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Father Jason prayed, kneeling at the second pew before the Sacred Heart, when Alex walked into the church. She approached him in no hurry, to give him time to finish. The priest crossed himself and stood up, turning to her with her usual warm smile.

"Alex, thanks for coming," he said, motioning for her to sit on the pew with him. She did and he anticipated her questions. "I wanted to talk to you about our conversation over pasta the other day. I didn't like it, having no answer to your questions."

"Oh, it's okay, Father. It was a long shot anyway. You don't have to know it all."

"Yes, there's a humbling lesson in there for me, right? However, you left me wondering, because what you told me seemed so related to religion, there had to be some reference somewhere. So I did my homework. I still don't have answers for you, but I've found somebody who may." Father Jason smiled at Alex's surprise. "It's a priest. Father Thames is currently stationed in Seattle, and he's an scholar on demonology."

"Wait. Thames as in Gregory Thames?"

"Yes. Do you know him?" asked Father Jason, surprised.

"No, Grandpa did. His letter mentioned one Gregory Thames in relation to channeling, but omitted that he was a priest. So I assumed he was another hunter Grandpa's age-and presumably six feet under as well."

Father Jason smiled again. "Well, he's actually younger than me and he's alive and kicking. What's more: he's more than willing to speak with you."

Alex stiffened. "You... You told'im about me?"

"Not exactly, don't worry. I only told him that
one of my parishioners needed information about this particular subject."

"So now he's expecting me in Seattle."

"No, Alex. I know what memories going to Seattle brings you. I'd never ask you to do it. Father Thames will be waiting for our call, to come over and meet you here in town."

Alex realized she wasn't the least bit excited about meeting this man. It had to do with learning about channeling as Old Bootter understood it. She'd taken the Reiki initiation a couple of days ago, and it turned out to be staying still in her chair while the old woman chanted around her. She hadn't perceived anything different after it-save a good flannel still stinking of incense after two long rounds in the washing machine.

Father Jason noticed her hesitation. "What is it, child?" he asked gently.

She shook her head. This channeling thing was so important to make a scholar drop his books and hit the road? "Nothing-I don't know. He's willing to come all the way here only to meet me?"


It was good to know she didn't need to hide her doubts from him. "Would you be there when I meet with him?"

"Of course, if you want me to."

"Yes, I do-ouch, not the right thing to say to a priest."

"Not without your fiancé by your side."

They chuckled together.

"You're not sure about meeting him?" asked Father Jason.

Alex shrugged.

"You're afraid that talking to him would mean an affiliation of sorts." The priest patted her hand. "Don't worry, that won't happen."

They both knew those words bound him to keep it from happening.

"You sure, Father?"

Father Jason pretended to consider her question and raised his eyebrows. "Look at it this way: how bad can you look in a nun robe?"

Alex laughed out loud, startling good old Mrs. Clapper at the last pew.

"Okay, Father. Call your scholar. I'll be back in town by Monday morning, willing to meet whenever he wants. Here. With you."

Father Jason only nodded, still fighting back his own laughter. Alex phone buzzed and she checked it.

"Shit!" she muttered.

"Something wrong to speak like that here?" he asked, taking offense.

"Sort of. I was supposed to swing by Pete's workshop twenty minutes ago."

"That's wrong indeed. You should go, child."

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