hollow pain
that grows stronger every day’ she replied.
‘Are you sure about that? Revenge can be a
bitch sometimes’ Iman raised her brows,
surprised at her friend’s determination to get
revenge on her ex-lover.
‘And revenge is sometimes the only way to heal
from past hurts. Old leaves have to die for new
ones to sprout. Revenge is beautiful’ Narissa was
‘Alright then. But we must have a plan’ Iman
answered with a nod.
‘Yes, I have something on my plate already.
Something that will hurt him twice as much’ she
fetched her buzzing phone.
‘My father sent me a text since morning, poor
network’ she remarked and dropped the phone
on the table.
‘What are your plans exactly? Fill me in’ Iman
was curious.
‘If I told you, it would cease to be a plan’
Narissa rose to her feet and walked towards
her room.

To Be Continued….

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