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Hana wakes up the next morning, a mess in her blankets. Her face is dry and her throat sore from crying herself to sleep. Her hair is a mess and her clothes still on from the night before. She couldn't find the energy to change after Taehyung hung up on her last night. She didn't even wash her face, so when she goes to the bathroom, she has to harshly scrub her face to remove the makeup that has stained. Finally, her bare face is revealed and she ties her hair up. Her chest is heavy as she strips out of her outfit from the night before. It briefly occurs to her that she didn't eat the night before because she left the table before she could really eat anything. But the idea of food doesn't sit well with her so she stays in her room. The childish part of her, the part that relates so well with Taehyung, wants her to believe that if she stays here, her father will forget about everything and the arranged marriage will go away and she and Taehyung will have no worries.

But just as fast as that idea came to her head, it goes away when her door is opened by none other than her father. He steps in and sees her on the bed, looking off into the distance, lost in thought. "Hana?"

"What?" She asks, taking a tone with her words.

"Why were you so upset yesterday?"

Hana debates about telling her father about Taehyung, but he beats her to the punch. The pause was too long.

"You have a boyfriend...don't you!" He almost shouts.

"Yes. I do," Hana admits, a bit annoyed by her father's clear disapproval.

"Who is he?" He asks, an edge to his voice.

"His name is Kim Taehyung. We met the night my friends and I went to that performing arts school's festival thing. He was a dancer in a group that we watched and we started talking and exchanged numbers. We've hung out and spent a lot of time together and even started dating recently. He's so fantastic at what he does and is so happy doing it, it reminds me of how much I really want to do the same," Hana admits.

Her father's face lights up with rage and despise at her truth. "No!" He barks. "You will marry Mark and that. Is. Final."

With that, he turns on his heels and storms out of his daughter's room, slamming the door. Distraught by how the conversation went, Hana calls Tae again. He picks up and can tell just by the small choking of air through tears that this can't be good.

"I have to go through with the wedding..." She says right away.

"No..." Taehyung feels his heart break at her words. His chest sinks and feels the shattered pieces scatter under his skin, piercing and trying to rip him apart. He wishes they would, only to end the pain he feels now.

"We have to break up," Hana says, not wanting to say it either. Taehyung tries to hold himself together, keep the tears from becoming too obvious to Hana. He tries to adjust so the pain in his chest sedates, even just a bit, but the other part adjusts so maybe, just maybe, it will pierce his skin so he dies and doesn't have to live without Hana in his life. Hearing her cry now, it makes him want to hold her and kiss her, just one last time. Now Hana and him know why when she left on the train yesterday, they memorized each other's smiling faces. It was the world telling them to remember each other like that. But Taehyung refuses to have that be the last image he as of Hana in his mind.

"Spend one night with me before we do that. Just the two of us...Please," he almost begs.

"One night?"

"Yes...And then we can break up. I just refuse to have the last image of you in my mind be you leaving me on the train yesterday. I don't care how happy you were then, I want to see you one last time and know that it's my last time. I want to..." He is cut off.

"Yes. One night, you and me. Please," Hana agrees. 

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