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Hana sits in her seat at the dinner table, irritated and very standoffish. She doesn't talk like she normally does when her father brings guests to the house for a meal and doesn't bother to go much into depth when her father asks her questions. Mark tries to get her to talk, asking small talk questions and prompts, but Hana won't have any of it. She is fuming inside, raging about the idea of Mark being her husband. It makes her sick.

"Your father says you're studying business?" Mark tries.


"Do you like it?"

"It's fine."

"He says your university is very prestigious."

"Yeah, it is."

"And that you're supposed to take over the family business when you graduate?" He asks, sounding impressed.

"That's the plan."

"Hana," her father speaks harshly. "Why are you refusing Mark, this is unlike you."

"He's just not my type," she responds harshly. Mark cringes slightly at her cold words, but hides it.

Her father scoffs at her response. "It's an arranged marriage, so it doesn't particularly matter, now does it?"

With that, Hana jumps up and shoves out her chair than leaves the dining room for her bedroom instead. Her father shouts after her angrily but she ignores him as she leaves hastily. Since when did her opinion become nullinvoid? Since when did her own emotions not matter to her father? She's always been treated like his little princess since she was young, given everything she wanted and spoken to and respected, including her opinions. So why does he get to make one of the biggest decisions of a person's life for her? It appalls her to even think about.

Hana slams her door and collapses on her bed, near tears. She grabs her phone and hammers the call button for Taehyung as they start to fall. He picks up almost instantly, just as they begin to stream.

"Hana?" She sobs instead of responding. "Why are you crying?" His tone is urgent and scared. What could make is darling cry, make her break down and have to call him? Did someone hurt her? Did something bad happen to her family?

"My father..." She chokes out slowly. "He set up...He set up and arranged marriage..."

Taehyung sucks in a deep and sharp breath at the news. He shakes his head on his end, in disbelief of what she's telling him. "No...NO!" He shouts.

Hana cringes at his angry voice. "I'm so sorry Taehyung."

"It's not your fault," he assures her, knowing she must feel the brunt of the guilt that comes with the news. "Don't cry," he adds a moment later. "Did he say why?"

"Probably for work..." Hana wipes her face, smearing her already dripping and smudged makeup.

Taehyung shakes his head, angered even more by this. "That's not fair. That's just not fair. Is there any way out of this? A bargain, a deal, a treaty or a trade? Anything?" Taehyung's voice is desperate, feeling the world he's built slip away from him by the second. Not just the world, his world, his Hana.

"No, not with my father...He's not the one to change his mind once it's set...Taehyung I'm so sorry..."

He tries to hold in his rage, but in order to do that, he has to do a hard thing. He hangs up the call after whispering, "It's okay..."

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