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"Father," Hana starts to ask the next day at breakfast. He looks up from his paper and raises an eyebrow.


"I'd like to go to one of my friends houses for the night. Is that okay?"

"I suppose that's fine, but keep me updated," he nods. She thanks him and tries to contain the excitement because quite obviously she's lying to him. She goes to class and tries to stay focused for the whole day, but struggles. She can't seem to find the right train of thought when she studies and can't for the life of her tunnel her ideas for her report but she simply doesn't care. She gets very little done, but the only thing Hana really cares about is tonight.

With Taehyung and only him, together for one night and one night only. But she knows, deep down, it will be the best night of her life, regardless of what happens. When she gets home, she hurries to her room quickly and quietly, to avoid being asked where she's going specifically, and packs a bag. She gets pajamas and changes into more lax clothes that make it look like she's going to Boa or Nayeon's. She wears a sweatshirt like sweater and jeans. She ties her hair up in a bun and packs comfy things for the next day along with toiletries she might need. She then checks her phone and pulls up the train schedule and bus schedule that will take her to Taehyung's place. She leaves with her phone in hand and without a goodbye to her father. She hurries back to the station and jumps on the right train and then the correct bus and before she knows it, she's at his home.

She knocks on the door and he opens it rather quickly. His smile is soft and passionate, as far as smiles go. She is pulled inside and wrapped in his long arms. She inhales and smells a clean and fresh scent that masks him. It's calming and suits him. She looks up into his entrancing eyes and he gets lost in hers.

"I'm so glad you're here. Would you like a tour?" He asks, now bowing grandly. "It's no lavish mansion, but it's a nice place for me."

Hana looks around at the entrance and sees it's pretty clean of shoes. "Tae, do you live alone?"

He nods, "My family is from Daegu and so when I got accepted to my school, we found a way for me to just come here and they pay for the apartment. The guys actually crash here a lot, but otherwise we're alone."

Hana smiles at the idea of being alone with Taehyung. "You're lucky."

"Of course," he smiles, looking down at her, "I'm with you and it's just us."

She blushes and turns her face a bit, but Taehyung turns it back to him and kisses her gently. "Would you like to eat? We can make something, or I can or..."

"Cooking together sounds romantic Tae, let's make something together," Hana says happily. He takes her hand in his and guides her to the kitchen where he shows her what he's got in the cupboards and fridge. It's pretty well stocked, but since it's just him, she's not surprised there's a lot of random items. They decide to make some meat and sides and a bit of broth and sauce to dip the food in. It's a simple meal but Hana and him have a lot of fun cooking. Hana watches the meat, making sure it all gets cooked right while Taehyung cuts up some veggies to eat with it and puts it on the table. When he's done, she's still busy so to busy himself, he comes up behind her and snakes his hands and arms around her waist and rests his chin on her shoulder and watches her work. He kisses her cheek and guides her hand, moving the food around. Hana blushes at his cute moves and sweet gestures, blessed to be with him. When they eat, they sit across from each other and have a fun conversation, as if there's nothing wrong in the world .They laugh and tease and feed each other bites of dinner. Of course, they make a mess, dropping pieces from in between their chopsticks, but who cares, not them.

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