Chapter Fifteen

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Deja's POV

I grab Nash's hand and I start to smile.  The nurse sits down at the computer and she does some nursing stuff and hands me a pamphlet for teen mom's.  I put it in my purse and stand up to put my jacket on.

"Good luck on your journey little momma.  It'll be a rough and exciting experiment."  The nurse smiles and opens the door leading me and Nash out of the room.  We walk out of the hospital to Nash's car and he leans against the passenger side of the car. "So Deja, what do you want to do?  We have options okay?  Lots of options."

I put my hands in the pocket his hoodie and lay my head on his chest.  "Nash, what are the options?  I only can think of two right now and one isn't a very good option."  Nash laughs and picks my head up with his hand.  "We can keep the baby, abort the baby, we can give the baby up for adoption, Cam and his new girlfriend can help us raise the baby, my parents would help, and if those don't seem appealing to you then we will find more options."

"We will never abort a child, I'm sorry but I think of that as murder and I don't want to be a murderer.  And Cameron has a new girlfriend?  Since when?  How did I miss this?  Who is she?"  I start thinking back to when he was on the phone that day I choked on the apple, maybe it's that girl.

"Alright I wasn't suppose to say anything but you'll meet her on Wednesday, Cam's making dinner and we're all gonna sit down and get to know her and we can tell them our good news, if that's what we decide we want to keep the little kitten in your tummy."  I laugh when he says the kitten in my tummy.  "Babe, it's not a kitten, it's a baby, but since we don't know the gender  we'll call the baby Kitten okay?  Then when the baby is born no matter the if it's a girl or boy we'll call him/her Kitten for a nickname."

"Okay baby-girl."  He kisses my forehead and opens my door.  I get in and buckle my seatbelt.  Nash gets in on the other side and starts the car.  He grabs my thigh and we drive out of the parking lot.  I lay back in the seat and close my eyes and fall asleep.

Nash's POV

I pull into the parking lot of Panda Express and I shake Deja's leg, "Hey babe, wake up, I'm buying you Panda."  She doesn't wake up, damn she's really out.  I sighed and unbuckle my seat belt.  I turn the AC on and get out locking the car so no one kidnaps my baby girl.

I walk into Panda Express and I order two plates both with noodles, orange chicken, and cream cheese won tons to go.  I grab the food and walk to the car.  Deja is still sleeping so I make sure to shut the door quietly and I turn down the radio. 

I drive to our house and park the car in the garage.  I take the food inside and set it on the counter and go to get Deja out of the car.  I carry her wedding style to the living room and I sit down and hold her in my arms.  I grab my phone out of my pocket and text Cam


From Nash:  Hey get your ass down here and bring  me the food on the counter

From Cameron:  fine but tonight please no love making with my sister I'm getting tired of sleeping on the couch so I can't hear your god awful noise

Moments later Cam is trampling down the stairs.  He drops the to-go boxes next to me on the couch.  "So how did the appointment go?"  he looks at Deja sleeping in my lap and smiles.  "It went well, you'll get the news on Wednesday."  "Okay dude, and I can't believe she's sleeping, she never sleeps during the day."  "She had a rough night, she was up organizing her clothes for like ever."  "Yeah she use to do that when she had big tests or something major,  she'll be fine in a couple of days."

I turn on the TV and go through the channels.  As I pick a movie Deja turns closer into my chest and wraps her arms around my neck.  I love this woman.  I can't believe we're having a child.  And tomorrow I'm going ring shopping for Wednesday's dinner.

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