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Five years have passed since Mark and Hana's wedding. It was extravagant, with balloons and servers and a real orchestra and it looked like something only a story book would have, decorated to the nines and beautiful down to the last detail. Mark and Hana went on their honeymoon and spent a lot of it sightseeing in London. Hana has decided that in order to try her best to accept the marriage, she must let Mark and her act like a real couple, like they were meant for each other. But he never seems to fit just quite right, like Taehyung did.

But regardless, life goes on. Hana has graduated university and is now taking over her father's company. Mark is more than happy to see her in such a position and supports her decisions to lead as she does. She works hard and long hours but Mark makes sure to keep the house clean and food ready for when she comes home. She can't thank him enough for being the way he is, kind and gentle and sweet and caring. He is a good person, and they get along quite well. But she refuses to start a family. Perhaps part of it is that she refuses to let go of Taehyung in her heart or that she feels like she's too young to be a mother with her new business responsibly, but either way, Mark has let her control the course of that.

Today, Hana sits in the CEO office of the company with a few other executives. They talk about the marketing department and how a new spokesgroup is needed for the coming season. They've debated between what artist or idol or actor to go with. One person speaks up.

"There's a new group named BTS who is rather popular with people. If they would agree to partner with us, that could be a wonderful investment."

"Who is BTS?" Hana asks, having never heard of them. Her work limits her to the pop culture she hears about. Most of her news is about stocks and company drama. The same person who suggested the idea pushes a sort bio from the internet to her. It describes their rise to fame and style and statistics with demographics. "If they're up and coming rising stars, it would make sense to use them. They're timely and will catch the eyes of all ages that matter to us. Someone get in contact with them," she decides. The meeting ends and before they know it, BTS has signed on with the company.

Hana heads to a meeting to meet the new group and welcome them to the company formally. She enters the room and can't believe her eyes. Yoongi is the first person she sees, then Jungkook and then...it hits her. It's the dance crew from the festival. That means...

"Welcome," she begins, putting up a wall. "Thank you so much for partnering with us, it's my pleasure to work with you all," she smiles. She can't help but see their reactions. They recognize her but she won't look them dead in the eye, she can't handle that kind of emotion now.

"My name is Tuan Hana, I am the original CEO's daughter but I am more than happy to have taken my father's place. I hope you all feel comfortable here and please, feel free to..."

"We know who you are," Yoongi says. She gulps. "We couldn't forget you, Hana. It's nice to see you again after all this time."

"Thank you Yoongi," she bows. When she looks up, her eyes land on Taehyung.

"Hana," he says softly.

"Taehyung," she says, smiling. She stops before she breaks down or hugs him or worse, kisses him or something. She must stay professional. "I can't want to get to work with all of you on our campaigns and get to hang out as well."

After a few more words, the formal meeting ends and they chat briefly. Taehyung stays silent and lollygags while the others leave to get a tour of the areas they'll need to know. Hana stays back too and smiles at him once everyone's gone.

"You're an idol now?" She asks, proud to see him in this position.

"Yes," he nods. "And you're the CEO now?"

She nods. "Yeah. It's exciting."

"And you're still married?" Taehyung asks. It's clear by his expression it's hard to ask.

"Yeah," she nods. "Mark." It's clearly hard for her to say it happily in front of him.

"I'm happy for you. You look nice," he admits and Hana blushes.

"Thank you. I haven't had kids yet," she admits to him, essentially explaining why she looks so young still. There is a long lull between the two of them, as they try to find something to say that won't make things awkward or unprofessional.

"I miss you," Taehyung blurts, but doesn't regret it.

"I miss you too."

"Does Mark treat you well?" He asks, praying the answer is yes.

"Yes. But..." Hana hesitates before looking into Teahyung's beautiful eyes. "But he's not you."

"Do you still love me?" He asks, hopeful.

"Of course. Not a day goes by that I don't think of you."

That makes Taehyung smile and he nods. "Me too. I miss you so much."

"I promise, I'm going to keep you all with the company as long as humanly possible. That way we can see each other, become friends again."

"I'd like that," Taehyung smiles at her, his boxy smile back. 

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