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Hana sits in her school's library with her laptop out and books open to various pages and lots of notebooks turned to various pages. She studies hard, pouring herself into her studies, learning vocabulary, memorizing graphs and simplifying concepts and retaining dates and old figures. She scribbles at worksheets and types furiously on her laptop into systems and programs and tries to crunch numbers. It doesn't come naturally but after a session of trial and error, she's got the correct answers. She submits a lot of her work and goes back to simple memorization and note taking. She drills herself like she's trained herself to and blocks out all distractions.

Expect for the one buzzing in her backpack. It's against her leg and she can feel the vibrations through the material. She pauses to see if it's anything serious and takes it out.

1 New Message:
Kim Taehyung

She unlocks her screen and reads his message.

Studying? Take a break and talk to me (:

She smiles at the text and responds quickly that she needs to finish a bit of work before she can stop for the day. She puts the device away and hurries to finish what she was doing before packing up and leaving. As she hurries out she takes her phone out again and begins talking to him. On the train ride home he tells her about his day and she feels herself asking question after question, as if trying to live vicariously through his school day. She loves hearing about the fun teachers and professors, the cool kids in his classes, and all the fun he and the other boys have. It seems like a dream, that he gets to live!

You really like to hear stories about my day huh?

Yes, they're really fun to hear. Much more fun than my day.

What do you do in your classes?

Listen to lectures and read passages and memorize things.

Sounds so routine and boring...

Yeah, it can be *shrugs*

Don't just *shrug* me!!! If you're not happy, chase your dream!!

Hana sits back and smiles at his kind support but shakes her head.

I'm sure I'll like my major as time goes on. It's just hard to accept settling on a career I guess.


She goes straight to her room and closes the door. She decides she'll study after she talks to Taehyung a while longer. He's too fun to chat with to start studying again. He's clearly a distraction, but it's not serious enough Hana decides. Yet.

After two hours of back and forth, they've shared stories and ideas and silly jokes. He's made Hana smile so much and laugh to herself, she's forgotten about any stress she previously carried, captivated by Taehyung and his free and childish spirit. He's not afraid to be himself and flirt harmlessly. It makes it more fun to talk to him, adds a bit of a mysterious edge to their otherwise silly conversations. She gets a text soon that makes her heart flutter.

My school is having a showcase for the dance groups. Would you maybe come and see me and the guys? Support me especially?!

She nearly squeals with excitement by the proposal.

I would love to!

He sends her the information about the day and where to go so she doesn't get lost. He teases her about the idea and she acts all foolish and silly stupid to play along. It makes him laugh. After they pause their conversation, she goes to ask her father, making sure it's okay that she goes.

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