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It has been a few weeks since Taehyung and Hana coupled up and to the two of them, the world is perfect now. Taehyung quickly rushes to Hana's university after he finishes his last practice of the day to meet up with her. He wishes the two of them could hang out somewhere other than the library to study or with their friends, but as Hana already explained to him, they can't go back to her place because her father would probably grill him or something. So instead, they hang out at each other's schools and spend time that way. Sometimes they do go to get coffee or tea and snacks and have fun, but lavish dates for dinner and movies are too hard to do. Hana hates lying to her father, that much is clear from what she's told him.

He gets to the annex before the library and study headquarters of Hana's school and looks around for her. Taehyung always feels uncomfortable in her school, considering it's so big and elaborate and very professional, it doesn't fit him or his personality at all. But he can see how Hana fits in here, with her professional attire and attitude and her major and studious habits. But usually, he can't shake how much he knows she doesn't care for it here. It's almost like a prison how she describes it sometimes, although he knows that's not what she means for it to sound like. Maybe it's just his personal bias towards wanting her to be happy and knowing she's unhappy, but she really does make it sound like she's trapped here sometimes.

"Taehyung," a cheerful voice calls from down the hall. He snaps his head in the direction of it and his boxy smile widens on his face when he sees Hana walking towards him. She looks beautiful today, like every day, her hair curled and her makeup complimenting her natural features so well. Her outfit hugs her curves and thin frame so perfectly it makes her look like an idol and worthy of someone much more than him.

"Hello jagi," he coos when she reaches him and hugs her. His arms wrap around her and hold her gently. She wraps around his neck and stands on her tiptoes in her heels so she can meet him better. When they break apart, she looks up at him and mimics his boxy smile.

"How are you?"

"Good, now that I'm with you. Before we go in, do you want to get something to drink or a snack? It's on me," he offers. She nods and they go to the universities coffee shop down the hall. They both order yummy drinks before going into the library and find a more secluded area so they can chat while they look over things. While most of Taehyung's classes are based around performing and skills, he has generals that he needs to work on. Luckily, Hana is good at all that stuff so she can help him easily. Today, she's crunching numbers and looking up and down colomuns and across various rows, trying to find patterns to report. He watches her look and knows how much she'd rather be dancing or doing something expressive. It hurts him.

"Taehyung," she says, looking up.

"W-Yes?" He asks, caught off guard.

"You okay? I know you like me a lot and all, but why are you staring at me so much today?"

"Oh! No reason, just like watching you work. You're very focused," he says, turning his attention to his book.

"You're weird," she comments.

"Yah..." he pouts and she giggles.

"It's cute," she adds with a cute smile and he can't help but smile back like her. What can he say, her smile is infectious. They work in silence for a while until he asks her to explain something for his chemistry class. She looks it over briefly before explaining the terms and how they relate to the formulas. He nods and thanks her before working out a few flashcards and problems in a notebook. After a long time again, she actually asks him to look over her spreadsheet and make sure he can't find any other patterns she's missed. She shows him the report so far and what she's found.

"How am I supposed to know? I'm not good at this stuff."

"Well, it's good to have a second pair of eyes. Plus, I overlook things a lot, like easy stuff. So I want to make sure I didn't miss anything obvious that would make me lose points."

Taehyung nods and does. He finds nothing and commends Hana on a job well done. It makes her feel proud of her work. Taehyung sees her expression light up and blushes, knowing he's done that for her. Making Hana smile in any way, shape, or form, bring him happiness. After a bit longer, the library announces it's almost time to leave so they pack up and head out. They chat once out of the large structure and into the main hallway. Taehyung walks Hana to the train so she can go home. Before she boards, he pulls her into a deep and long hug.

"Tae..." She says, surprised by his intense affection.

"I love you," he says so only she hears.

"I-I love you too," she smiles into his chest. Taehyung knows that's exactly what she's doing and it makes him smile too. He kisses the top of her forehead.

"No matter what, you are mine. I love you. So much."

"I love you too Taehyung. I don't ever want to lose you. You make me so happy and feel so special, no one else could make me feel that way."

Hana's train pulls up and they must release the embrace. As she boards and gets a spot, she looks out the window to see Taehyung smiling childishly at her and waving. She waves goodbye with a cute smile and a blush to accompany it that makes Taehyung smile more, his signature and adorable boxy smile coming up. As the train leaves the station, Hana memorizes Taehyung's smile. She doesn't know why, but she figures it's something she should always have with her.

The train lets her off soon and she walks home. Her father greets her just as she goes up to her room.

"How was your day?" He asks kindly.

"Good, and yours?"

"Good. We are having a big dinner tonight, so if you could please present yourself nicely? That would be lovely," he asks. She nods and goes up to her room. She changes out of her professional outfit and into something more suited for a dinner. A nice dress with fresh makeup and hair touch ups works to her measures. She checks her phone and then tidies up a bit when she hears the front door open and some light commotion in the foyer. The guest must be here, she assumes, so she goes downstairs to introduce herself to the guest. She heads for the big staircase and starts to walk down when she sees who the guest is.

He's a rather handsome young man, she'll give him that. He's got a clean haircut and very dignified features to compliment it. He is dressed professionally and has a sense of dignity and calm to himself. His posture is astute and very formal. He thanks Hana's father and then looks up to see you coming down. You hurry and greet him with a polite smile and bow.

"Hello, my name is Hana." She looks up at him and he looks at her with adoration.

"My name is Mark, it's a pleasure to meet you." He extends his hand to hold hers, and he even plants an old fashioned kiss on the back of her hand.

"Can I ask what the occasion is for Mark joining us tonight?" Hana turns to her father. He smiles proudly and very dignified and then looks at Mark who smiles at him.

"Mark is your future husband."

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