Chapter Twenty Two

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'I know brother Usman and his mind bugging
questions. I am happy you could answer them to
his satisfaction' Iman felt proud of him.

'Everything I have I owe to you, Iman. You had
faith in me when others fled; you believed in
me when others didn't' his voice was husky with
emotion as he poured out his heart.
'I didn't really do anything' she shrugged.
Waves of uncertainty flushed her face and she
suddenly grew pale as she recalled Narissa's
words. What if Obinna had a woman somewhere?
'I only did this out of the goodness of my
heart' she thought and swallowed hard.
'Are you okay?' He noticed her discomfort.
'Yes, you can stop me here.Remember I left my
car at Rosydew?' She needed to get away from
'Oh? Okay then' he brought the car to a halt.
'Bye guys' she waved at both of them and
hurried out of the car.
'Weird, if you ask me' Asa jumped to the front
'Weird?' Obinna raised his brows.
'Iman, she looks kinda sad' Asa said.
'Yes, I hope she is alright. Maybe something is
going on with her, I need to find out' Obinna
suddenly realized he knew nothing much about
her personal life. What if she was dating? But
she wouldn't have had sex with him if she was,
would she?
'You love her' the words coiled out of her mouth
'Huh?' He rolled his eyes. He liked Iman yes,
she was a very nice person but Love? He was
scared of ever giving his heart out.
'I see the way you look at her Obinna, why are
you denying the inevitable? Except, of course,
you aren't willing to pursue it' Asa sighed.
'Let's talk about something else, when last did
you hear from Ekene?' Obinna suddenly asked
about his younger brother.
'I called him today when I couldn't reach you.
I guess he is alright. Why do you care about him
though? He doesn't give a hoot about you' she
reminded him.
'Well, life has thought me not to pay evil with
evil; forgiveness is divine' Obinna meant every
word, he held no grudge against his brother;
Ekene was still his blood no matter what.

She had taken Iman's advice and paid her
father a visit; she still owed them an
explanation about the way she disappeared the
other day. She had spent four hours watching
movies. Edna and her father weren't home but
they'd left a key with the gateman.
Tired and hungry, Narissa rose to her feet and
trotted towards the kitchen to fix herself a
quick snack.
She hummed a tune as she cut the bread up for
toasting; a feeling of happiness slowly replaced
the emptiness she had felt when Ife broke up
with her.
'Baby girl, no man can ever hurt you without
your consent. I am so over him' a bright smile
appeared on her face as she applied margarine
to her bread.
Taking a break from her job had been the best
decision ever; she still had a lot to learn about
relationships and she was prepared to share
her life story once she was back on the air.
'Narissa, is that you?'
'Edna, dad? When did you guys come? You
scared me' she was surprised to see them.
'We went on a date' her father announced.
'Oh, that's sweet. You called me, that's why I
am here' she returned, ignoring her step
mother completely.
'I was just worried about you, the way you and
that young man left...I thought something bad
must have happened' he moved towards to her.
'Nothing happened father. I do not like him as
my husband; in fact, I am not ready to get
married anytime soon. Can you please respect
that?' She placed the French toast neatly on a
'Anything you say, baby, as long as you are
happy' her father seemed excited to have her
'Thanks, dad, can I go now?' She chewed the
bread hurriedly.
'So soon? You just came' the old man felt sad.
'Stay the night Narissa, keep your father
company' Edna chipped in.
She was about to argue and call her stepmother
names but she bit her lip and shrugged. She
had nothing doing at home anyway, it would be
boring for her.
'If that's what you want' she left for her room.
'Thank you, Edna'
'For?' The woman wondered.
'Being nice to Narissa for once, you both never
see eye to eye' her husband replied.
'I guess I am growing too old for squabbles;
besides, I am not a devil. Your daughter is
heartbroken, I can see that. Hurting people
need as much kindness as they can get' Edna
led the older man to their bedroom.

She washed down the French toast with a glass
of fresh cow milk she had found in the fridge.
'Been long I ate something like that' she
belched and fetched her phone. She had not
heard from her best friend; she decided to
talk to her.
'Okay let's do this' she slid into Whatsapp.
Narissa: hello sugar, wats up? Why aren't you
answering your phone?
Iman: Good evening. I was in the bathroom;
just saw your calls.
Narissa: So how's the Asa girl? Has she been
Iman: Yes. Yes. Obinna showed.
Narissa: Are you okay? You aren't sounding
Iman: Lol, what is "yourself"?
Narissa: Bubbly, cheerful, funny. Talk to me.
Iman: I think I have made a very stupid
mistake and it's time to correct it.
Narissa: what mistake?
Iman: I think I have feelings for Obinna and it
scares the hell out of me.
Narissa: Wow. Lols. That ain't no mistake
compared to the one I made with Ife. Obinna
seems more sincere.
Iman: What if he doesn't like me?
Narissa: You'll never know unless you find out.
Iman: Hmmmm
Narissa: It's not a bad thing to fall in love; it's
a bad thing to do stupid things while at it. Just
be careful Iman. Love you. I have to go now;
my father is pounding my door like he is
practicing boxing'
Iman: Lol, now you are the funny one. Let's
hang out tomorrow morning, Rosydew, 9 am.
Narissa: No p. Ciao.
'Coming' she dropped her phone and rushed
towards the door.
'Dad...' she trailed off as Edna stood before her
dressed in a burgundy night wear.
What did she want now?
'Will you at least let me in?' Edna rubbed her
hands nervously.
'Sure, come on in' Narissa was surprised to see
'How are you doing, Narissa?' Edna asked.
'Fine. What can I do for you, Edna? I hope you
aren't here to talk about another suitor' she
rolled her eyes.
'Calm down child. I am here to talk to you, to
advise you' Edna replied coolly.
'Wow, interesting. I am all ears' Narissa shook
her head in amazement.
'I am sorry I haven't been the best step mother
in the world, I have been selfish and uncaring
but all that will change now. I noticed the look
on your face when you saw Ife Martins in the
living room that day. It was a look of a woman
in love but sadly, Ife did not have that same
look on his face' she paused.
'And your point is?' Narissa scoffed.
'Did Ife break your heart? Have you guys dated
before?' Edna asked.

To Be Continued....

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