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For a while, Hana's schedule goes as follows. She wakes up and goes to her classes, studies on the campus for a while, before going home to do some individual work, eat usually at some point, and then she goes out to see the guys. They've met up at ice cream shops, little pastry shops, coffee houses, lounges and parks. A few times she reminds herself that she has other friends and explains to the guys and they totally get it. But whenever Hana's away from Taehyung for more than a couple days, she gets a little sad. She finds herself texting him a lot more when that happens, about even little dumb things, just to get him to respond. She tells him about someone she saw in the hall with nice hair that day or maybe someone who said something funny in class.

It's been a few days since she last met up with the guys to hang out, mostly because of a hard exam coming up and she's been stressed. Hana collapses on her bed after a long evening of studying and feels her brain starting to melt. Usually Taehyung is her lovely savior in stopping that so she shoots him a text.

My brain is almost goo help

He responds quickly.

NOooooonnnoOOOOOOOO HANA!!!!

Save me

*calls emergency line and rushes to you* I am here Hana

*laughs* dying isn't good for your health

So I've heard! *holds hand* I'll be here with you and hopefully save you. Idk how to do that though...

Their playful roleplay goes on for a lot longer than expected and Hana and Taehyung both admit to themselves, it's really cute and fun. They keep dragging it out, Hana pretending to die and then Taehyung summoming all his strength to give her a massage so her brain stops melting. They hug and just act downright like besties, pretending to dance around and be weird. This side of Taehyung fits him so well, Hana decides, being goofy and just a fun guy. It comes naturally, his texts fluid and going with the theme. He also responds quickly and leaves very little breaks.

Hana almost forgets to eat dinner, she's too distracted by the conversation. She decides to just eat some instant ramen which she brings to her room to eat while her phone charges. Taehyung asks if she's eating since she paused to get the food.

Yes I am (:

What is dinner???

Instant ramen

At least you're eating, that makes me happy to hear!

You're too cute Tae

Tae?! I have a NiCKnaME?!?!

Yes you do (:

OH MY GOD *squeals*

On his end, Taehyung actually smiles widely at the idea of Hana caring enough to give him a cute nickname. It makes a small swarm of butterflies go wild in his tummy. He tries to shake it but they refuse to settle. Every time her name pops up on his phone, they flutter harder and faster. Hana suggests that Taehyung eats too so she doesn't have to worry and he says he is. It isn't a lie, he's having dinner too, so they continue to text while they eat and go about their evenings. The sun sets outside their windows and they change into their pajamas but the conversation refuses to cease. They've gone through fistfuls of topics and ideas but just when you'd think they'd call it a night, something happens that triggers a whirlwind of stories and jokes.

Finally though, Hana is lying in bed, but has no intention of sleeping yet. It's getting late and she always likes late night conversations. She personally believes they bring out the best part of people.

You know, it's been studied that people tend to talk and become more honest when talking late at night...

It's like Taehyung can read her mind...

I was just thinking about that o_O

That's too funny haha

Hana smiles, debating what to say when Taehyung sends her a double texts.

Can I ask you something?

Sure...What is it?

Do you really like school?

Yeah, why do you ask?

Just because whenever you talk about it, you seem to be a bit dull about it. I always figure that if you're studying something, or at a special school, it should make you happy to be there and you should be enveloped into it. Excited about whatever it is, but Hana...I never see that in you. But you love when I talk about my school and all of what I do...So...Are you happy where you are?

That wasn't what she was expecting. He really does care so much, and he wants her to be happy it seems. It's so odd, coming from someone she just met recently, but she can't help but feel flattered and special to him.

Well, to be honest...I don't really like studying business. But it's what I have to study, it's my families thing. It sucks and makes me sad because I never really got a choice to decide it was just decided for me. Ever since I was a kid too. I kind of hate it actually...But I'd never admit that to anyone in my home.



You should try out for our school. Secretly.

Are you serious?


What would I do if I did get accepted? I can't pay for it on my own, my father pays for my education.

He does?

Yes. Mostly because I'm studying at a fine school and it's what he wants me to study.

Find a way to transfer the funds. I'm sure there's a way, if you were to talk to the admins at both places.

You really want me there...don't you?


He answered almost immediately.


Yes. Because I like you and I want you to be happy too. You deserve to live your dream like anyone else in the world.

Hana blushes at Taehyung's words. He really does care and really is such a sweet boy.

You are too kind to me Taehyung.

Can I ask you a question?

Of course (:

Will you be my girlfriend? I want to be able to support you and be yours...

Hana types her response, speechless and filled with adoration and warmth.

Yes! Yes, Taehyung, please!

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