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Taehyung insisted that he walks Hana all the way home. He holds her hand as they walk through her neighborhood, realizing this is where she'll likely continue to live the rest of her life. He wishes he could be there with her, but knows there's no way for that. He looks up at the lavish mansions and wishes he could provide for Hana like this, but knows that's just not possible, and it makes the shards in his chest start to pierce his skin again. She nears a house and stops outside.

"This is it," she says softly, head leaning in his chest.

"I love you," he whispers.

"I love you so damn much," she responds.

"I hope you live a happy life, Hana. Please, be safe for me. And do whatever you can to never forget me, because I can't ever forget you."

"I would rather die than forget you Taehyung. I love you so deeply, it hurts that I can't spend the rest of my life with you. And I'm so sorry that it's my fault we can't be together."

"Just promise me," Taehyung looks her in the eyes, "That if he ever hurts you, you leave?"

"I'll come find you if he does," Hana promises and Taehyung nods. They kiss one last time, wanting to make the moment last in their little bubble, but knowing it's too risky. They break apart and Hana goes inside, waving goodbye as she watches Taehyung walk away. He makes sure to smile though, his boxy smile that attracted Hana in the first place. She returns her soft and genuine smile back, knowing that it will stick with Taehyung for the rest of his days.

"Did you have a good time?" Hana's father interrupts her thoughts. She spins around and acts natural.

"Yes, thank you," she bows.

"Of course," he says, sitting in a nearby chair. "I was thinking...I understand that the idea of an arranged marriage is hard to grasp, especially since I've remembered you don't know Mark at all. So, will you give him a chance if the two of you spend some time together today?"

That's the last thing Hana wants to do, but she nods regardless. "Sure."

After a few calls, Hana is on the train and then the bus to go to the Han River to meet up with Mark. She wears a cute dress and her hair is set nicely on her shoulders and cascading down her back and front. Her makeup makes her look beautiful and innocent, but she knows that it's only to make her father happy. Everything she does now is for others, that much she can assure herself. Mark sees her and waves her over with a kind smile.

"Hello Hana, nice to see you again," he bows, a bit deeper than normal.

"Nice to see you again too, Mark."

"I know you aren't keen on the idea of marrying me...But I hope that I can maybe change your mind?"

Hana shrugs, "Can't hurt to try, I suppose."

They spend the day walking and talking. She learns that Mark is in business as well and only two years older than her. He has no siblings like her but has worked hard his whole life to get where he is now. He has a good work ethic and values honesty. But he's not all stuck up and formal like his first impression led Hana to believe. He likes to be silly and have fun. They pass by a family of ducks that seem interested in people. Mark stops and kneels down and tries to get a duckling to approach him. It quacks hesitantly but then waddles over and inspects Mark's finger before scurrying back to its mother, who guides it to follow the family away. Hana watches, intrigued but this side of Mark.

It's not like she isn't interested in him, she's not that cold, it's just that she knows he isn't he right one. Taehyung is...But she banishes that thought, though it hurts. She tries to focus only on Mark, tunneling her focus like she does her studies. She accepts that he's not so bad, and rather gentle actually. He doesn't try anything and respects her wishes to not do anything right away, even hand holding.

"The truth is," Hana finally speaks up, "I just broke up with someone I love and it's hard to go from that to an arranged marriage. It's nothing against you, I just hope you'll understand why it's hard for me...I figure I should tell you now so you're not wondering why I'm so distant."

Mark nods, "I understand. I'm here to try and make your life as comfortable as I can and I understand that I'm not your first choice. But I hope that we can live peacefully together and maybe one day, you'll fall in love with me. But one step at a time."

He returns her home after a nice and simple dinner and she thanks him for being so kind to her. They exchange numbers and then she goes inside.

"So, did it go well?" Her father asks, basically posted at the door.



"I'll marry him," she says, almost crying as she speaks.

"Excellent!" Her father cheers. 

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