Chapter Twenty-Eight

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Nash's POV

I convince Deja that we get Chinese food for supper.  She was hesitant but I can see that she is exhausted.  We came to an agreement; even if we want to, we will stay home, eat Chinese food, watch movies with the babies, and when the babies go to bed Deja can start an essay for her English class. 

I walk upstairs.  All the boys except Hayes and Brent are laying around waiting for me to tell them what the plan for tonight is going to be.  I step onto the wood floor which made a creaking noise.  Their heads all whip around. 

"Well?  What's the verdict?"  Taylor asks, the corner of his mouth twitching into a smile.

"Deja is exhausted and she has an English paper to start so we're going to go get Panda Express and come back here.  You guys can go out to that club downtown, just call us if you guys get to drunk to drive," I pause and look at Cameron, "don't worry about anything."

As Cameron is about to tell the boys what's going to happen, I grab his arm, dragging him to the kitchen, "Cam, do me a favor?"

"What is it?"

I look to the floor then back up to him.  He's gonna kick my ass but I don't care, "If I give you money will you go and buy an engagement ring for Deja?  I'm ready to ask her to marry me."

Cameron looks at me for a long time.  His eyes showing he's thinking hard about this.

"Of course, I know the perfect ring too, she's been eyeing it at the jewelry store in the mall, she can't stop talking about it.  And don't worry about the money. I want my sister happy and for reasons I don't understand you make her the happiest she has been since our mom and dad died.  And now we'll be brothers.  It's a win-win for everyone."

"Thanks Cam,  I love you man."

"I love you too tiny dick."

"Haha that's not what your sister says."

Cameron hits me over the back of my head, "Okay gross." Cameron turns towards the loud group in the living-room  C'mon boys.  We'll take my pickup and Carter's SUV," Cameron states walking towards to garage. They all stand, half going for front door and half going to the garage.  I walk downstairs.  Deja is sitting in the middle of the washroom floor.  She has Rosie in a pink night gown and Noah in a green pajama set.  I smile at the faces she's making at the babies.  She's a great mother, she really is.  I walk to her.  I lean down, placing my hands on her cheeks.  Her face turns red as she looks up into my eyes.

"Nash, what are you doing?"  She giggles.  I laugh at her cute little giggles.  The way her dimples pop out when she makes the slightest movement around her mouth.  The way her eyes hold the stars.  The beauty mark near her right eyebr- "Nash what are you staring at?" Deja's voice pulls me out of the trance her beauty has put me in.

"Just thinking of you my love."

Deja just smiles.  Her white teeth showing.  Those hazel eyes are so beautiful.  She hands Noah up to me and lifts Rosie as she heads for our room.  I follow, thinking about how long the babies are gonna be awake for.  She lays Rosie down on one of the blankets we have laying on the bed, her hand securely behind Rosie's head.  Rosie starts to cry, but Deja places her finger to Rosie's lips and tells her it's okay.  I place Noah next to Rosie on his blanket and swaddle him up as Deja does the same with Rosie.  We lay them back onto the bed.  They look so alike.  Well duh Nash, they're twins.

"What movie we gonna watch baby?" I ask Deja turning the TV back on.  Deja swoops Rosie into her arms and walks on the bed to the top where the hundreds of pillows lay.  I do the same with Noah.  I sit down next to Deja, throwing one arm around her while my other arm holds Noah.  She cuddles in close as she lays Rosie down between us. 

"Let's watch Mama Mia, then we can watch all the Saw movies,"  She whispers.

"That sounds amazing babe.  You want me to get some snacks and drinks?"

"I thought we were going to Panda Express?"  Her head picks up and she flashes puppy eyes at me.

"Awe baby, we can go get Panda Express, let's go right now, it's only 6:30, the babies don't need to go to bed yet.  We can go get Panda and then come back and feed the babies then put them to bed."

"Okay honey, I'll get the babies in their coats."

When Deja leaves the room with the babies, Cameron calls me.

"Bro I got the ring.  When you going to ask her?"  Cam's voice rings out through the speaker.

"This is perfect.  Meet us at that Panda Express that's down the road from our house.  I'll ask her there."

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