Revenge Card 11

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Friends were like treasures, deeply buried in
the ground; once you found them, they could
change your life forever.

Ife had been close to the cellar for a number
of hours; Mfon had followed him home but he
wouldn’t entertain her. His heart and soul
belonged to Narissa and nothing could
jeopardize his new found devotion to her.
Each sip of the Ciroc got him thinking, what if
Lavender’s plan backfired? What if he failed
to win Narissa’s love?
‘My life would be so bleak’ he muttered to
himself. He couldn’t stand it, he couldn’t
imagine it. He decided to stay positive, he
would win her heart and that was all that
‘Who are you talking to baby?’ Mfon showed up
behind him.
‘No one’ he turned and faced her.
‘Okay. So why have you refused to touch me
since yesterday? Do you find me unattractive?’
She asked and moved closer to him.
‘Mfon, you are very beautiful, I am just not in
the mood for sex. We could watch movies, eat
ice cream and talk; maybe have sex later’ he
said to her.
‘Really? Watch movies?’ She scoffed and stood
‘What’s wrong with you, Ife? You’re not
yourself’ she ran her eyes over him.
‘I am okay Mfon, I’ve been stressed out lately’
he poured himself more drink.
‘You’re different. Entirely different. The Ife I
knew was exciting, fun, loved to fuck from
behind; loved to give and receive head but this
new you? I hate to say it but you’re boring’ she
fetched herself a glass and poured herself a
drink too.
‘I am still Ife Martins’ he relied coolly.
She fell silent for some minutes while sipping
her drink; something wasn’t right with Ife and
she would get to the bottom of it but first, she
would seduce him one more time.
‘Baby’ she drawled and took off her shirt, her
breasts dangled freely.
‘Um, Mfon, what are you doing?’ He was
‘Are you surprised? My babies grew bigger. Will
you like to suck them?’ She gave her breasts a

‘Look, I cannot do this’ his hands shook.
‘Yes you can, you’re going to make love to me
right here Ife. You’ll pour some of that liquor
on my body and then, you’ll lick it all up’ he
ran her fingers all over him, took the glass he
held and grabbed his shaft firmly in her
‘Mfon’ he took a deep breath. No, he couldn’t
sleep with her, Narissa was the woman for him
and doing this would mean cheating on her.
‘Yes, baby? Tell me you want me; show me you
have wild thoughts about me?’ She whispered
against his ears.
‘This is a mistake, it’s over between us’ Ife
pushed her away and exhaled.
‘Are you crazy? How can you lead me on and
leave me hanging dry? You’re going to finish
what you started.’ By now she had already
taken off her panties.
‘No! I said No! Now get out of my house’ he
‘You’re so stupid and full of yourself. I guess
your dick isn’t working anymore or you’re now
into men. Excuse me’ she brushed past him.
‘Damn’ he sighed. He picked up his phone and
dialed Lavvy, she needed to come up with
another plan; he couldn’t play this kind of
‘Pick up you’ he groaned.
She couldn’t recognize herself as she stared at
the mirror once Iman was done; Although the
dress exposed some cleavage and showed off
her hips, it still looked good on her.
‘Now run along sweety else you’ll be late’ Iman
had to hurry her out of the house. She found it
hard to leave the mirror, the reflection was
simply amazing.
A smile played on her lips as she fired her
engine; Ife would be so sorry he left her for
another. She would make him feel so hurt and
jealous, yes she was ready.
Her thoughts raced back to the things her
friend had said to her. She wasn’t in love with
Ife, she just wanted him to pay; that was all
there was to this façade.
She felt so good today; suddenly the weather
was brighter, the sun was mild; the trees looked
taller and the streets were cleaner; it was going
to be a good day.
‘Hey, watch your driving Miss’ an angry driver
yelled at her.
‘I wish I could’ she yelled back.
Springs of confidence and budding self-esteem
welled up inside her as she brought the car to a
halt. She had arrived the studio.
Narissa the hot girl was super hot today. The
black dress stopped middle of her laps; they
clung her soft hips and made her look very
sexy. The front of the dress was low cut and
exposed bare flesh, it gave a glimpse into her
soft and creamy breasts; her makeup was
flawless. She was a sight to behold. A goddess in
human form.

‘Are you for real?’ Jason gasped and took off
his glasses as Narissa walked into the studio.
There was pin drop silence, the type that
threatened a parrot; everyone was spell bound;
their eyes were fixed on this goddess and soon,
they were all worshipping her with praises.
‘You look hot’ Lavender was the first to speak.
‘Thank you Lavvy’ Narissa nodded, she stared
at her boss for some minutes; the woman’s face
seemed like she had never seen her before.
‘I am going to take the job. I am leaving for
Ife’s office right now; I hope this works’ she
announced and turned towards the door.
‘Wait, it would definitely work out. You’re
beautiful Narissa’ Mrs Arinze, her boss was able
to speak after moments of staring at her wide-
‘Stop the typing Lavender, get a camera and
let’s all take a picture. We’ll sit back and
remember today as one in which Narissa the hot
girl, took a bold step to better our media
company’ she snapped her fingers to her other
‘Coming!’ Lavender typed as fast as she could.
It seemed Ife wasn’t the only one playing the
game here.
Click. Click. So went the camera sounds till
Narissa was weary of picture taking.
‘I have to go now guys, see you later’ she waved
at them and rushed out of the studio.
‘I can die in peace right now; I finally saw a
goddess’ Jason groaned.
‘Silly you’ Lavender hissed and left for the
bathroom, she needed a more private place to
chat with Ife.
She had to do her job as a true spy and the
bathroom was the best place where she could
‘Who’s there?’ She shut her phone and stepped
out of a cubicle.
‘Me’ Jason showed up before her.
‘What do you want? Are you stalking me now?’
Fear gripped her as she stared into his eyes;
they were darkened by lust and it scared her.
‘I want to fuck you Lavvy; I miss your ass’ he
moved towards her.
‘Stop right there you little psycho, I am not
your whore’ her voice broke, she couldn’t
possibly escape now; there was just one door in
and out.

To Be Continued….

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