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Hana arrives home and sets everything down in the entry way of her and Marks' large home. It's modern and elegant and open and bright light pours into every room. Mark is in the living room, checking emails on his computer when she comes in.

"I'm home..." She says.

"Let's go to the bedroom," he says. They silently walk up and then shut the door and sit on the bed. "I know I wasn't your first choice, Hana. But you've done so well accepting me into your life over time and I must admit, I've fallen for you..."

It hurts Hana to hear Mark talk like that, because she's come to love a part of him. The part that is kind and understanding and considerate and friendly and approachable.

"But I understand that I'm not Kim Taehyung. I don't exactly know what kind of bond you share with him, you won't tell me much, but I understand that. You never planned on an arranged marriage and when I came into your life I rocked the boat so to speak. And I know that you still love Taehyung and that much is clear when you were in the room today with him. It hurt, but I could tell you two share something that I don't understand. But it's strong...And I guess, what I want to ask you is, did you ever love me, or is there any chance that you will?"

Hana feels guilt bubble up but she respects Mark too much to lie. "I never really loved you the way you love me Mark...I only married you because I didn't really have a choice, but I think you're smart enough to figure that out."

Mark nods. "It hurts to hear that, but I didn't really expect anything else. I think you're amazing Hana, I really do. Everything you stand for and like and enjoy and talk about makes me happy and I have loved being a part of your world for this time. But I'm an adult and know that if you're happy, I'll be happy. And it's more clear to me, now more than ever, that you're not happy in this marriage. And so, what I propose is a peaceful divorce."

Hana almost drops her jaw at Mark's proposition. "Mark..."

"You deserve to be with the man who you love the most in the world and if you can do that for yourself, I will be happy in life. Maybe my person is out there and after this, we'll meet and I can be as happy as you are."

"You're...you're serious about this?"

"Yes, I am," Mark nods. Hana can't help but hug Mark in that moment. He's just given her what she's secretly been praying for since she and him walked down the aisle. She calls Taehyung and he picks up on the first ring.

"Hello? Hana?"

"Meet me at Han River," she speaks urgently.

"What? Why?"

"I'm getting a divorce," she says.

"What?" He asks, almost in disbelief.

"Meet me at the Han River, Taehyung! I'm getting a divorce," she says again and hurries to see the love of her life.

They both arrive and find each other. Taehyung waves and Hana smiles widely when their eyes connect from across the way. Hana breaks out into a sprint and jumps into Taehyung's arms and he swings her around many times before pausing and setting her down gently on the ground. Instinctively, he plants his lips on her and all those years of living through memories and heart ache vanish because now he no longer needs to live off those. He has the real thing.

"Be mine again," he says, pulling away.

"That won't be a problem with you being an idol now?"

"No, not by a long shot," Taehyung shakes his head, shaky because of all the emotions rushing through him.

"Then yes," Hana nods feverishly. "Yes. One hundred percent yes." She reaches up and touches his face and kisses him and holds him close to her, refusing to let him go again.

"I missed you so much," Taehyung whispers.

"Me too..." Hana whispers back. Taehyung kisses her again and again, gently and soft. His lips against hers are perfect and made for her. He pets her hair and rubs her back, holding her close in an embrace. Hana inhales his scent that she once belived she'd never experience again. It's the same, and it brings back rushes of memories. Taehyung kisses her cheeks and face and everything.

"You are meant to be mine." 

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