Chapter Five

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He nodded and faced his work, she was right,
he was new here, his previous boss had sacked
him without pay but the owner of the mall had
accepted him readily without questioning his
past working experience.

"Are you going to buy all that?" His eyes
widened as she returned with two baskets filled
with apples.
"Sure, one for me and one for you" she
winked. There was something about the guy, he
looked learned, she had been stealing looks at
him while shopping.
"You're funny" Obinna laughed.
"Funny? I am serious, it's for you, if you don't
like it, you can pick something else" Iman
"Wow! I can't believe this. You just made my
day ma'am" Obinna stared at her bewildered.
So, people could still bring happiness to others,
even when they were buried in pain. Her face
was oval, her nose was straight, her almond
brown eyes were covered by a canopy of long
black lashes, this was his angel. She was an
angel, he decided.
"Thanks. What's your name?" Iman got bolder.
She had studied outside the country and it
wasn't a crime to ask a guy out over there, only
in Nigeria would people make a fuss about it.
"Obinna" he answered.
"Good. I am Iman" she stretched out her hand.
"Nice name, what does it mean?" He was
"Faith, it's Arabic" she explained.
"Now we know each other's name, I will love for
us to hang out sometime, you can call me
anytime you're free. Here's my number" she
handed him a card.
"Okay" he stuttered and stared at the card,
then gazed at her. She was the daughter of one
of the Northern elites in the country, why would
she want to hang out with someone like him?
"Are you okay?" She could tell he was
"Yes, I am. I will call you" Obinna nodded.
"Please help me to my car, I have fragile
wrists" she grinned.
"All done" Obinna fetched the basket and
followed her to the car.
They both exchanged meager information about
themselves as they walked; they approached the
car and froze at the sight of two love birds
"Narissa!" Iman had never seen her friend in
such compromising situation.
"Oops, we got caught. You remember Ife,
right?" Narissa asked.
"Of course, who would forget such a fine
gentleman?" Iman rolled her eyes and slid into
her car.

"Good afternoon" Obinna greeted the lovers, he
dropped the basket in the car trunk and was
about leaving when Ife called him back.
"Sales boy!" He snapped his fingers.
"He has a name" Iman shot at him. She had
sensed his arrogance from day one and had
tried to warn her friend about him but she
wouldn't listen.
"Yes, sir?" Obinna didn't take offense.
"Bring me another basket for my angel here"
Ife gave his order.
"Alright sir" Obinna hurried back to the mall.
Ife noticed a change in Narissa, "What is it,
"Nothing. I am fine" she smiled. She wasn't
comfortable with the way he had addressed the
young man like Iman had said, "he has a
name". She also felt odd, he walked past her
without flinching, had he not heard about
Narissa the hot girl? He didn't even spare her a
"Okay then, I want you to be at my house
tonight, I want to treat you like a real queen"
Ife stared into her eyes.
"I'll call you" she joined Iman in the car as
the young man resurfaced with another basket
of apples.
"Are you dumb?" Ife scowled at the Sales boy.
"Darling, what is the problem?" Narissa stepped
down from the car.
"I am sorry sir but this is what you asked for,
apples" Obinna replied.
"I said red apples dummy not green ones. Now
take them back and do as you are told" he
"Honey, it's okay, I love green apples too"
Narissa came to the boy's aid.
"Alright then, we'll see later. I have a meeting"
he kissed her, paid for the apples and drove
"I am really sorry about that, you know what
stress does to people, he is a busy man" Narissa
apologized on Ife's behalf.
"I am not offended, it's my job to serve
customers" Obinna shrugged then waved at
"We'll be seeing soon darling, bye" she waved
The young man walked away without looking
back; Narissa had to stare at the mirror one
more time, was there something covering her
face? Why wasn't he moved like other men?
"Are you okay?" Narissa had suddenly turned
"I am fine" she replied Iman.
"So tell me, when did you start kissing guys in
the open? Have you forgotten that you are a
public figure? A lot of people look up to you
Narissa. You shouldn't be seen hanging around
that punk-faced idiot" Iman hissed.
"Punk faced idiot? That's my boyfriend you're
talking about. Ife is a very nice and responsible
guy, you should mind the way you talk about
him" she was not pleased with her friend.
"Why are you so blind to his charms? Ife isn't a
nice person, just look at what he did today;
look at the stunt he pulled at the mall. Was he
right in using abusive words on Obinna?" Iman
"Everyone has their flaws, Iman, you have
yours and I have mine. We can never be
perfect. I know Ife, he is a good man and he
would never do anything to hurt me. I know
you are scared for me, but don't be, I can
take good care of myself.
"There you go again, making excuses for him.
You hardly know this guy, he just asked you out
recently and you said "Yes", you know nothing
about him. I love you so much Narissa and I
don't ever want to see you get hurt" Iman was
very much concerned about her friend.

"With what you're doing now, pulling down Ife?
I doubt you really want my happiness" Narissa
flared. Why couldn't Iman mind her business
and focus on her own relationship?
"I am not pulling him down, Ife isn't a good
guy, take it or leave it" Iman wouldn't be
"You know what? Stop this stupid car right now.
I know your problem Iman and I am so
disappointed, I never knew you could
condescend so low" Narissa yelled angrily.
"Excuse me? What are you talking about?"
Iman pulled over.
"You are just jealous of me" Narissa blurted
"Jealous of you? I could never envy you, even
in a thousand years! Do I have a reason to?"
Iman was hurt he friend would consider this.
"Of course. I am way hotter than you, I am the
only sun in the sky, guys like me and it isn't
my fault they aren't coming your way. It isn't
my fault you are ugly Iman, it isn't. From the
first day you set eyes on Ife, you hated him,
today has proven what's really in your heart.
You want him for yourself. You are crazy and
bitter that you cannot have him, so what do you
do? You try to talk me into dumping him so you
can go after him. I know girls like you, I am
surprised you could pretend for this long" she
blurted out and got out of the car.
"Narissa? How could you say such hurtful things
to me?" Iman felt glued to the spot as the
threads that bound their friendship unraveled.
"I don't regret anything that I have said.
Goodbye" she waved down a taxi.
"Narissa wait! I didn't mean to get you upset,
this is all my fault. I am sorry, I promise never
to talk about Ife" Iman's eyes were bright with
unshed tears but Narissa was already gone.
"I should have focused on my business. Now my
best friend is going to hate me forever, I need
to fix this" she wiped her face.

To be continued....

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