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As week's progress and more meetings occur, it's clear that Hana and Taehyung enjoy seeing each other again. They laugh and make each other laugh as well. Friendship comes easily for the two of them and they feel genuine happiness around each other. They look forward to meetings and work, no matter how tedious. But it's hard to ignore, the feelings that inevitable bubble up when around a past lover. Taehyung catches himself subtly flirting with Hana. He has to remind himself that she's married and he needs to be professional. If an idol and a businesswomen were to carry out an affair, it could destroy the both of them.

Hana frequently catches herself daydreaming about Taehyung, even when at home. She has to tunnel her focus a lot and ignore any thoughts of him in her life again. Their relationship now if friendly business partners. He's and idol and she's married, it would never work. Plus, there's Mark and he's sure to be destroyed if she did anything .While he may not be the number one love of her life, she has grown to care a great deal for him and couldn't imagine hurting him.

One day, after a meeting during a social hour like time, there's a knock on the meeting room door. Hana instructs someone to get it so one of BTS's managers opens it. Mark is on the other side and waves at Hana.

"Hello," he smiles.

"Hi Mark," Hana smiles back, waving him over. He crosses the room and greets her with a kiss on the cheek. Luckily, she wasn't talking to Taehyung but he can see this happening from across the room. It makes his heart feel like it's being ripped out by a voodoo curse and toyed with using needles and razors and broken glass.

"Is this the new spokes group you were telling me about?" he asks.

"Yes, meet BTS," Hana gestures. They all bow and greet Mark who smiles and bows back.

"Great to meet you, I appreciate your work as idols. You're all very talented and your story of being a group since school is quite admirable."

"Thank you," all seven voices ring.

"What are your names? I'd like to know..." Mark asks, casually.

"Kim Seokjin."

"Min Yoongi."

"Jung Hoseok."

"Kim Namjoon."

"Park Jimin."

"Kim Taehyung," is spoken softly.

"Jeon Jungkook."

Mark thinks back for a split second. "Kim Taehyung...that name is familiar..." He says, and Hana hears and her only. She inhales sharply but Mark turns to her with a smile.

"It's a pleasure to meet you all, again, thank you. I need to talk with my wife alright?" Mark says, casually. No one notices any hiccup but Hana does as she follows Mark out. They go down the hall and Hana begins to become worried. Will Mark be mad that she's working with her ex boyfriend? The one that cause so much trouble five years ago? Will he accuse her of cheating, hiring them just so she can see him frequently?

"That's the one you loved...Kim Taehyung, isn't it?" He asks.

"Yes," Hana nods, lowering her head.

"You still love him, don't you?" Mark says slowly. He looks down, understanding of her situation. He isn't mad or anything, which is surprising.

"No," Hana tries to pass off but Mark shakes his head and laughs.

"Hana, I won't be mad if you say yes. You do still love him."

She looks down, "Yeah..."

He nods and weakly smiles. "Let's talk tonight when you get home, okay?" 

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