Revenge Card 20

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His phone buzzed, he drew a breath and
realized that he had not taken his calls for
some days now.

‘Lavvy’ he drawled her name. What did she
want now? He had paid her off for the services
she had rendered.
She sent him an invite for a chat.
Lavvy: We need to talk, you ruined everything
because you failed to follow my plans.
Ife: What now? It’s too late for this. Narissa
would never have me again. So thanks once
again for your services.
Lavvy: Why would you say that?’
Ife: You won’t understand. Thanks for your
services Lavender. I would love it if you’d stop
calling my phone or texting.
Lavvy: What? That’s crazy, are you going to
dump me like that? After everything, I did for
Ife:???? I paid you for every piece of advice
and information given. What are you talking
Lavvy: I made sacrifices Ife. I did things that
I wouldn’t normally do just to keep up the
game. You need to appreciate that.
Ife: That’s why I rewarded you handsomely.
This conversation is over.
Lavvy: No it cannot be. You cannot leave me dry
and hanging. I did everything because I cared
about you. Now Narissa is out of the way, you
need to focus on me. I like you Ife, I know you
like me too. Let’s stop the pretense.
Ife:???? I really have to go now. I don’t have
time for this.
Lavvy: Hello? Ife? Did you block me? Ife?
‘Crazy bitch’ Ife turned off his phone and left
for the bathroom. Lavender sounded quite
different. She was talking nonsense. It was
laughable but he wasn’t in the mood to laugh.
He was mourning. Mourning for lost love.

It had been days since the encounter and
shocking revelation by Ekene; she had begged
him to deny it, she had begged him to say
something different but he hadn’t. He stared
into her eyes and she found the answers there,
even as he rushed out of the house like a
That she was hurt was an understatement; what
she felt was beyond hurt; she was bitter, in
pain and she felt absolutely stupid. So they had
bet away her dignity? Her integrity as a woman.
And she had fallen so easily.
‘How are you holding up?’ Iman joined her on
the bed.
‘I am trying’ Narissa answered with a sigh.
What was she supposed to say? The news of Ife
asking if she still loved him was all over the
internet; coupled with the disturbing news she
had just heard about Jason’s death. Who could
have committed such a horrendous crime and
‘So many things have happened these past few
days; I am still trying to absorb and accept all
of it. I can’t believe Jason is dead; I received
the shocking news this morning from my boss.
He was found in the female bathroom, he was
mutilated’ she added.
‘That’s gruesome! What was he doing in the
female bathroom anyway?’ Iman rolled her
‘I don’t know, that’s for the detectives to
figure out’ Narissa replied.
‘And you? Are you still thinking about Ife’
Iman knew Narissa wasn’t prepared to talk
about her ex but she could see her friend was
hurting and it was better to talk so she could
feel relieved?

‘How is Obinna?’ Narissa avoided eye contact
with her friend. Something else bothered her
about Ife. Even though he had broken her heart
and humiliated her, she still had a soft spot
for him.
‘Baby, talk to me’ Iman wouldn’t budge.
‘What do you want me to say? I am hurting
and I feel humiliated. It hurts Iman, it really
hurts. I hate him so much, yet I find myself
thinking about him. Isn’t that stupid? I wish I
never met Ife’ tears welled up in her eyes.
‘I know. I know you still love him, maybe you
shouldn’t be so hard on yourself’ Iman moved
close to her.
‘It’s all my fault. I let him in and he hurt me’
Narissa returned.
‘Hey, you have to forget that. I saw the way he
looked at you when he came to the house, I
think he really is sorry, maybe you should call
him’ Iman fiddled with her hands, hoping her
friend wouldn’t be pissed off by her suggestion.
‘Sorry? No, he wasn’t sorry; if he was, why
didn’t he say something? He just ran out of the
house like a coward, I fucking hate him’ she
‘What else did you want him to do? I’d do
same in his shoes, what he did to you was
shameful. I saw the way his eyes ran over you
while you interviewed him, your fans are saying
you should go for him’ Iman fetched her phone
and handed it to Narissa.
‘A hundred thousand tweets? God, how can
they even be on Ife’s side?’ She read many
comments from fans who had watched the
interview. Words like “Power couple”, “Naija
Jayz and Bey”, “Perfect match” trended on the
internet as well as pictures of her and Ife.
‘Yea, you know, now I see it, you’re perfect for
each other’ Iman smiled.
‘Whose side are you on? You never liked Ife’
Narissa arched a brow.
‘I am on your side Narissa, I want the best for
you. I think you should forgive him. Nobody
knows about the recording, Ekene confessed he
had destroyed it; the media don’t know shit
about it. I know it’s difficult but I feel he is a
changed person’ Iman advised.
‘Changed? Did I tell you about the wedding
cards? He gave my boss one, then asked if I
still loved him. Who does that?’ She snorted.
‘A ploy to only get you jealous. Wake up
Narissa, you aren’t that dumb to believe he was
actually getting married. He only wanted to see
if you still had feelings for him. I know you
love this guy, maybe you should give him
another chance’ Iman said.
‘Enough of Ife right now, let’s talk about
something else’ she needed a breath of fresh
‘Okay, whatever you like’ Iman threw her hands
in the air.
‘Excuse me, I have to take this’ Narrissa
fetched her buzzing phone, she had a text.
‘Oh my God, I have to go. I’ll be back soon’ she
jumped off the bed to Iman’s amazement.
‘Jackie Chan much?’ Iman lifted a brow.
‘My boss just sent me a message, she’s asking if
I would like to see Jason’s body before he is
taken away by his family. I really have to go,
he was a good friend of mine’ she dressed up
‘Sorry dear. I understand. I hope the policeis
doing something about this’ Iman rubbed her
‘Of course, sooner or later, all of us at Sunshine
Spring Media will be called in for questioning’
Narissa fetched her keys.
‘Okay. Goodluck, what should I prepare for
lunch?’ Iman called after her.
‘Porridge yam and snails, that’s what I crave
for’ she waved and jumped into her car.
‘Sure baby’ Iman returned the wave.
She watched as her friend disappeared. She
prayed Narissa found peace.

To be Continued….

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