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A tall and skinny girl walks through her university, books in hand and a large book bag on her hip. She looks like an idol, but the way she carries herself conveys that she has another path in mind. She enters a large classroom, and takes her seat in the front and out of her bag, brings out a notebook and pencil. She checks her rather shiny watch and sees that she arrived rather early, but no fret, she decides to read for another class. While the room around her fills in, she takes little interest in her fellow classmates. However, a group of girls approach her with smiles and she greets them happily. They are clearly her close friends.

"How are you today Hana?"One of them smiles while she takes a seat next to her.

"Good," Hana smiles back. They begin talking in a group all at once, casually.

"Did Boa tell you what she wants to do tonight?" One girl, Nayeon asks. Hana looks at Boa with a curious face.

"What's that?" She asks.

"There's this festival right? It's at one of Seoul's top performance arts universities and I think it'd be so fun to go!"

"Is it like a middle school or high school festival or show case like thing?"

"Kind of both, there's stuff there to buy and people to talk to about the school, but dance groups and classes perform, as well as singers and rappers even. Also, there are little skits and even paintings to buy and look at!"

Hana thinks about it, daydreaming really. While she does amazingly in her classes at her school, it isn't really what she'd like to be doing. Being creative and artsy, that's always seemed like the best life. Dancing or singing, with the right help and teachers, she always has believed she could be idol worthy.

"I'll ask Appa when I get home," she says. She and her friends continue to chat until the professor walks in. They're all business majors actually, mostly friends initially because of networking, but realized they really do get along. Plus, they all push each other to strive for excellence in academics. Hana, however, is the best among the four of them, that much is clear. She works hard, mostly because that's what her father has engrained in her. Ideally, he'd like for her to take over his large and profitable company when she's done with school and shadowed him for a few months. It's not that he's old, but he'd just much rather see his daughter work while he stands in the shadows. This has always been Chae Hana's destiny.

After the day of classes finishes, she goes home on the train and walks to her neighborhood. She lives pretty far from her university, but the cost of travel means very little to her family. She goes inside to the large and fancy house and goes straight to her father's office. She knocks on the door and waits for a verbal response.

"Come in..." She hears a voice call. She clicks open the door and steps in. Her father is at his desk, working very hard with some papers and spreadsheets on his computer. He looks up and smiles when he sees her.

"Hello Appa," she nods her head respectfully. His expression is loving and kind and proud. He sets his things down and goes to greet her, ignoring his work for the time.

"How were your classes today?" It's easy to see how much he cares for her and her success and how strongly he lives for her accomplishments.

"They were good. I'm learning a lot, but Appa...I have a question."

"What is it my daughter?" He asks, hands on her shoulder, expecting something big or serious.

"Is it alright if my friends and I go to a festival? It's just the four of us and we've been studying hard and would like a break for the evening."

"A festival? Are you all back in high school?" His voice teases.

She giggles before explaining. "It's for a performing arts school, Boa had the idea. Is it alright if I join them?"

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